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Python package for creating and processing earthquake time histories, response spectra and power spectra


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Qtools is a Python package developed specifically for numerical analysis in the context of earthquake engineering. It contains classes and functions for computation, processing and plotting of time histories, response spectra and power spectra. Qtools defines six new classes, qtools.ResponseSpectrum, qtools.EnergySpectrum, qtools.TimeHistory, qtools.TimeHistorySet, qtools.PowerSpectrum and qtools.FourierSpectrum, and several new functions.

Getting Started

Place the Qtools package (i.e. the folder named "qtools") in your PYTHONPATH. Then import Qtools:

>>>import qtools as qt

Note: In the examples given within the documentation, Qtools is always imported as qt, and NumPy is always imported as np.


Qtools relies on the following packages in addition to standard packages such as math, copy and itertools (for recommended version numbers, see requirements.txt):

  • Matplotlib
  • Numba
  • NumPy
  • PyRVT (optional)
  • SciPy


For the lastest documentation go to Qtools on Read the Docs.

The source of this documentation is available in the ./docs folder. The source files have to be compiled with Sphinx for HMTL / PDF viewing. The current documentation has been compiled with Sphinx version 4.0.2.

Version numbering

Versions are numbered using two digits separated by a full stop: m.n. All versions with the same m number should be backwards compatible and give the same results. Versions with higher n number are those with minor additions, clarifications, efficiency improvements, etc. The version number is available as qt.__version__.


Version 3.2 (May 2024)

  • Corrected an attribute error in qt.calcrs_cmp which caused the function to terminate.
  • Added a line specifying the parameters dt, dt_fixed and fNyq in qt.calcth. This line was missing in previous versions.
  • Added the argument fmt to qt.loadth.
  • Minor updates to the documentation.
  • Added the argument fig_size to qt.plotrs.
  • Changed the default units for plotting in qt.plotrs to cm/s for spectral acceleration and mm for spectral displacement.
  • Implemented multiplication method (__mul__()) for class TimeHistory.
  • Corrected a minor error in qt.harmonic, which gave incorrect time step.

Version 3.1 (November 2022)

  • Minor improvements to the docstrings for the qt.direct_s2s module, the qt.directS2S function and the qt.loadrs function.
  • Corrected legacy code in package qt.ds2smods (the qt.config.vprint function is no longer supported).
  • The argument mdlist supplied to function qt.directS2S can now be a list of lists or a list of tuples.
  • Small correction in qt.ds2mods.jiang_15.AR function.
  • New function qt.band_limited added.
  • Due to recent developments in Numba, arguments supplied to Numba-compiled functions should be immutable objects. The docstring for qt.response_spectrum._solode was updated to reflect this.
  • Added reference to docstring for qt.response_spectrum._solode.
  • Added transparent option to the qt.plotrs function.

Version 3.0 (August 2021)

  • New function qt.Kanai_Tajimi added.
  • New module named qt.random_vibration added. This module contains classes and functions for conversion of response spectra to power spectra and vice versa. The two main gateway functions are qt.convert2ps, which converts a response spectrum into a compatible power spectrum, and qt.convert2rs, which performs the opposite conversion.
  • The speed of the Python implementation of the 'solode' solver used in qt.calcrs and qt.calcei was significantly improved through Numba compilation and other minor optimisations. Tests indicated that the Numba code was at least three times faster than the Fortran code used in previous versions (maybe because the Fortran code had not been fully optimised and maybe because the Numba code used parallelization, which the Fortran code didn't). In light of those speed gains, and because maintaining the Fortran code is more demanding on my time, I decided to discontinue the Fortran code.

Version 2.2 (March 2021)

  • Improvements were made to the numerical stability of the function qt._intersection, which in turn serves qt.envelope and qt.peakbroad. In previous versions, response spectra with nearly parallel line segments or line segments intersecting close to one of the existing frequency points could cause numerical instability in the function.
  • Minor improvements to qt.plotrs.

Version 2.1 (March 2021)

  • Multiple updates to the two plotting functions qt.plotrs and qt.plotps providing greater user control over appearance and style.
  • A power spectrum is now defined purely as a one-sided smoothed function of frequency. In principle, this constitutes a major version update. However, it is surmised that the older implementation (in which a power spectrum was principally defined as a double-sided smoothed or unsmoothed function) was not used; therefore, this change is included in a minor version update.
  • New methods qt.PowerSpectrum.moment and qt.PowerSpectrum.moments for computation of spectral moments.

Version 2.0 (February 2021)

  • The module qt.disrs was replaced by a new module named qt.direct_s2s. This now provides all functions required to compute in-structure response spectra using direct spectrum-to-spectrum methods. The interface with qt.direct_s2s is now through a single function qt.directS2S.
  • The original direct spectrum-to-spectrum method contained in qt.disrs (Jiang et al. (2015)) was re-written, and the speed of the implementation was improved.
  • A new method (Der Kiureghian (1981)) was added to qt.direct_s2s. For full references see the documentation.
  • There is still a stand-alone documentation for qt.direct_s2s, which is under development. However, a working documentation has also been added to the main Qtools documentation.
  • In qt.plotps, grids are now added to all plots.

Version 1.2 (January 2021)

  • Docstring for class qt.TimeHistorySet written.
  • Added arguments label and fmt to functions qt.meanrs and qt.loadrs.

Version 1.1 (January 2021)

  • Error corrected in function qt.plotps (function updated to accommodate new definition of unit attribute introduced in version 1.0).
  • Function qt.calcps now determines the unit of the power spectrum.
  • Function qt.envelope now takes as its first argument a list containing any number of response spectra (qt.envelope(rslist)). The old call signature (qt.envelope(rs1,rs2)) will still work; however, this signature is deprecated and will become obsolete in version 2.0.
  • The option argument is no longer used for anything in qt.envelope.
  • New argument mutate added to qt.ResponseSpectrum.interp.
  • New function qt.meanrs added.

Version 1.0 (November 2020)

  • Error corrected in function qt.calcrs (affected cases for which the maximum frequency fmax was greater than the Nyquist frequency of the input time history th.fNyq).
  • Function qt.interpft added for interpolation of time histories.
  • Attribute ei (meant to contain input energy) removed from qt.ResponseSpectrum. As a replacement, a new class qt.EnergySpectrum is introduced.
  • Fourier amplitudes removed from class qt.PowerSpectrum.
  • New class qt.FourierSpectrum with accompanying creator function qt.calcfs.
  • Parameter color added to qt.ResponseSpectrum.setLineFormat.
  • Minor change to the criterion for removal of duplicate frequencies in qt.ResponseSpectrum.interp.
  • Added class method qt.TimeHistory.differentiate.
  • In qt.loadth, the Nyquist frequency is now rounded to two digits from the decimal point. This was done as a pragmatic way to deal with situations where th.fNyq was nearly, but not quite equal to a whole number due to finite precision in input data.
  • New argument truncate added to function qt.peakbroad.
  • New function qt.calcrs_cmp added.
  • New function qt.dmpinterp added.
  • New class qt.TimeHistorySet added.

Version 0.2 (June 2020)

First fully documented version.


Andreas H. Nielsen
Principal Engineer, Atkins


Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Andreas H. Nielsen

The Qtools package is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.

Qtools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Qtools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Qtools (in the file LICENSE.txt). If not, see


Python package for creating and processing earthquake time histories, response spectra and power spectra







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