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Maxim Yurkin edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 6 revisions

All places in the code, where something should be added, are commented. These comments start with TO ADD NEW ITERATIVE SOLVER and contain detailed description; the text below is less detailed. Added code should be analogous to iterative solvers already present. The procedure is the following:

  • Add new iterative-solver descriptor in the file const.h. Starting descriptor name with IT_ is recommended, as well as adding a descriptive comment.
  • Add information about the new iterative solver in the file param.c.
    • Add a short name of the iterative solver, to be used in the command line, to the list inside {...} on the line starting with PAR(iter) in the constant array options.
    • Add one line to the else-if sequence in the function PARSE_FUNC(iter).
    • If the iterative solver requires computation of product of Hermitian transpose of the matrix with vector, then update the exception for MPI mode in function VariablesInterconnect accordingly.
    • If the iterative solver requires computation of the norm of the matrix-vector product together with the product itself (during the call to MatVec function), then update the assignment of ipr_required in function VariablesInterconnect accordingly.
    • Add a case to the relevant switch in the function PrintInfo.
  • Main part of the code should be added to iterative.c.
    • Add a function prototype ITER_FUNC(_name_); to the existing list of prototypes. ITER_FUNC(…) is a macro for conciseness.
    • Add an element to the structure params consisting of:
      • descriptor specified in const.h (see above),
      • maximum allowed number of iterations without the residual decrease,
      • numbers of additional scalars and vectors required to describe the state of the iterative solver (see comments in the code),
      • name of a function, implementing the method (denoted by _name_ above).
    • Implement the function among the list of functions definitions for existing iterative solvers. For operations on complex numbers you are advised to use functions from cmplx.h, for switching vectors - function SwapPointers, for linear algebra - functions from linalg.c, for multiplication of vector with matrix of the linear system - function MatVec from matvec.c. A short template for the function is the following:
      // Short comment, providing full name of the iterative solver
      // It is recommended to define all nontrivial constants here
      #define EPS1 1E-30
        // all internal variables should be defined here as static, since the function will be called many times
        static double xxx;
        // The function accepts a single argument 'ph' describing a current phase to execute
        switch (ph) {
          case PHASE_VARS:
            // Here variables are linked to structure arrays 'scalars' and 'vectors'. For example:
            // Also, if auxiliary vectors vec1,... are used, their names may be changed
          case PHASE_INIT:
            // Initialization of the iterative solver
          case PHASE_ITER:
            // Performs a general iteration. As a result, current residual should be calculated
            // an example for checking of convergence failure (optional)
            if (xxx<EPS1) LogError(ONE_POS,"_name_ fails: xxx is too small ("GFORM_DEBUG").",xxx);
        LogError(ONE_POS,"Unknown phase (%d) of the iterative solver",(int)ph);
      #undef EPS1
    • If the new iterative solver uses extra vectors (like vec1, etc.) you should change the code in calculator.c
      • Update the code for allocation of vec1, etc. in the function AllocateEverything.
      • Analogously update the code for freeing those vectors in the function FreeEverything.

Please refer to section Iterative Solvers of the manual for general overview of how the iterative solvers operate inside ADDA.

If you add a new iterative solver to ADDA according to the described procedure, please consider contributing your code to be incorporated in future releases.

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