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Robot Common-Sense Embedding (RoboCSE)

Code repository of RoboCSE. See here to use an interactive tool the visualizes the household domain knowledge and pre-trained embeddings.


  1. This repo has been tested for a system running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, PyTorch (1.2.0), and hardware CPU or Nvidia GPU (GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or better).
  2. For GPU functionality Nvidia drivers, CUDA, and cuDNN are required.


All dependencies are installed to a virtual environment using virtualenv to protect your system's current configuration. Install the virtual environment and dependencies by running ./ in terminal. This script should only be executed ONCE for the life of the repo.

Source the environment

You must source your environment each time it is deactivated. This is done via source ./ You environment is sourced when (py36_venv) appears as the first part of the terminal prompt. You can unsource via deactivate.

Check install

After sourcing the environment, run python. Python version 3.6 should run. Next, check if import torch works. Next, for GPU usage check if torch.cuda.is_available() is True. If all these checks passed, the installation should be working.

Repo Conents

This repo contains the household domain knowledge used as input data, code to learn knowledge graph embeddings, and pre-trained models developed for the RoboCSE project.

  • Graph-embedding Models: TrasnE & Analogy
  • Datasets: The THOR dataset was scraped from the simulator AI2Thor.
  • Evaluation Conventions: Follow precedents & assumptions from knowledge graph embedding community.

Explore the Input Data (Knowledge Graph)

Use the web visualization hosted here to explore the dataset. Visualizations are in the Explore tab.

Train Models on the Knowledge Graph

The following scripts run the experiments presented in the submission. The final results of the scripts are CSV files containing the metrics from the evaluations (total runtime < 10 minutes on GPU).

  1. Train the models by running ./experiments/scripts/
  2. Test the models by running ./experiments/scripts/
  • After beginning a training program, you can check the progress of your training session by starting tensorboard in another terminal via tensorboard --logdir=logger. Remember to source the environment. As training progresses and the model achieves new best performance levels, model checkpooints are saved to ./models/checkpoints.

Hyper-paramter Tuning and Pre-trained Models:

We use Adagrad SGD to train the knowledge graph embeddings (TransE and Analogy). We tune all the hyper-parameters of knowledge graph embeddings simultaneously using grid search with the original knowledge graph (AI2Thor). For Analogy, we tune the learning rate {0.1,0.01,0.001}, negative sampling ratio {1,25,50,100}, and embedding hidden size dimensions (d_E/d_R) {25,50,100,200}. For TransE we also tune the hyper-parameter margin (gammea) {2,4,8}. The hyper-parameter settings and performance on the original knowledge graphs are shown below. Pre-treained models with the preivously mentioned hyper-parameters and performance metrics below are provided in pre-trained folder of models.

Dataset Model Embedding Hidden Dim Negative Sampling Ratio Learning Rate Margin MRR% Hits@10%
AI2Thor Transe 25 1 0.1 2.0 ~58 ~81
AI2Thor Analogy 100 50 0.1 - ~64 ~86


Home of the Robot Common Sense Embedding







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