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sig-pow - work-locked outputs

proof of work via ecdsa signature length

Live Demo
  • A demo of the work-a-lot-tery concept available here.
  • It is very much a work in progress. Do not use real funds.

Why? We need reckless, but safe experimentation with bitcoin

Work-locks might allow for "reckless, but safe" experimentation on mainchian bitcoin. It would be reckless because it is real money at stake, but safe because it does not place any real additional burden on bitcoin nodes. If some valuable semantics are utilized/discovered within a protocol which is being used by participants to unlock a "work-locked" output, then such semantics might be considered a candidate for inclusion into bitcoin itself.


An interesting way to encode and verify proof of work directly within bitcoin script (with no new opcodes needed) is via signature length. The idea is originally from Robin Linus here.

Basically, ECDSA signatures in bitcoin, are typically 70-73 bytes in length. However, it is possible to generate shorter signatures -- it just might take a lot of work!

A UTXO locked with a script of the following form needs a signature of length 61 bytes or less to be spent.


Such a UTXO will remain unspendable until an amount of hashpower a few orders of magnitude larger than the current bitcoin network is directed towards solving it (or until the ecdsa signature algorithm itself is broken). An outline of why this is so is covered later in this document.

Finding ecdsa signatures smaller than 70 bytes becomes exponentially more difficult.1 We can exploit this fact as a means to encode proof of work in a manner which is verifiable by the bitcoin network.2

This concept, while perhaps tedious and convoluted to express in current bitcoin script, can be used on mainnet today. No protocol upgrades needed! Unfortunately it is not usable with tapscript/schnorr, as all valid schnorr signatures in bitcoin are the same length. Nevertheless, what we try to put together here is a demonstration of the concept.

If it has any utility, then perhaps some dedicated op_codes can be created for creating/verifying work-locks in a more streamlined way. Afterall, proof-of-work, is an effective filtering mechanism. Work-locks, even in this inefficient signature-length encoding, are easy for bitcoin nodes to verify relative to the work that went into unlocking them.

Example: A work-a-lot-tery!

(note: this is the example use-case that the code in this repository actually attempts to do -- it is still very much under construction).

Working to unlock a work-locked output is somewhat like traditional bitcoin mining, but possibly better! One way to structure a work-lock is to create a lottery-like mechanism.3 We call this a work-a-lot-tery. With a properly calibrated work-a-lot-tery,even a little bit of mining will produce a valid spending transaction (a ticket in this lottery).

The ticket is a valid transaction in every way except that the nLocktime might prevent it from being broadcast and included in a block for, say, another 200 years! The exact amount of time depends on the parameters of the work-lock, but it is possible to create work-locks which are short (easy) or nearly impossible (long, taking centuries, if ever, to unlock).

More work will produce tickets with a sooner nLocktime.

In essence, this is provably fair proof of future proof of work (PoFpOW?).

Ugly Demo

  • There is a very ugly, but working demo of the work-a-lot-tery concept available here.
  • Demo is very much a work in progress. Do not use real funds.

(Signet) Example Spending a Work-lock

The first output (index 0) of this transaction on signet funds a naive work-lock which requires 4 signatures to each be less than or equal 73 bytes. All such bitcoin signatures meet this criteria, so it was a trivial work-lock to "solve," but you can get an idea of how it works by inspecting the spending transaction.


  1. Alice creates N private keys (priv_key_i for i in 0..N), and makes them available to Bob (or the whole world).
  2. These keys can be derived from a seed string of her choosing. If the seed string includes information about a point in time (such as a recent bitcoin block header), then we can have confidence that even Alice, the creator and/or funder of the worklock, will have no real advantage over any other participants.
  3. For each key, Alice assigns a maximum acceptable signature length (in bytes) max_sig_length_i.
  4. Alice can use the signature lengths to construct an N bit number, in base 2, as follows:
  5. If the length of the signature for key i is less than or equal to the max_sig_length_i, then set bit i equal to zero. Otherwise set bit i equal to 1.
  6. By choosing N appropriately, a set of signatures can express a number between 0..2^(N-1).
  7. By choosing max_sig_length_i appropriately (with the help of the probability distribution for ecdsa signature lengths, and some other number crunching), some of these numbers will be "more difficult" to actually express than others.
  8. Building up such a number inside a bitcoin script and using it as, say, the input for an OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY calculation, is interesting.
  9. Calibrated appropriately, more work will unlock the output sooner.

Work-a-lot-tery Economics - a first pass

Disclaimer: There are some errors in the below economic analysis.

The underlying concept of a work-lock is still very valid. The following musings of the author simply may not work as well as intended. Nevertheless, they are left here as inspiration for anyone else who may find work-locks interesting.

The work-lock used above is completely "trustless" and "decentralized" in the sense that, once the work-lock has been funded and the parameters for it chosen, such as the private keys used to mine, the redeem script, etc, then there need not be any central coordinating entity involved. The parameters can be posted to a mailing list, put in a github issue, or really placed anywhere that is reasonably publicly accessible.

However, this leaves open the question of whether there is any economic motivation for somebody to fund a work-a-lot-tery work-lock. If Alice funds it, she too is bound to perform the necessary work if she ever wants to have access to those coins again. If she is funding the work-lock for some benevolent reason, she may be ok accepting that she is essentially donating her coins to serve as the prize for the work-a-lot-tery.

Is there a way we can give Alice at least a chance of earning a return on her work-locked sats? Here is one possible way:

Alice can augment the work-a-lot-tery work-lock to require an additional signature (hers). Only spending transactions (tickets) with her signature will be valid. One may object that this gives Alice the ability to "censor" who is allowed to participate in the work-a-lot-tery. Technically, this is true, but practically speaking it is likely a non-issue. Here is why:

  1. Any rational would-be participant (e.g. a prospective miner named Bob), will request that Alice sign his spending transaction before he performs any real work trying to find the necessary short signatures.
  2. Alice wants to collect revenue by selling tickets. She can collect payment for the tickets in any manner she likes such as via the lightning network.
  3. If Alice refuses to sign a spending transaction, she is no longer maximizing her revenue.
  4. For Alice to justify such censoring on economic grounds it means that she thinks Bob's prospective spending transaction will be the one which "wins" the lottery, thereby preventing Alice from selling more tickets in the meantime.
  5. But she cannot know this in advance (due to the provably-fair nature of the work-lock), so she is better off trying to sell as many tickets as possible, including selling a ticket to Bob.

Now, determining how much to charge for the tickets is an entirely different question. Participants may not appreciate paying different amounts for their tickets. Yet, what if Alice somehow knows that Bob has access to more computational power than any other participants so far, should she try to charge Bob more for his ticket? Similarly, what if Charlie wants to buy a group of tickets? Should she give a bulk discount or charge more?

Answering these questions ultimatley is up to Alice and whatever the market (her prospective customers) agree on. Maybe a simple model will be the best model, such as a constant ticket price.

Nested Work-a-lot-teries?

Considering how Alice might price tickets, and how people might pay for them, actually presents a curious additional possibility: Alice could generate and pre-sign a spending transaction of her choosing whereby she (presumably) pays some of the work-a-lottery prize back to herself, and pays the remainder into a new work-a-lottery output.

In order to actually spend the new work-a-lottery prize, a prospective spender would still need to provide a valid solution (short enough signatures) to the original, in addition to providing a valid solution to the new. Thus, in actuality, the new lottery requires more work to unlock. However, in order to claim the new (smaller) lottery prize, the prospective miner does not need a signature from Alice, thereby eliminating any risk of Alice censoring.

Repeating this process over and over allows her to generate a somewhat arbitrary sequence of possible work-a-lotteries. Prospective miners can then choose where and if they want to enter the game depending on their risk tolerances and preferences.

Degenerate, Recursive Work-locks?

As if the above was not complicated enough, we may be able to consider something even more strange. Suppose Alice creates a work-lock which requires two signatures to spend: (1) a signature by the "work key" which must be of a specified maximum length, and (2) a signature by Alice herself.

Alice uses her key to sign a spending transaction which sends the funds back to the the same work-locked address from which they came. The private key for the "work key," is shared as public knowledge. The spending transaction is not broadcastable until the work requirement is met, but this can be done by anybody with the work key. In essence, with work alone, a complete stranger can cause Alice's utxo to spend its contents, yet those contents will end up right back where they started (work-locked by Alice).

Calibrating a Work-Lock

Work-locks as described here are somewhat convoluted in practice, considering the reasonably simple thing they are trying to achieve. This is mostly due to some limits in the expressiveness of bitcoin script. This is not intended to be construed as a complaint about bitcoin per se, as there are many good reasons why bitcoin script is less expressive than other languages. Rather, working within bitcoin script is simply a design constraint which we must satisfy when developing and calibrating a work-lock.

Quantifying the Work

A quick Proof of Work Refresher

The most common use of PoW in bitcoin is visible in the (double) sha256 hash of a block header. There are some parameters included in the blockheader which verifying nodes unpack and use to verify a block. However, in essence, what they are actually doing is simply taking y = sha256(sha256(block_header)), interpreting y (a 32-byte = 256-bit vector) as a 256-bit number. Of course, there are many ways 256 bits can be interpreted as a number. Bitcoin takes a simple appraoch and treats the bits of y in sequence bit_256,bit_255,bit_254,bit253,...bit3,bit2,bit1,bit0. Each bit in the sequence is raised to its respective power of two, and the results are summed together. If y is less then another 256-bit number t, commonly called the target, which is encoded in the blockheader, then the block has met the proof of work requirement. Nodes can then move on and start verifying the other information which the blockheader committed to, such as transactions.

Now, let us consider the above process in reverse. If we know t, and we are confident that the hash function h(x) = sha256(sh256(x)), is not "broken" and its outputs are (generally accpeted to be) uniformly distributed, then we can calculate the probability p_t that a chosen input x (the block header) will meet the proof of work requirement. This probability is p_t = t / (2^k - 1) where, for h = sha256, k = 256.

With p_t in hand, we can then calculate the expected number of trials it should take somebody to find such an x. Because the trials are considered to be independent, this is modeled by the Geometric Distribution. The expected expected number of trials needed is num_trials = 1 / p_t. For small p_t, num_trials can be a very large number, so sometimes log_2(num_trials) is used instead.

Here, instead of log2(num_trials) we like to instead calculate the Shannon entropy of the geometric distribution with parameter p_t and use this number as our definition of "work." Conveniently, the Shannon entropy gives a result in bits, and we can think about it, informally, as related to the logarithm of the "effective number of trials," which is not quite the same as "expected number of trials," but we will not dwell on that here.

More importantly, by using the entropy as our proxy for calculating "work," we can define a function w(p) = (-(1-p)*log2(1-p) - p*log2(p)) / p (which is just the Shannon entropy of the geometric distribution with parameter p) to calculate the the "effective amount of work" (in bits) it takes, to flip a bias coin with probability P(HEADS) = p and P(TAILS) = 1 - p, until a heads is achieved.

The double sha256 hash of a recent bitcoin block header has 76 zeroes as its most significant bits. Running the calculation here for that same block header gives, conveniently, a p which corresponds to a w(p) = 76 bits. Math is neat!

What about non-uniform distributions, like lengths of ecdsa signatures?

One advantage of viewing and calculating "work" in the way outlined above is that we can lift the concept into other distributions and yet still make (somewhat) reasonable comparisons across them. For example, while we know the work required to mine a recent bitcoin block4 is 76 bits of work, we can then ask, how short does an ecdsa signature need to be for us to have confidence that it took at least 76 bits of work to find such a signature? The details, with some other irrelevent calculations are outlined in this worksheet, but the answer is:

Finding a 61 byte (or smaller) ecdsa signature is equivalent to performing approximately 79.9 bits of work. Finding a 62 byte signature (or smaller) is equivalent to 72.12 bits of work.

The difference between these two signature lengths is approximately 8 bits, which is not terribly suprising, since there are 8 bits in a byte, and we know that the liklihood of signatures by length trails off exponentially as signatures get smaller. Nevertheless, this means that finding a 61 byte signature is much much much much harder than finding a 62 byte signature. This is what makes "calibrating" work locks hard and why, in order to be able to calibrate them at all, we end up introducing multiple signatures along with a mechanism to aggregate the results of the expected work, translated (in the case of a work-a-lot-tery), into a locktime constraint.

A note on precision of work targets

One benefit of the work-a-lot-tery approach is that the mapping to nLocktime puts the tickets (spending transactions) into a more human-meaningful language ("how long does one need to wait?"), but a downside of this approach is that the precision of the work-lock is then dictated by the precision of the locktime encoding. Regardless of whether a bitcoin transaction locktime is specified in block, or unix timestamps, the precision of either is far too coarse compared with the precision of, for example, the standard bitcoin difficulty adjustment algorithm.

In the standard bitcoin difficulty adjustment algorithm, the target, known as nBits in the block header is a representation of 256-bit number whereby the least significant bits are mostly ignored. With work-locks we can, of course, try to emulate a similar mechanism by utilizing 29 signatures.5, split across multiple transactions.6 Doing so is left, for now, as an exercise for the curious and determined.


Pre-proof-of-concept (aka probably broken). Just some worksheets so far doing some preliminary number crunching and transaction constructing. There is a mostly non-viable application in this repository which starts to explore creation and calibration of work-a-lot-teries.

Example Additional Use-cases for Work-locks

(future) Use-case - spam prevention

Work-a-lot-tery tickets are just another representation of PoW, but which has been encoded in a bitcoin transaction.

  1. Alice, Bob, and Charlie, each operate their own websites/servcies.
  2. To prevent spam/DoS attacks, they require patrons to occassionally submit work-a-lot-tery tickets with locktimes below a threshold.
  3. Merchants like Alice, Bob, and Charlie can individually, or collectively, adjust up/down their acceptable locktime threshholds. They can do this with a formal protocol, or simply via word of mouth.
  4. The above assumes that the tickets are created (mined) by customers and kept private, but that a customer might present the same ticket to multiple merchants. For further protection, merchants could require that a ticket includes payment to them in one of the outputs.

(future) Use-case - trustless sidechain

We might be able to use this concept to create a sidechain which is trustless. The mining competition to unlock work-locked utxo(s) is structured such that the incentive for miners is to simultaneously peg-out all the side-chain participants. Then, the sidechain essentially evaporates.

mining competition for side-chain peg-out
  1. Alice funds a UTXO with 1.0 BTC but which are "work-locked."
  2. Bob, Charlie, Drake, and even Alice herself, could form a mining-pool of some sort in a shared effort to unlock the funds.
  3. In doing so, they are essentially forming a side-chain which can have its own consensus protocol, paying each other (in the sidechain) for contributed work, etc.
  4. At some point, their work will pay off and the work-lock will be solved. Depending on the parameters of the work-lock, this might be in the far future! Or Regardless, the rules of the sidechain were such that "if this sidechain dissolves immediately, would we all feel fairly rewarded?" is a true statement.
  5. In essence, it is a mining competition for the "final block" (the opposite of a "genesis block") of a side-chain.
  6. The consensus rules of the side-chain can be somewhat arbitrary, so long as the latest "state" of the sidechain includes the current "best yet" peg-out transaction. The parameters of the work-lock and the game theory / consensus design of the side chain work in tandem to (in expectation) produce this outcome.

Building / Usage (application)

The application currently being built is also a demonstration of how Scala can be compiled to JVM code, native code using [Scala Native], and javascript using Scala-JS

  • for the build, we use the mill build tool Mill Website, which also requires java
  • a bootstrap script for mill has been checked into the repository already


  1. ./mill -i sigpow.jvm[3.1.3].run runs the jvm module defined in -i allows for readLine and ctrl+C to work properly, and the 3.1.3 is the desired Scala version to use).

Scala Native

  1. use the Nix package manager to install dependencies by first installing Nix and then running nix-shell scala-native.nix. This will use nix to ensure that the necessary dependencies are available in your environment.
  2. ./mill show sigpow.native[3.1.3,0.4.5].nativeLink will compile the application to native code which can then be run directly from a shell.
  3. or run ./mill -i sigpow.native[3.1.3,0.4.5].run

ScalaJS (NodeJS)

  1. make sure you have node and npm installed and available on the command line: nix-shell -p nodejs should get you a recent enough version.
  2. ./mill -i sigpow.js[3.1.3,1.10.1].runNode will compile the scala to javascript, pull in the javascript dependencies, webpack them, and then run the application via node.
  3. Note: the nodejs version is currently broken in favor of building the browser version (see below). If you want non-browser, use the native or jvm version.

ScalaJS (Browser)

  1. A very minimal live demo which is just serving up the ./www directory of this repository.
  2. Demo published to github pages using git subtree push --prefix www origin gh-pages

Building / Usage (worksheets)

There are some exploratory worksheets written in scala as an ammonite script. To run it, you will need ammonite installed. This is easy to do if you use the Nix package manager.

  1. Install Nix package manager if not already installed.
  2. nix-shell -p ammonite will get you a shell with the amm command available so you can run the script.
  3. amm -p <worksheet_name> will run the script and drop you into a REPL session (remove the -p if you just want to run it and exit)


  1. Robin Linus for showing that it is possible to express and verify proof of work within bitcoin script today.
  2. Ruben Somsen for bitcoin wizardry and maintaining a helpful Telegram group of other fellow wizards.
  3. Brill Saton for mental gymnastics and code golfing with bitcoin script.



  1. This blog post gives a calculation of the probability distribution for bitcoin (elliptic curve secp256k1) ecdsa signatures of a particular length, in bytes. This worksheet contains a copy of the python code and some calculations. Note: we have not confirmed whether the distribution presented is correct, but simply assume it is for now. This assumption should be verified by any interested.

  2. This applies only to pre-taproot/pre-schnorr bitcoin, such as segwit_v0. Schnorr signatures in bitcoin are guaranteed to all be the same length.

  3. There are other ways to create and use work-locks. Work-a-lot-tery work-locks create a mapping of (roughly) amt_work -> nLocktime, but this is not strictly necessary. Instead, and by default, a work-lock is simply unlocked by work alone.

  4. Bitcoin block with hash (in hex) 000000000000000000080e3308aab615e86e4241e7d4ed4364500edd38aa90ac, when expressed in binary has 76 leading zeros.

  5. In a bitcoin blockheader, the field known as "bits" or "nBits" is represented by 4 bytes. The first byte represents the length of the target (in bytes), and the last 3 bytes represent the first three bytes of the target itself. Bitcoin uses a hash function which produces a 32-byte output, so, for purposes in bitcoin the "target" cannot exceed 32 bytes without a hard fork. This gives 32*256*256*256 or 2^29 possible values that the "target" can take. Encoding such values in base2 would require log2(2^29) = 29 signatures. Source:

  6. Suppose a work-locked UTXO rquires N signatures to unlock, where each signature meets some specified threshhold. One challenge is that the signatures can be computed essentially in parallel (e.g. independently from the other required signatures). It might be preferable if somehow the signatures could be "nested" such that sig1 depends on sig2 which depends on sig3, ...., which depends on sigN. However, it is an open problem as to whether such an encoding is possible within the (current) limitations of bitcoin script. Additionally, it is important to try to keep the number of required signatures to a minimum since the bitcoin script itself can become quite long and may exceed the consensus-enforced maximum number of non-push opcode limit (currently around 200). A possible remedy for this may be to split across multiple transactions.


proof of work via ecdsa signature length







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