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100 C Programming Practice Questions

Welcome to the 100-day C programming practice challenge! These practice questions cover a wide range of topics and difficulty levels to help you become proficient in C programming. Feel free to use this list as a guide to enhance your coding skills.

Basics and Fundamentals (Day 1-10)

  1. Print "Hello, World!".
  2. Calculate and print the sum of two numbers.
  3. Calculate the area of a rectangle.
  4. Check if a number is even or odd.
  5. Find the factorial of a positive integer.
  6. Swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
  7. Generate and print the Fibonacci series.
  8. Check if a year is a leap year.
  9. Find the largest among three numbers.
  10. Print the multiplication table of a given number.

Control Statements and Loops (Day 11-20)

  1. Print prime numbers between two given numbers.
  2. Create a basic calculator using switch-case.
  3. Print a specific pattern.
  4. Check if a string is a palindrome.
  5. Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
  6. Print a different pattern.
  7. Implement a guessing game.
  8. Reverse the digits of a number.
  9. Calculate the sum of digits of a number.
  10. Find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two numbers.

Arrays and Strings (Day 21-30)

  1. Calculate the average of an array.
  2. Find the smallest and largest elements in an array.
  3. Check if an array is sorted.
  4. Reverse the elements of an array.
  5. Count vowels and consonants in a string.
  6. Remove spaces from a string.
  7. Implement Bubble Sort for array sorting.
  8. Find the frequency of elements in an array.
  9. Merge two sorted arrays.
  10. Check if two strings are anagrams.

Functions and Pointers (Day 31-40)

  1. Write a function to calculate the power of a number.
  2. Calculate the factorial of a number using recursion.
  3. Swap two numbers using pointers.
  4. Implement a function to find the length of a string.
  5. Calculate the sum of elements in a 2D array.
  6. Check if a number is prime using a function.
  7. Write a function to reverse a string.
  8. Find the second largest element in an array.
  9. Convert a decimal number to binary using a function.
  10. Find the intersection of two arrays.

Structures and File Handling (Day 41-50)

  1. Create a structure to represent a student with name, roll number, and marks.
  2. Read and write data to a text file.
  3. Copy the contents of one file to another.
  4. Create a structure to represent a book with title, author, and ISBN.
  5. Find the average marks of students using structures and arrays.
  6. Count words, lines, and characters in a text file.
  7. Create a program to manage a bank account using structures.
  8. Read data from a CSV file and perform calculations.
  9. Create a program to manage a library catalog.
  10. Implement a basic text editor in C.

Advanced Concepts (Day 51-60)

  1. Implement a stack data structure.
  2. Implement a queue data structure.
  3. Perform matrix multiplication.
  4. Calculate factorial using memoization.
  5. Implement binary search algorithm.
  6. Implement a linked list data structure.
  7. Implement a circular linked list.
  8. Sort an array using the Quick Sort algorithm.
  9. Calculate the nth Fibonacci number using memoization.
  10. Implement a hash table.

More Practice (Day 61-70)

  1. Solve a system of linear equations using Cramer's rule.
  2. Implement a priority queue.
  3. Implement graph data structure and perform DFS/BFS traversal.
  4. Solve the Tower of Hanoi problem.
  5. Implement a binary search tree (BST) data structure.
  6. Perform matrix addition and subtraction.
  7. Implement Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths.
  8. Implement Knapsack problem using dynamic programming.
  9. Implement a basic calculator with multiple operations.
  10. Solve the Josephus problem using circular linked list.

Advanced Topics (Day 71-80)

  1. Implement a red-black tree.
  2. Implement graph traversal algorithm to detect strongly connected components.
  3. Implement Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all pairs shortest paths.
  4. Implement a heap data structure.
  5. Solve N-Queens problem.
  6. Implement Boyer-Moore string search algorithm.
  7. Solve longest common subsequence problem using dynamic programming.
  8. Implement trie data structure for efficient string operations.
  9. Implement skip list data structure.
  10. Solve traveling salesman problem using dynamic programming.

More Challenges (Day 81-90)

  1. Implement graph traversal algorithm to find articulation points.
  2. Solve coin change problem using dynamic programming.
  3. Implement AVL tree.
  4. Implement B-tree data structure.
  5. Solve longest increasing subsequence problem.
  6. Implement suffix array for string manipulation.
  7. Implement A* search algorithm.
  8. Solve maximum flow problem using Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.
  9. Implement graph traversal algorithm to find shortest path in weighted graph.
  10. Solve subset sum problem using dynamic programming.

Algorithmic Puzzles (Day 91-100)

  1. Implement Water Jug Problem.
  2. Solve Eight Puzzle using search algorithm.
  3. Implement RSA encryption algorithm.
  4. Solve Nim Game using optimal strategy.
  5. Implement N-Queens problem using genetic algorithm.
  6. Solve Tower of Hanoi iteratively.
  7. Implement Sieve of Eratosthenes for prime number generation.
  8. Solve Egg Dropping Problem using dynamic programming.
  9. Implement TSP using genetic algorithms.
  10. Solve Subset Sum Problem using backtracking.


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