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Symbolic manipulation code

This is an experimental implementation of a language for symbolic computation. It is largely based on pattern matching and an evaluation sequence modeled on Mathematica, although this by no means a fixed decision.

The focus at present is not on implementing specific mathematical computation, although much of this is supplied (Integrate, D, Limit, Together, Apart, Factor) mostly by using SymPy as a backend. The emphasis is rather on testing implementations of core features and subsystems that are efficient or can be made efficient. These include core data structures, pattern matching, and the evaluation sequence.

Here are some results.

Here is counting with patterns. The execution time is about the same as Mma 3.

sjulia> b = Range(10^5);   # [1,2,...,100000]
elapsed time: 0.001218053 seconds (2395840 bytes allocated)

sjulia> Count(b, 2)     # Count the number of 2's
elapsed time: 0.008307134 seconds (1608 bytes allocated)

sjulia> Count(b, _Integer)
elapsed time: 0.022361488 seconds (1594520 bytes allocated)

sjulia> Count(b,_String)
elapsed time: 0.015774562 seconds (1594488 bytes allocated)

sjulia> Count(b, _:?(EvenQ))
elapsed time: 0.075666716 seconds (3984008 bytes allocated)

sjulia> Count(b, _:?( :( x -> x > 5 ) ) )    # Use a Julia function as the test
elapsed time: 0.076713741 seconds (4780808 bytes allocated)

sjulia> countprimes = Count(_:?(PrimeQ))   # Currying, like in Mma 10

sjulia> countprimes(b)
elapsed time: 0.167145648 seconds (16778920 bytes allocated)

Like, Mma, SJulia does evaluation to a fixed point, always effectively re-evaluating in the current environment. There are pros and cons to this approach. In Mma there are a host of HoldXXX symbols to prevent evaluation, and in [Maxima] ( and Maple a menagerie of eval functions and options to force it.

Evaluation to a fixed point can be expensive. Here is an example in Mathics

In[1]:= Timing[ m = Expand[(a+b)^1000];]
Out[1]= {6.282803, Null}

In[2]:= Timing[ m[[1]] ]
Out[2]= {3.203408, a ^ 1000}

Every time an element of m is accessed, the entire expression is reevaluated. SJulia is about 700 times faster generating m, and 85000 times faster retrieving a value. The latter time is mostly the difference between an O(1) and O(n) algorithm. SymPy does the expansion for Mathics, and it is about 100 times slower than SJulia (this includes SJulia's fixed point evaluation) Mathematica 3 is about two times faster than SJulia generating m. (Update: SJulia now depends on SymPy as a backend, with a few functions implemented.)

(There are caveats interpreting these results of course. Just to name three; 1) Mma 3 did not yet use GMP numbers, and the expansion is heavy on calculations with big integers. 2) SymPy expand handles more cases, which may increase time complexity. 3) It seems that SymPy caches results, which consumes time upfront, but saves time later. Caching is currently disabled in SJulia.)

Here is SJulia doing expansion. We need to quickly evaluate an expression and track whether it needs to be re-evaluated:

sjulia> m = Expand((a+b)^BI(1000));   # expand with BigInt exponent
elapsed time: 0.008785756 seconds

sjulia> m[2]             # get a single value without re-evaluating
elapsed time: 3.7545e-5 seconds (992 bytes allocated)

sjulia> a = 1;

sjulia> m[2]           # slower because we re-evaluate everything
elapsed time: 0.075710831

sjulia> ClearAll(a)

sjulia> m[2]     # re-evaluate, it is still relatively slow.
elapsed time: 0.040376351 seconds (3723352 bytes allocated)

sjulia> m[2]    # no evaluation, expression has been marked as fixed again.
elapsed time: 3.7984e-5 seconds (992 bytes allocated)
tryrule count: downvalue 0, upvalue 0

sjulia> m[3]   # we can iterate over m without re-evaluating
elapsed time: 8.2968e-5 seconds (1544 bytes allocated)

Quickly generate a large list of numbers and access a value.

sjulia> a = Range(10^5);
elapsed time: 0.001219758 seconds (2394728 bytes allocated)

sjulia> a[-1]
elapsed time: 3.5242e-5 seconds (976 bytes allocated)

sjulia> a[-1] = d
elapsed time: 3.7307e-5 seconds (816 bytes allocated)

sjulia> Apply(Plus,a)
elapsed time: 0.005774109 seconds
4999950000 + d


Note: SJulia depends on the Julia SymPy module. Currently, if you don't have SymPy installed, you must comment out the last two lines loading code in src/SJulia.jl. But, the dependence on SymPy will increase greatly in the short and medium term. SJulia requires the 0.4 (master) branch of Julia, not the 0.3 (release) branch.

SJulia is not a registered module, so it cannot be installed via Pkg.add. Instead, it can be installed and tested as follows


SJulia Repl

I added a mode to the Julia repl to support this code (but it is not necessary) in this branch of a fork of Julia.

In fact, the only file changed in this branch is base/REPL.jl. To use this mode. Download the branch and build it and install it somewhere as, say, sjulia. You enter and exit the SJulia mode with '.' Working from this mode is similar to working from Mathematica or Maxima or Maple. For the most part, the SJulia mode just wraps input in the macro ex. So you can get the same thing by typing

julia> using SJulia
julia> @ex some SJulia expression
julia> @ex(some expression that may look like two expressions)

Finding Help and Examples

Symbols that are associated with some functionality can be listed with BuiltIns() at the sjulia prompt, or @ex BuiltIns() at the julia prompt.

Documentation for for many BuiltIn symbols is reproduced at the end of this document.

This documentation can be printed from within SJulia by entering ?, SymName at the sjulia prompt. Note the comma, which is necessary because limitations in the provisional parsing method. Help(Symname) prints the same documentation. This allows you to type @ex Help(SymName) from Julia.

To print a list of all help topics, type ?, or Help().

If examples are printed with the documentation string, they can be evaluated, that is run, by entering Example(SymName) at the sjulia prompt. The input strings from the examples are pushed to the history so that they can be recalled and edited and re-evaluated.

There are many examples in the test directory.

A few examples

Here are some examples of the SJulia mode.

sjulia> ClearAll(fib)
sjulia> fib(1) := 1
sjulia> fib(2) := 1
sjulia> fib(n_) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sjulia> fib(10)
sjulia> addone(x_) := (a = 1,  x + a)  # compound expression
sjulia> addone(y)
1 + y
sjulia> g(x_) := Module([a,b],(a=1,b=3,a+b+x))  # lexically scoped local vars
sjulia> gt5(x_) := x > 5     # conditions on patterns
sjulia> g(x_FloatingPoint:?(gt5)) = 1   # only matches floating point numbers > 5
sjulia> h(x_^2) := x    # Structural matching
sjulia> h((a+b)^2)
a + b

Using the SJulia mode or the @ex macro is essentially using a language distinct from Julia. In particular, the evaluation sequence, and binding of symbols to storage is separate from Julia. But there is also some work done on allowing use of SJulia directly from Julia. For instance, these

julia> ex = :x + 1
1 + x
julia> m = Expand((:a+:b)*(:x+1)^2)
a + b + 2*a*x + 2*b*x + a*(x^2) + b*(x^2)

make Julia bindings of SJulia expressions to the symbols ex and m.

Here are a few commands (or functions) (at the sjulia repl, or as a argument to the @ex macro). There are many more listed below, mostly to support experimenting with design of SJulia.

  • SetJ(x,val) set a Julia variable
  • Clear(), ClearAll() clear a symbol's value, or all associated rules, too.
  • DownValues(x) rules associated with x
  • Attributes(x) attributes of symbol x
  • Dump(x)
  • Cos(x)
  • Length(x)
  • TraceOn()
  • TraceOff()
  • Replace(expr,rule)
  • ReplaceAll(expr,rule)
  • a = b assignment
  • a := b delayed assignment
  • f(x_) := x delayed rule assignment

There are also two older experiments in this distribution. Each one has test files that run and serve as examples. The instructions for loading the code and running the tests, are in the subdirs.


There are lines at the top of the file src/mxpr.jl to control evaluation. You can choose infinite or single evaluation. The test suite relies on infinite evaluation being enabled. Hashing and caching of expressions can also be chosen here, but it is not very useful at the moment.

Pattern matching.

Patterns are used in several places. Eg, you can make a replacement rule. Eg

sjulia> cossinrule = Cos(x_)^2 + Sin(x_)^2 => 1;

sjulia> Replace( Cos(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+c)^2, cossinrule)
(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+c)^2

sjulia> Replace( Cos(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+b)^2, cossinrule)

A replacement rule is associated with the symbol f like this

sjulia> f(x_) := x^2

sjulia> f(a+b)

When f is encountered as the head of an expression, a list of such rules is tried. The first that succeeds makes the transformation and that round of evaluation is done. You should also be able to associate automatic rules with f like this g(f(x_)) ^= x^2. But, this is not done yet.

You can see the evaluation sequence in infseval and meval in the code.

Parsing and Syntax

I use the Julia parser and reinterpret the results. Maybe there is an elegant enough way to get everything you need this way. But, copying and altering the parser might be better even though it adds more complication. Eg. Now, I can use curly braces for literal construction of lists, but get a deprecation warning. So I use square brackets. Once you change the parser, you can ask whether you want full Mma syntax. OTOH, staying close to Julia (and everyone else's) syntax is also reasonable. OTOOH, Julia tries to make it easy to come from matlab. So making it easy to come from Mma might be good (if this ultimately will look like Mma).

Data and dispatch

Big question: how to use best Julia features, (multiple dispatch, and others) with this language ? There are of course numerous other questions. Eg, how to handle integer overflow.

Another thing, Mma offers no way to write code except in Mma. It should be possible to write user or quasi-user level code easily in Julia.

Symbols are currently done this way (this is a bit outdated)

type SSJSym{T}  <: AbstractSJSym
    attr::Dict{Symbol,Bool}    # attributes associated with the symbol
    downvalues::Array{Any,1}  # These are transformation rules for the symbol
    age::UInt64             # Time stamp, last time assignment or other changes were made

Of course the attributes should probably be a bit field, or stored somewhere else. The downvalues field is a list of definitions like f(x_) := x. I am not yet using the symbol subtype (parameter) for dispatch.

Expressions are done like this

type Mxpr{T} <: AbstractMxpr
    fixed::Bool    # Does Mxpr evaluate to itself in current environment ?
    canon::Bool    # Is Mxpr in canonical form ?
    syms::FreeSyms # List of free symbols, whose timestamps we check
    age::UInt64    # Timestamp of this Mxpr
    key::UInt64    # Hash code
    typ::DataType  # Not used

At the moment, the field head and the parameter T are the same. Evaluation of expressions is dispatched by functions with type annotations for each head, such as Mxpr{:Power}.

Documented Functions and Symbols


Abs(z) represents the absolute value of z.


AddTo(a,b), or a += b, sets a to a + b and returns the new value. This is currently faster than a = a + b for numbers.


All is a symbol used in options.


Allocated(expr) evaluates expr and returns a list of the memory allocated and the result of the evaluation.

See also TimeOff, TimeOn, Timing, TrDownOff, TrDownOn, TrUpOff, and TrUpOn.


Together(product) rewrites a product as a sum of terms with mininmal denominators.


Apply(f,expr) replaces the Head of expr with f. This also works for some Julia objects. Eg. Apply(Plus, :( [1:10] )) returns 55. Apply can be used in operator form. For example m = Apply(Plus), m(f(a,b,c)).


AtomQ(expr), in principle, returns true if expr has no parts accesible with Part. However, currently, Julia Arrays can be accessed with Part, and return true under AtomQ.

See also EvenQ and OddQ.


Attributes(s) returns attributes associated with symbol s. Builtin symbols have the attribute Protected, and may have others.


BF(n) converts the number, or string n to a BigFloat. SJulia currently neither detects overflow, nor automatically promotes types from fixed to arbitrary precision.

See also BI and Big.


BI(n) converts the number n to a BigInt. SJulia currently neither detects integer overflow, nor automatically promote integers to BigInts.

See also BF and Big.


Convert a number to a maximum precision representation (typically 'BigInt' or 'BigFloat')

See also BF and BI.


BuiltIns() returns a List of all "builtin" symbols. These are in fact all symbols that have the Protected attribute.


ByteCount(expr) gives number of bytes in expr.


Clear(x,y,z) removes the values associated with x,y,z. It does not remove their DownValues.

See also ClearAll.


ClearAll(x,y,z) removes all values and DownValues associated with x,y,z. The symbols are removed from the symbol table and will not appear in the list returned by UserSyms().

See also Clear.


Comparison(expr1,c1,expr2,c2,expr3,...) performs or represents a chain of comparisons. Comparison expressions are usually input and displayed using infix notation.


sjulia> Clear(a,b,c)

sjulia> a == a

sjulia> a == b

sjulia> a < b <= c
a < b <= c

sjulia> (a=1,b=2,c=2)

sjulia> a < b <= c

Complex(a,b) returns a complex number when a and b are Reals. This is done when the expression is parsed, so it is much faster than 'a + I*b'.


CompoundExpression(expr1,expr2,...) or (expr1,expr2,...) evaluates each expression in turn and returns the result of only the final evaluation.


ConstantArray(expr,n) creates a list of n copies of expr.


Count(expr,pattern) returns the number of arguments in expr than match pattern. Only matching on one level is supported. This is for testing the performance of pattern matching. Count(pattern) can be used as the head of an expression, as an operator. For instance cop = Count(_^2) defines a function that counts the number of arguments that have the form of a square. Count also works when expr is a Julia Dict.


sjulia> Count(Range(10), _Integer)

sjulia> Count(_Integer)(Range(10))

sjulia> Count(Range(10), 2)

D(expr, x) gives the partial derivative of expr with respect to x. D(expr,[x,n]) gives the nth partial derivative. D(expr,[x,n1],y,[z,n2]) gives the mixed derivative.


Depth(expr) gives the maximum number of indicies required to specify any part of expr, plus 1.


DirtyQ(m) returns true if the timestamp of any symbol that m depends on is more recent than the timestamp of m. This is for diagnostics.

See also Age, Fixed, HAge, Syms, and Unfix.


Do(expr,[imax]) evaluates expr imax times. Do(expr,[i,imax]) evaluates expr imax times with i localized taking values from 1 through imax in increments of 1. Do(expr,[i,imin,imax]) evaluates expr with i taking values from imin to imax with increment 1. imin and imax may be symbolic. Do(expr,[i,imin,imax,di]) evaluates expr with i taking values from imin to imax with increment di. imin, imax, and di may be symbolic. Do(expr,[i,[i1,i2,...]) evaluates expr with i taking values from a list.


DownValues(s) returns a List of DownValues associated with symbol s. These are values that are typically set with the declarative "function definition".

See also Set, SetDelayed, UpSet, and UpValues.


sjulia> ClearAll(f)

sjulia> f(x_) := x^2

sjulia> DownValues(f)

Dump(expr) prints an internal representation of expr. This is similar to Julia `dump'.

See also DumpHold.


DumpHold(expr) prints an internal representation of expr. This is similar to Julia dump'. In constrast to Dump', expr is not evaluated before it's internal representation is printed.

See also Dump.


E is the base of the natural logarithm


EvenQ(expr) returns true if expr is an even integer.

See also AtomQ and OddQ.


Example(s) runs (evaluates) the first example for the symbol s, which is typically a BuiltIn symbol. The input, output, and comments are displayed. The input strings for the example are pushed onto the terminal history so they can be retrieved and edited and re-evaluated. Example(s,n) runs the nth example for symbol s. When viewing documentation strings via ? SomeHead, the examples are printed along with the documentation string, but are not evaluated.


Expand(expr) expands products in expr. This is only partially implemented, mostly to test the efficiency of evaluation and evaluation control.


Factor(expr) factors expr. This function calls SymPy.


FactorInteger(n) gives a list of prime factors of n and their multiplicities.


Fixed(expr) returns the status of the fixed point bit, which tells whether expr is expected to evaluate to itself in the current environment. This is partially implemented.

See also Age, DirtyQ, HAge, Syms, and Unfix.


For(start,test,incr,body) is a for loop. Eg. For(i=1,i<=3, Increment[i] , Println(i)) Using Increment[i] is currently much faster than i = i + 1. There is no special syntax yet for Increment.


FullForm(expr) prints expr and all sub-expressions as Head(arg1,arg2,...). Normal output may use infix notation instead.


sjulia> Clear(a,b)

sjulia> a+b

sjulia> FullForm(a+b)

HAge(s) returns the timestamp for the expression or symbol s. Using this timestamp to avoid unnecessary evaluation is a partially implemented feature.

See also Age, DirtyQ, Fixed, Syms, and Unfix.


Head(expr) returns the head of expr, which may be an SJulia expression or object of any Julia type. The head of a Julia expression is Expr, eg. Head( :( :( a = 1) )) returns Expr. Note we have to quote twice, because one level of a quoted Julia expression is evaluated so that we can embed Julia code.


Help(sym) or Help("sym") prints documentation for the symbol sym. Eg: Help(Expand). Help() lists all documented symbols. Due to parsing restrictions at the repl, for some topics, the input must be a string. The same help can be accessed with h"topic", which is implemented as a Julia special string literal. Help(regex) prints a list of topics whose documentation text matches the regular expression regex. Help(All -> true) prints all of the documentation.


I is the imaginary unit


If(test,tbranch,fbranch) evaluates test and if the result is true, evaluates tbranch, otherwise fbranch


Increment(n) increments the value of n by 1 and returns the old value.


IntegerDigits(n,[, base][, pad]) Returns an array of the digits of "n" in the given base, optionally padded with zeros to a specified size. In contrast to Julia, more significant digits are at lower indexes.


Integrate(expr, x) gives the indefinite integral of expr with respect to x. Integrate(expr, [x,a,b]) gives the definite integral.


JVar(x) returns the Julia value of the Symbol that x evaluates to. For example, if a = 1 in Julia and b = a in SJulia, then JVar(b) evaluates to 1.

See also Jxpr.


Jxpr allows embedding Julia expressions. A Jxpr is entered like this :( expr ) . expr is interpreted as a Julia expression and it is wrapped expression with head Jxpr, which is then evaluated when Jxpr is evaluated. You never see the head Jxpr. For example m = :( [1:10] ) creates a Julia array and binds it to the SJulia symbol m

See also JVar.


This creates a Julia Array{Int,1} and "binds" it to the SJulia symbol m.
sjulia> m = :( [1:3] )
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
Call a Julia function
sjulia> tf = :( time )

sjulia> tf()

Keys(d) returns a list of the keys in Dict d


LeafCount(expr) gives the number of indivisible (Part can't be taken) elements in expr. This amounts to counting all the Heads and all of the arguments that are not of type Mxpr. A more accurate name is NodeCount.


Length(expr) prints the length of SJulia expressions and Julia objects. For SJulia expressions, the length is the number or arguments. For scalar Julia types, the length is zero. For Array's and Dict's the length is the same as Julia `length'.


Limit(expr, var => lim) gives the limit of expr as var approaches to lim.


Map(f,expr) returns f applied to each element in a copy of expr. f can be an SJulia object or a Julia function. Map can be used in an operator form. For example Map(f)(expr).


MatchQ(expr,pattern) returns true if expr matches pattern. MatchQ can be used in operator form. For example, myintq = MatchQ(_Integer).


sjulia> MatchQ( 1, _Integer)

sjulia> ClearAll(gg,xx,b)

sjulia> MatchQ( gg(xx) , _gg)

sjulia> MatchQ( b^2, _^2)

Module creates a lexical scope block for variables. Warning, this is broken in the sense that nested calls to a Module are not supported.


sjulia> ClearAll(f,a)

sjulia> f(x_) := Module([a],(a=1, a+x))

sjulia> f(3)

sjulia> a

N(expr) tries to give a the numerical value of expr. N(expr,p) tries to give p decimal digits of precision.


Numerator(expr) returns the numerator of expr.


OddQ(expr) returns true if expr is an odd integer.

See also AtomQ and EvenQ.


Pack(mx) packs the args of the SJulia expression mx into a typed Julia array. The type of the array is the same as the first element in mx.

See also Unpack.


This returns a Julia array of element type Int [1,2,3].
sjulia> ClearAll(f)

sjulia> Pack(f(1,2,3))
3-element Array{Int64,1}: [1,2,3]

Part(expr,n) or expr[n], returns the nth element of expression expr. Part(expr,n1,n2,...) or expr[n1,n2,...] returns a nested part. The same can be acheived less efficiently with expr[n1][n2]... expr[n] = val sets the nth part of expr to val. n and val are evaluated normally. expr is evaluated once. expr[n] also returns the nth element of instances of several Julia types such as Array, or the element with key 'n' for Dict's.


Permutations(expr) give a list of all permuations of elements in expr.


Pi is the trigonometric constant π.


Position(expr,x) returns a list of part specifications of positions in expr at which x occurs. Only literal values for x are supported, not patterns


Precision(x) gets the precision of a floating point number x, as defined by the effective number of bits in the mantissa.


Primes(n) returns a collection of the prime numbers <= "n"


Println(expr1,expr2,...) prints the expressions and a newline.


Push!(a,val) pushes val onto the expression that symbol a evaluates to. Push! is outside the Mma programming model, which requires immutable expressions. Re-evaluation, and updating metadata is not implemented. Re-evaluation can be forced with Unfix(a).


sjulia> ClearAll(a,b)

sjulia> a = []

sjulia> For(i=1, i < 1000, Increment(i), Push!(a,Symbol("b$i")))

Range(n) returns the List of integers from 1 through n. Range(n1,n2) returns the List of numbers from n1 through n2. Range(n1,n2,di) returns the List of numbers from n1 through n2 in steps of di di may be negative. Floats and some symbolic arguments are supported. You can get also get SJulia lists like using Unpack(:([1.0:10^5])). This uses embedded Julia to create a typed Array and then unpacks it to a List.


Rationa(a,b), or a//b, returns a Rational for Integers a and b. This is done when the expression is parsed, so it is much faster than 'a/b'.


Rationalize(x) returns a Rational approximation of x. Rationalize(x,tol) returns an approximation differing from x by no more than tol.


r"expr" creates a regular expression (PCRE). This is a Julia DataType.


Replace(expr,rule) replaces parts in expr according to Rule rule.

See also ReplaceAll.


sjulia> Clear(a,b,c)

# This expression does not match the pattern.
sjulia> Replace( Cos(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+c)^2, Cos(x_)^2 + Sin(x_)^2 => 1)
Cos(a + b)^2 + Sin(a + c)^2

# This expression does match the pattern.
sjulia> Replace( Cos(a+b)^2 + Sin(a+b)^2, Cos(x_)^2 + Sin(x_)^2 => 1)

ReplaceAll(expr,rule) replaces parts at all levels in expr according to Rule rule. ReplaceAll(expr,List(rule1,rule2,...)) replaces parts at all levels in expr according to the list or rules. If given explicitly, the rules must be given as List(...) rather than [...] because of a parsing error.

See also Replace.


sjulia> ClearAll(zz,b,c)

sjulia> zz = 10 * b^2 * (c+d)
zz = 10 * b^2 * (c+d)

sjulia> ReplaceAll(zz, List(c => 3,d => 2) )

Reverse(expr) reverses the order of the arguments in expr.


Set(a,b), a = b Sets the value of a to b. b is evaluated only once, when `a=b' is evaluated. obj[i,j,...] = val sets a part of obj to val. obj can be an SJulia expression or a Julia object, such as an Array or Dict.

See also DownValues, SetDelayed, UpSet, and UpValues.


sjulia> Clear(a,b,c)

sjulia> b = a

sjulia> a = 1

sjulia> c = a

sjulia> a = 2

sjulia> b

sjulia> c

SetDelayed(a,b), a := b Whenever a is evaluated, b is evaluated and the result is assigned to a. So a is not set to the value of b at the time a := b is evaluated, but rather to the current value of b every time a is evaluated.

See also DownValues, Set, UpSet, and UpValues.


SetJ(x,val) sets the Julia symbol x to val. Variables and functions in SJulia are separate from those in Julia, ie, their table of bindings to symbols are separate.


Span(a,b) or a:b represents elements a through b. Span(a,b,c) or a:b:c represents elements a through b in steps of c. expr(a:b) returns elements a through b of expr, with the same head as expr.


" string1 $a string2 " interpolates the value of 'a' into the string.


StringLength(s) returns the length of the string s.


Symbol(str) converts the string str to a symbol. For example if a is 1, then Symbol("a") returns 1.


Syms(m) returns a List of the symbols that the expression m 'depends' on. The list is wrapped in HoldForm in order to prevent evaluation of the symbols.

See also Age, DirtyQ, Fixed, HAge, and Unfix.


Table(expr,[imax]) returns a list of imax copies of expr. Table(expr,[i,imax]) returns a list of expr evaluated imax times with i set successively to 1 through imax.

Unusual examples: This calls an anonymous Julia function. It is currently very slow Table( (:((x)->(x^2))(i) ),[i,10]) This is much faster f = :( g(x) = x^2 ) Table( f(i), [i,10])


TimeOff() disables printing CPU time consumed and memory allocated after each evaluation of command line input.

See also Allocated, TimeOn, Timing, TrDownOff, TrDownOn, TrUpOff, and TrUpOn.


TimeOn() enables printing CPU time consumed and memory allocated after each evaluation of command line input.

See also Allocated, TimeOff, Timing, TrDownOff, TrDownOn, TrUpOff, and TrUpOn.


TimesBy(a,b), or a *= b, sets a to a * b and returns the new value. This is currently faster than a = a * b for numbers.


Timing(expr) evaluates expr and returns a list of the elapsed CPU time and the result.

See also Allocated, TimeOff, TimeOn, TrDownOff, TrDownOn, TrUpOff, and TrUpOn.


ToExpression(str) converts string str to an expression.


ToStringLength(expr) returns the string of the printed form or expr.


Together(sum) rewrites a sum of terms as a product.


TrDownOff() disables tracing attempted applications of DownRules.

See also Allocated, TimeOff, TimeOn, Timing, TrDownOn, TrUpOff, and TrUpOn.


TrDownOn() enables tracing attempted applications of DownRules.

See also Allocated, TimeOff, TimeOn, Timing, TrDownOff, TrUpOff, and TrUpOn.


TrUpOff() disables tracing attempted applications of UpRules.

See also Allocated, TimeOff, TimeOn, Timing, TrDownOff, TrDownOn, and TrUpOn.


TrUpOn() enables tracing attempted applications of UpRules.

See also Allocated, TimeOff, TimeOn, Timing, TrDownOff, TrDownOn, and TrUpOff.


TraceOff() turns off the tracing of SJulia evaluation.

See also TraceOn.


TraceOn() turns on the tracing of SJulia evaluation.

See also TraceOff.


Unfix(expr) unsets the fixed flag on expr, causing it to be evaluated. This is a workaround for bugs that cause an expression to be marked fixed before it is completely evaluated.

See also Age, DirtyQ, Fixed, HAge, and Syms.


Unpack(a) unpacks a Julia typed array into an SJulia List expression. Only 1-d is supported. If a is a Julia Dict, then a list of lists of key,value pairs is returned.

See also Pack.


This creates a List of three random Float64's.
sjulia> Unpack( :(rand(3)) )

Unprotect(z1,z2,...) removes the Protected attribute from the symbols z1, z2, ...


UpSet(a(g(x_)),b), or a(g(x_)) ^= b associates the transformation rule with g.

See also DownValues, Set, SetDelayed, and UpValues.


UpValues(s) returns a List of UpValues associated with symbol s. These are values that are typically set with UpSet.

See also DownValues, Set, SetDelayed, and UpSet.


UserSyms() returns a List of non-Protected symbols, which is approximately all user defined symbols.


Values(d) returns a list of the values in Dict d


While(test,body) evaluates test then body in a loop until test does not return true.


If SJulia encounters a macro call in input, it first Julia-evaluates all the arguments then Julia-evaluates the macro and inserts it into the SJulia expression tree. For instance, big numbers and regular expressions are constructed this way.


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