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Ulysses edited this page Dec 10, 2023 · 13 revisions


FreeMote supports extract/repack audio files in sound_archive type PSB with FreeMote.Plugins official plugins.

However, it relies on some external tools, and FreeMote releases don't include them by default. If you want to extract the specific audio, read this wiki carefully and find the tool you need by yourself, and put it into a Tools folder alongside the FreeMote tools. Your FreeMote directory should then look like this:

│  FreeMote.LICENSE.txt
│  FreeMoteViewer.exe
│  ...
│      FreeMote.dll
│      ...
│      FreeMote.YourCustomPlugin.dll
│      ...

Currently, only audio with single channel is supported. I haven't received any PSB sample with multiple channels audio. If you met one, please send it to me for research.


  • ✔: Support (without external tools)
  • ⚠: Require external tools
  • ❌: No support

XWMA (Windows)

External Tool: xWMAEncode.exe from DX9 SDK

Decode: ⚠Need External Tool to get WAV, otherwise extract XWMA file

Encode: ⚠Need External Tool

AT9 (PS)

External Tool: at9tool.exe from PS4 SDK

Decode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Encode: ⚠Need External Tool

Notes: You can set AT9 encode bitrate using "At9BitRate": 60 in resx.json Context. By default FreeMote is using 96, which is the best quality for single channel audio. However some games is using 60 for a smaller size.


External Tool: vagconv2.exe from PS4 SDK

Decode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Encode: ⚠Need External Tool

Notes: HEVAG is a new version of VAG, used mainly in PSVita and PS4 games. Currently there is no plan to support old VAG (non-HE) files.

HEVAG with 2 channels will be converted to Stereo WAV (Since v3.8).


Decode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Encode: ✔Don't require External Tool


Decode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Encode: ✔Don't require External Tool

ADPCM WAV (Windows)

External Tool: ffmpeg.exe

Decode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Encode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Notes: Windows Groove Music App is unable to play WAV (ADPCM). Use other players like FooBar2000 or Windows Media Player.

You can use ffmpeg manually to convert ADPCM WAV to common PCM WAV and vice versa.

P16 (NX)

Decode: ✔Don't require External Tool

Encode: ✔Don't require External Tool

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