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EWP ULisboa
EWP Node

Docker Image CI GitHub JDK 11+

A generic and flexible EWP node implementation.

Work in Progress warning

This project is still early in development. Therefore, until the first major version is released, non-backward changes may be introduced.

APIs Coverage

As Provider

API Supported? Major Versions Supported
Discovery Manifest ✔️ 6
Echo ✔️ 2
Institutions ✔️ 2
Organizational Units ✔️ 2
Courses ✔️ 0
Simple Course Replication ✔️ 1
Files ✔️ 1
Interinstitutional Agreements ✔️ 7
Interinstitutional Agreements CNR ✔️ 3
Interinstitutional Approval ✔️ 2
Interinstitutional Approval CNR ✔️ 2
Mobility Factsheet ✔️ 1
Outgoing Mobilities ✔️ 2
Outgoing Mobility Learning Agreements ✔️ 1
Outgoing Mobility CNR ✔️ 1
Outgoing Mobility Learning Agreement CNR ✔️ 1
Incoming Mobilities ✔️ 1
Incoming Mobility CNR ✔️ 1
Incoming Mobility ToR ✔️ 1 & 2
Incoming Mobility ToR CNR ✔️ 1

As Consumer

API Supported? Major Versions Supported
Institutions ✔️ 2
Organizational Units ✔️ 2
Courses ✔️ 0
Simple Course Replication ✔️ 1
Files ✔️ 1
Interinstitutional Agreements ✔️ 7
Interinstitutional Agreements CNR ✔️ 3
Interinstitutional Approval ✔️ 2
Interinstitutional Approval CNR ✔️ 2
Mobility Factsheet ✔️ 1
Outgoing Mobilities ✔️ 2
Outgoing Mobility Learning Agreements ✔️ 1
Outgoing Mobility CNR ✔️ 1
Outgoing Mobility Learning Agreement CNR ✔️ 1
Incoming Mobilities ✔️ 1
Incoming Mobility CNR ✔️ 1
Incoming Mobility ToR ✔️ 1 & 2
Incoming Mobility ToR CNR ✔️ 1


To clone and run this project, you'll need Git and, depending on your preference, Maven or Docker.

Cloning the Project

To clone the project run:

git clone --recursive

Note the --recursive flag that is needed so the external dependencies configured as submodules are also cloned.

Building and Running with an IDE

  1. Import the project backend on an IDE (e.g. Intellij IDEA);

  2. Execute the class pt.ulisboa.ewp.node.EwpNodeApplication

  • Recommended: To use a development profile, pass a VM argument:

Building and Running with Docker

Development Environment

Refer to the Development documentation.

Production Environment

Building the Docker image

Run the command line:

docker build -t ulisboa/ewp-node .

Running the Docker image (with Docker Compose)

Write into a docker-compose.yml file (check the section Docker Image Parameters for reference):

version: "2.1"
    image: ulisboa/ewp-node
    container_name: ewp-node
      - <path to config folder>:/config
      - <path to logs folder>:/logs # Optional
      - <path to plugins folder>:/plugins # Optional
      - 8080:8080
      test: ["CMD", "wget", "--quiet", "--tries=1", "--spider", "--no-check-certificate", "http://localhost:8080/rest/healthcheck"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 60s
    restart: unless-stopped

Then run on the folder containing that file:

docker-compose up -d


  • If SSL is enabled then every reference in the docker-compose.yml file to port 8080 must be changed accordingly, including changing "http" to "https" on the healthcheck test command;
  • This configuration can be adapted to run on Docker Swarm.

Docker Image Parameters

Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime. These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate <external>:<internal> respectively. For example, -p 80:8080 would expose port 8080 from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port 80 outside the container.

Parameter Function
-p 8080 Port used by the server
-p 8443 Port used by the server (if SSL is enabled)
-v /config Path from where the server will read the configuration when starting. Namely, it expects a file application.yml with the same structure as src/main/resources/application.yml (check this file for an example as well documentation on it).
-v /logs Path where the server will store the logs.
-v /plugins Path where the server will store the plugins.

Automatic APIs documentation

When the project is running, the endpoint http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html will provide an interface to the APIs automatic documentation.

Additional documentation

More documentation is available on the folder docs/.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.