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Caleb Cohen edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 1 revision



We utilize testing to aid in the review process. Cypress is used for the code coverage, and Nock for intercepting Discord OAuth2 requests.

Setup and Configuration

After forking Together and pulling it into your local dev environment, testing is ready right after npm install is executed. To run a test you have two options npm run test-frontend or npm run dev-frontend-tests the main difference being dev-frontend-tests allows you to view Together as the test is running to debug any issues.

executing test-frontend will start the tests immediately. dev-frontend-test require some simple but additional setup. To utilize dev-frontend-test

  • Execute npm run dev-frontend-test
  • Select E2E testing
  • Select a preferred browser
  • Run specs
Select E2E Testing Select Preferred Browser Run Specs

How Mocking Works

Mocking is necessary for testing because we need a way to send and receive data to mimic OAuth2. Here is a diagram of how Together uses Discord's OAuth2 login in production:

    participant C as Client
    participant S as Server
    participant D as Discord
    note right of C: Click Login
    C ->>  S: /auth/discord
    activate S
    S ->>  D: /oauth2/authorize
    activate D
    deactivate S
    note right of S: Redirect
    D -->> S: /auth/discord/callback?code=CODE
    deactivate D
    activate S
    note left of D: Click Authorize
    S ->>  D: /api/oauth2/token
    activate D
    deactivate S
    D -->> S: Access & Refresh tokens
    activate S
    deactivate D
    S ->>  D: /api/users/@me
    deactivate S
    activate D
    D -->> S: Profile Info
    activate S
    deactivate D
    S ->>  D: /api/users/@me/guilds
    deactivate S
    activate D
    D -->> S: Joined Guilds array
    activate S
    deactivate D
    note over S: DiscordStrategy
    note left of S: Session Created
    S ->>  C: Homepage
    deactivate S

The most crucial difference is that running the server in test mode is request made to the real Disord API will be intercepted by nock and mocked with appropriate responses. Testing environment diagram is shown below. For more information on mocking please checkout @RascalTwo's PR for testing

    participant C as Client
    participant S as Server
    participant N as nock
    participant CY as Cypress
    note right of C: Click Login
    C ->>  S: /auth/discord
    activate S
    S ->>  CY: /oauth2/authorize
    deactivate S
    activate CY
    note right of S: Redirect
    CY -->> S: /auth/discord/callback?code=CUSTOM_CODE
    deactivate CY
    activate S
    S ->>  N: /api/oauth2/token
    deactivate S
    activate N
    N -->>  S: Mock Access & Refresh tokens
    deactivate N
    activate S
    S ->>  N: /api/users/@me/
    deactivate S
    activate N
    N -->>  S: Mock Profile Info
    deactivate N
    activate S
    S ->>  N: /api/users/@me/guilds
    deactivate S
    activate N
    N -->>  S: Mock Guilds array
    deactivate N
    activate S
    note over S: DiscordStrategy
    note left of S: Session Created
    S ->>  C: Homepage
    deactivate S

File Explanations

Utilizing Cypress has a brought in a fair bit of new files. Here's an explanation on their purposes.

  • cypress.config.js
    • Mostly the configuration for Cypress, including the base URL, some flags, and custom task functions.
    • clearDatabase
      • Clears the connected MongoDB database.
    • createEvent
      • Creates a new Event document.
    • generateObjectId
      • Generates a new ObjectId.
  • cypress
    • videos & screenshots
      • Videos & screenshots that are generated when running the tests, are ignored by git.
    • support
      • e2e.js
        • Imports the code-coverage logic, and custom commands, and adds a custom beforeEach hook to reset the database before each test and visit the homepage.
      • functions.js
        • Helper functions, mostly for dealing with dates.
      • commands.js
        • login
          • Login to the backend using the provided user code.
        • createOwnEvents
          • Create a number of events for the user code provided.
      • tgt.js
        • A collection of component-scoped actions & queries for Together as a whole.
        • This makes the actual tests more readable, additionally allowing for any updates to a single component in the future to be made in one place.
    • e2e
        • 100Dev members can log in and come back
        • Outsiders aren't logged in and are shown a rejection
        • All login/logout buttons work
        • Links
        • Hamburger menu
        • Links
        • Accessible via the calendar button
        • Guest users can't create events
        • Current day is highlighted
        • Month is changeable via buttons & scrolling
        • Only shows events for the current month
        • Event models are shown when clicking on an event
        • Non-authors of events can't see the delete buttons
        • Authors can delete individual & all recurring events
        • The event creation form is accessible and prevents any invalid submissions
        • The expected network requests are made to the backend
        • Created events are instantly shown on the calendar