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teb_planner_pa package

The teb_planner_pa package is developed with the primary aim of having a systematic handshake between Matlab Environment and ROS teb_local_planner package.


  • wrapper node to call teb-planner without navigation stack
    • based on test_optim_node
    • single topics for playing around/testing the basic functionalities of the teb-planner
    • service for convenient call (setting all plan details)/ also topic interface for testing
  • test-node to check service-based interface

Hint: This package is currently implemented and tested only for ROS kinetic and Matlab R2020a


The nodes of this package make use of services and topics to interact with the teb_local_planner in a simplified manner.

1. teb_planner_node_pa

This node is developed by customising the test_optim_node of teb_local_planner package. It is a standalone node that calls the teb-planner once the plan-details are provided to it.

    roslaunch teb_planner_pa teb_planner_node_pa.launch

Node Topics

Topic Name Type Description
/set_start2d geometry_msgs/Pose2D Sets the start pose of the trajectory with inputs (x, y, theta)
/set_goal2d geometry_msgs/Pose2D Sets the goal pose of the trajectory with inputs (x, y, theta)
/set_initialplan nav_msgs/Path Sets the initial plan or global plan for teb planner
/add_obstacles costmap_converter/ObstacleArrayMsg Adds obstacles (possible types are point, line, circular, polygonal)
/clear_obstacles std_msgs/Empty Delete all obstacles
/add_waypoints nav_msgs/Path Adds waypoints (via-points)
/clear_waypoints std_msgs/Empty Deletes all waypoints
/set_startvelocity geometry_msgs/Twist Sets the start velocity of the robot (vx, vy, omega)
/request teb_planner_pa_msgs/Request Service-like topic (see also Plan Service and Custom Messages)
/respond teb_planner_pa_msgs/Respond Service-like topic (see also Plan Service and Custom Messages)

Node Services

Service Name Type Description
/plan teb_planner_pa_msgs/Plan Sets all plan-details (e.g. start pose), calls the teb-planner optimisation and returns the resulting trajectory

The 'plan' may take a while to provide the service depending on the plan-details and package parameters

2. service_test_node_pa

This node is developed for testing the interfaces (service and via topics) of teb_planner_node_pa. The tests are triggered by publishing any message to one of the two test topics. To perform the test using this node, the teb_planner_node_pa must also be active.

    roslaunch teb_planner_pa service_test_node_pa.launch

Node Topics

Topic Name Type Description
/test std_msgs/Empty Requests for plan service of teb_planner_pa node by adding plan-details (Publisher for this topic written in service_test_node_pa.launch file)
/test2 std_msgs/Empty Same as 'test' topic

Plan Service and Custom Messages

The Plan Service contains request and response:

    teb_planner_pa_msgs/Request request
    teb_planner_pa_msgs/Respond respond

They are of custom message type Request and Respond respectively. Various messages types are combined to form the custom messages:

  • Request: start, goal, waypoints, obstacles, start_vel
  • Respond: path, poses, feedback, visualisation markers such as obstacle_point, obstacle_line, obstacle_polygon etc.

Note: As mentioned in 'Node Topics' section of the teb_planner_node_pa node, the topics /request and /respond are also of message types teb_planner_pa_msgs/Request and teb_planner_pa_msgs/Respond respectively. Thus, the names of topics and those of the Service request and response belonging to similar custom message types are kept same.

Furthermore, the name of the Service request being 'request' and that of Service response being 'respond' have resulted in unusual code lines in Matlab such as:

request.Request = obj.getRequestMsg();
obj.latestMsg = response.Respond;

In the above code lines, the service request is accessed as request.Service_request_name, whereas the service response is accessed as response.Service_response_name.


ROS Package


planned for publishing on ros buildfarm soon

Source code at github

ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Kinetic --- ---