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Gets your currently playing song using playerctl and a public free API to get the synced lyrics if avaible

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Your Linux distro must support playerctl.

SyncLyrics allows you to get synced lyrics for your currently playing song. By default it fetches the lyrics from different APIs but you can specify your own lyrics locally too.

How to download?


You must install NodeJS.

Just clone this repository.

  1. git clone
  2. cd SyncLyrics.


node media.js.


  • --volume-down=X, -vol-=X: Decreases the player's volume by X%, or the defaultVolumeStep % config if X is not present.
  • --volume-up=X, -vol+=X: Increases the player's volume by X%, or the defaultVolumeStep % config if X is not present.
  • --play-toggle, -pt: Plays or pauses the player.
  • --show-lyrics, -sl: Saves the lyrics in a temporary file (/tmp/lyrics.txt) and opens the file (when combined with --save or -s it saves the lyrics in a permanent file, ~/Downloads/syncLyrics/<song_name>-<artist_name>.txt).
  • --show-cover, -sc: Opens the song's icon in your system default image viewer (when combined with --save or -s it saves the icon in a permanent file, ~/Downloads/syncLyrics/<song_name>-<artist_name>.png).
  • --trackid, -tid: Returns the song ID (required for local lyrics).
  • --artist, -a: Returns the artist name. 1
  • --cover, -c: Returns the absolute path to the song's icon image.
  • --data, -d: Returns the song name and artist. 1
  • --name, -n: Returns the song name. 1


Default config folder is ~/.config/syncLyrics, this can be changed by running the script as CONFIG_FOLDER=/path/to/folder node media.js (CONFIG_FOLDER must be an absolute path).
The config are read from a file config.json inside the config folder (create it if it doesn't exist).

The avaible options are:

  • logLevel (Sring): Log level, it might break waybar's output. 2
  • tooltipSourceIncludeCachedNotice (Boolean): Whetever include the - Cached text in the source when the lyrics are cached.
  • tooltipMetadataDividerColor (String): The color to use for the metadata divider in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipMetadataArtistColor (String): The color to use for the current artist name in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipMetadataTrackColor (String): The color to use for the current song name in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipMetadataAlbumColor (String): The color to use for the current album name in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipCurrentLyricColor (String): The color to use for the current lyric in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipPlayerSourceColor (String): The color to use for the lyrics source in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipIncludeSongMetadata (Boolean): Whetever show the song name, album and artist in the lyrics waybar tooltip.
  • tooltipMetadataDivider (String): The character to use as divider between the metadata and the lyrics when tooltipIncludeSongMetadata is set to true (max 1 character).
  • deleteIconWhenPaused (Boolean): Whetever keep the song icon or not when the player is paused.
  • iconPath (String): File path the song's icon will be stored in (must be an absolute path).
  • ignoredPlayers (Array<String>): List of players that will never be used by the script.
  • favoritePlayers (Array<String>): List of players that will be prioritized over others.
  • hatedPlayers (Array<String>): Opposite of favoritePlayers.
  • sourceOrder (Array<String>): The order in which the sources will be fetched (Removing a source from here means the lyrics will never be fetched from that source). 3
  • instrumentalLyricIndicator (String): The text to use when there is a music section without lyrics.
  • artistUpdateInterval (Number): How often update the output returned by the --artist or -artist parameter (in milliseconds).
  • lyricsUpdateInterval (Number): How often update the output returned by default (in milliseconds).
  • dataUpdateInterval (Number): How often update the output returned by the --data or -d parameter (in milliseconds).
  • nameUpdateInterval (Number): How often update the output returned by the --name or -n parameter (in milliseconds).
  • marqueeMinLength (Number): Minimum length before the output of --data, -d, --name, -n, --artist and -a becomes a marquee (Scrolling text).
  • marqueeDivider (String): Text to use in the marquee to divide start of the text from the end.
  • defaultVolumeStep (Number): The default step for volume increase/decrease.

Example Config

    "logLevel": "none",
    "tooltipSourceIncludeCachedNotice": true,
    "tooltipMetadataDividerColor": "#ffffff",
    "tooltipMetadataArtistColor": "#a6e3a1",
    "tooltipMetadataTrackColor": "#74c7ec",
    "tooltipMetadataAlbumColor": "#fab387",
    "tooltipCurrentLyricColor": "#cba6f7",
    "tooltipPlayerSourceColor": "#89b4fa",
    "tooltipIncludeSongMetadata": true,
    "tooltipMetadataDivider": "-",
    "deleteIconWhenPaused": true,
    "iconPath": null,
    "ignoredPlayers": [
    "favoritePlayers": [
    "hatedPlayers": [
    "sourceOrder": [
    "instrumentalLyricIndicator": "",
    "artistUpdateInterval": 1000,
    "lyricsUpdateInterval": 500,
    "dataUpdateInterval": 1000,
    "nameUpdateInterval": 1000,
    "marqueeMinLength": 20,
    "marqueeDivider": "",
    "defaultVolumeStep": 5

Waybar Example

This example uses has the media.js file located in ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js

	"image": {
		"interval": 1,
		// "size": 26, // (change based on your liking)
		"exec": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --cover",
		"on-click": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --show-cover",
		"tooltip": false

	"custom/song": {
		"tooltip": true,
		"format": "{icon} {}",
		"format-icons": {
			"playing": "󰎇",
			"none": "󰎊"
		"return-type": "json",
		"exec-if": "if [ -f ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi",
		"restart-interval": 5,
		"exec": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --data",
		"on-click": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --play-toggle",
		"on-click-middle": "pgrep -x 'spotify' > /dev/null && wmctrl -a 'Spotify' || spotify &",
		"on-scroll-up": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --volume-up",
		"on-scroll-down": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --volume-down",
		"escape": true,
		"exec-on-event": false

	"custom/lyrics": {
		"tooltip": true,
		"format": "{icon} {}",
		"format-icons": {
			"lyrics": "󰲹",
			"none": "󰐓"
		"return-type": "json",
		"exec-if": "if [ -f ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi",
		"restart-interval": 5,
		"exec": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js",
		"on-click-middle": "node ~/.config/custom-commands/SyncLyrics/media.js --show-lyrics",
		"escape": true,
		"hide-empty-text": true,
		"exec-on-event": false

Song Name Progress

You can show the progress bar in the custom/song module by adding some CSS to your waybar's CSS.
You can generate the CSS by running node progress.js <module-name> <active-color> <background-color>.

For example if you module is custom/song, you want as active color #123456 and and background color #abcdef, the command will be node progress.js song #123456 #abcdef.
This script will create a style.css file with the generated CSS, just paste the generated CSS inside you waybar's CSS config.

Local Lyrics

You can add your own lyrics for it to use, if you add a custom lyrics file, it will be preferred over the APIs.

The lyrics are read from the $CONFIG_FOLDER/lyrics folder (~/.config/syncLyrics by default), the files in this folder must be named <track_id>.txt (Example: 5nAu0J2rlijocTGX8QWo07.txt) and their content must be formatted as [mm:ss.xx] <lyrics here> and each one must be on a new line.


[00:00.00] 5th of November
[00:04.03] When I walked you home
[00:08.15] That's when I nearly said it
[00:10.64] But then said "Forget it," and froze
[00:15.68] Do you remember?
[00:19.33] You probably don't
[00:23.32] 'Cause the sparks in the sky
[00:25.51] Took a hold of your eyes while we spoke


  1. Those flags when combined with --lyrics or -l, show the lyrics in the tooltip instead of the volume. 2 3

  2. Avaible Log Levels: none, info, warn, error, debug.

  3. Current Avaible Sources are
    - (lrclib)
    - Musixmatch (musixmatch)
    - Netease (netease).


Gets your currently playing song using playerctl and a public free API to get the synced lyrics if avaible






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