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Examples to use LUA script for switch

Smanar edited this page Nov 2, 2022 · 13 revisions

You have two way to make LUA scripts.

  • make a file called "script_device_That_You_Want.lua in "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua"
  • go to "Setting" / "More options" / "Event" / "LUA"

I m using scene, because you can easily set light value, color or temporisation.

Switch management in this plugin have something special, you can't use the native fonction in domoticz for them (activation devices), because this plugin trigger device event for useless information, like battery level. So instead of using trigger event, you need to use button detected

-- Some LUA exemples

commandArray = {}

-- Switch 1
if (devicechanged['deCONZ - Switch 1']) then
    print("Switch 1")
    local b = devicechanged['deCONZ - Switch 1']
    if b == 'B1' then
		if (otherdevices['deCONZ - Coridor']== 'On') then
			commandArray['deCONZ - Cordidor'] = 'Off'
			commandArray['Scene:Light Cordidor'] = 'On'

return commandArray

deCONZ - Switch 1 : switch name.
deCONZ - Coridor : Bulb name or group name.
Scene:Light Cordidor : scene to set light on with good setting.

To see wich one button to use (B1,B2,B3,...), just enable log "Debug info Only".

Another exemple to gradually dim your lights with 1 button press (with kepping the button pressed, long press). This exemple is not finished, it's just to show a method but remember you can too use phoson that have lot of options.

--Ikea remote
if (devicechanged['deCONZ - remote control'] == 'L +')  then
    a = otherdevices_svalues['deCONZ - Room']
    a = tonumber(a) + 5
    commandArray['deCONZ - Room'] = 'Set Level: '..a
-- bulb
if (devicechanged['deCONZ - Room'])  then
    if (otherdevices['deCONZ - remote control'] == 'L +') then
        a = otherdevices_svalues['deCONZ - Room']
        a = tonumber(a) + 5
        commandArray['deCONZ - Room'] = 'Set Level: '..a

And another exemple to do action depending on last selected dimmer switch.
It use a 4 buttons remote but can be easily adapted to any remot with less or more buttons, just adjust the dimmer list accordingly.
Each dimmer on witch dimming action will be taken is selected prior by one tap button.
The position in dim_list assigns the button.
If switch has been changed since last selection, the new one is enlighted. If it's the same then it is set off and dimming value stored for later on state without loosing dimming level value.

Long press on button 3 is dimming up pre-selected switch, long press on button 4 is leveling down.

String user variable LastUsedDimmer must be created to keep in "memory" the device on witch dimming action will be applied.

Script from Mercusot Cf

-- Example of device script to do action depending on last selected dimmer switch.
-- It use a 4 buttons remote but can be easily adapted to any remot with less or more buttons, just adjust 
-- the dimmer list accordingly.
-- Each dimmer on witch dimming action will be taken is selected prior by one tap button.
-- The position in dim_list assigns the button.
-- If switch has been changed since last selection, the new one is enlighted. If it's the same then it is
-- set off and dimming value stored for later on state without loosing dimming level value.
-- Long press on button 3 is dimming up pre-selected switch, long press on button 4 is leveling down
-- String user variable LastUsedDimmer must be created to keep in "memory" the device on witch dimming 
-- action will be applied
-- All print could be commented, they are just here to help to understand logic of the script.
commandArray = {}
-- List of dimmer, each one is assign to a button by it's position in the list.
dim_list = {"Gradateur_Cinema","LED plafond Cinema","LED sol Cinema","Gradateur Bureau"}
-- Name of the triggering remote
trig_remote = "Telecommande LoraTap"

-- Test if the remote is the triggering device
if (devicechanged[trig_remote])  then
    local b = devicechanged[trig_remote]
    print ("Button = "  .. b)
    local a = string.sub(b,1,1)
    print ("Action = " .. a)
    local dimmer = uservariables['LastUsedDimmer']
    if (a == 'B') then
        if dimmer ~= dim_list[tonumber(string.sub(b,2))] then
            dimmer = dim_list[tonumber(string.sub(b,2))]
            print ('Changing device to '..dimmer)
            commandArray['Variable:LastUsedDimmer'] = dimmer
        print (dimmer .. " state : " .. otherdevices[dimmer])
		if (otherdevices[dimmer] ~= 'Off') then
		    print ("switching " .. dimmer .. " Off")
			 commandArray[dimmer] = 'Off'
			 local cmd = string.format("%d|0|%d", otherdevices_idx[dimmer],tonumber(otherdevices_svalues[dimmer])) -- keeping dimming value
             table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = cmd } )
		     print ("switching " .. dimmer .. " On")
			 commandArray[dimmer] = 'On'
    elseif (b == 'L3') then
        l = otherdevices_svalues[dimmer]
        l = tonumber(l) + 5
        l = math.min(l,100) -- no more than 100%
        print ("Level up to " .. l)
        commandArray[dimmer] = 'Set Level: '..l
    elseif (b == 'L4') then
        l = otherdevices_svalues[dimmer]
        l = tonumber(l) - 5
        l = math.max(l,0) -- not less than 0%
        print ("Level down to " .. l)
        commandArray[dimmer] = 'Set Level: '..l


return commandArray