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Developed a comprehensive healthcare management system using Next.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, integrating Appwrite for backend services.

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nextdotjs typescript tailwindcss appwrite

A HealthCare Management System

  • Next.js
  • Appwrite
  • Typescript
  • TailwindCSS
  • ShadCN
  • Twilio

👉 Register as a Patient: Users can sign up and create a personal profile as a patient.

👉 Book a New Appointment with Doctor: Patients can schedule appointments with doctors at their convenience and can book multiple appointments.

👉 Manage Appointments on Admin Side: Administrators can efficiently view and handle all scheduled appointments.

👉 Confirm/Schedule Appointment from Admin Side: Admins can confirm and set appointment times to ensure they are properly scheduled.

👉 Cancel Appointment from Admin Side: Administrators have the ability to cancel any appointment as needed.

👉 Send SMS on Appointment Confirmation: Patients receive SMS notifications to confirm their appointment details.

👉 Complete Responsiveness: The application works seamlessly on all device types and screen sizes.

👉 File Upload Using Appwrite Storage: Users can upload and store files securely within the app using Appwrite storage services.

👉 Manage and Track Application Performance Using Sentry: The application uses Sentry to monitor and track its performance and detect any errors.

and many more, including code architecture and reusability

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Cloning the Repository

git clone
cd healthcare


Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Set Up Environment Variables

Create a new file named .env.local in the root of your project and add the following content:



Replace the placeholder values with your actual Appwrite credentials. You can obtain these credentials by signing up on the Appwrite website.

Running the Project

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project.

import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";

const { fontFamily } = require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme");

const config = {
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} satisfies Config;

export default config;
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

/* ========================================== TAILWIND STYLES */
@layer base {
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@layer utilities {
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  .request-details {
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  .admin-main {
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  .admin-stat {
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  /* ==== FORM */
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  .checkbox-label {
    @apply cursor-pointer text-sm font-medium text-dark-700 peer-disabled:cursor-not-allowed peer-disabled:opacity-70 md:leading-none;

  /* ==== File Upload */
  .file-upload {
    @apply text-12-regular flex cursor-pointer  flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3 rounded-md border border-dashed border-dark-500 bg-dark-400 p-5;

  .file-upload_label {
    @apply flex flex-col justify-center gap-2 text-center text-dark-600;

  /* ==== Stat Card */
  .stat-card {
    @apply flex flex-1 flex-col gap-6 rounded-2xl bg-cover p-6 shadow-lg;

  /* ==== Status Badge */
  .status-badge {
    @apply flex w-fit items-center gap-2 rounded-full px-4 py-2;

  /* Data Table */
  .data-table {
    @apply z-10 w-full overflow-hidden rounded-lg border border-dark-400 shadow-lg;

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  /* ===== ALIGNMENTS */
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  /* =====  SHADCN OVERRIDES */
  .shad-primary-btn {
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  .shad-combobox-trigger {
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    @apply focus:ring-0 focus:ring-offset-0 focus-visible:border-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-transparent focus-visible:ring-offset-0 !important;

  .shad-error {
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    @apply border-b border-dark-400 text-light-200 hover:bg-transparent !important;

  .shad-table-row {
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  .shad-sheet-content button {
    @apply top-2 focus:ring-0 focus:ring-offset-0 focus-visible:border-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-transparent focus-visible:ring-offset-0 !important;

  .input-phone {
    @apply mt-2 h-11 rounded-md px-3 text-sm border bg-dark-400 placeholder:text-dark-600 border-dark-500 !important;

  .date-picker {
    @apply overflow-hidden border-transparent w-full placeholder:text-dark-600  h-11 text-14-medium rounded-md px-3 outline-none !important;

  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

.react-datepicker-time__header {
  background-color: #1a1d21 !important;
  border-color: #363a3d !important;
  color: #abb8c4 !important;

.react-datepicker-time__header {
  color: #ffffff !important;

.react-datepicker__triangle {
  fill: #1a1d21 !important;
  color: #1a1d21 !important;
  stroke: #1a1d21 !important;

.react-datepicker__time-list-item:hover {
  background-color: #363a3d !important;

.react-datepicker__input-container input {
  background-color: #1a1d21 !important;
  width: 100%;
  outline: none;

.react-datepicker__day--selected {
  background-color: #24ae7c !important;
  color: #ffffff !important;
  border-radius: 4px;

.react-datepicker__time-list-item--selected {
  background-color: #24ae7c !important;

.react-datepicker__time-container {
  border-left: 1px solid #363a3d !important;

.react-datepicker__time-list-item {
  display: flex !important;
  align-items: center !important;

.PhoneInputInput {
  outline: none;
  margin-left: 4px;
  background: #1a1d21;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: 500;

.PhoneInputInput::placeholder {
  color: #1a1d21;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */

declare type SearchParamProps = {
  params: { [key: string]: string };
  searchParams: { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined };

declare type Gender = "Male" | "Female" | "Other";
declare type Status = "pending" | "scheduled" | "cancelled";

declare interface CreateUserParams {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  phone: string;
declare interface User extends CreateUserParams {
  $id: string;

declare interface RegisterUserParams extends CreateUserParams {
  userId: string;
  birthDate: Date;
  gender: Gender;
  address: string;
  occupation: string;
  emergencyContactName: string;
  emergencyContactNumber: string;
  primaryPhysician: string;
  insuranceProvider: string;
  insurancePolicyNumber: string;
  allergies: string | undefined;
  currentMedication: string | undefined;
  familyMedicalHistory: string | undefined;
  pastMedicalHistory: string | undefined;
  identificationType: string | undefined;
  identificationNumber: string | undefined;
  identificationDocument: FormData | undefined;
  privacyConsent: boolean;

declare type CreateAppointmentParams = {
  userId: string;
  patient: string;
  primaryPhysician: string;
  reason: string;
  schedule: Date;
  status: Status;
  note: string | undefined;

declare type UpdateAppointmentParams = {
  appointmentId: string;
  userId: string;
  appointment: Appointment;
  type: string;
import { Models } from "node-appwrite";

export interface Patient extends Models.Document {
  userId: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  phone: string;
  birthDate: Date;
  gender: Gender;
  address: string;
  occupation: string;
  emergencyContactName: string;
  emergencyContactNumber: string;
  primaryPhysician: string;
  insuranceProvider: string;
  insurancePolicyNumber: string;
  allergies: string | undefined;
  currentMedication: string | undefined;
  familyMedicalHistory: string | undefined;
  pastMedicalHistory: string | undefined;
  identificationType: string | undefined;
  identificationNumber: string | undefined;
  identificationDocument: FormData | undefined;
  privacyConsent: boolean;

export interface Appointment extends Models.Document {
  patient: Patient;
  schedule: Date;
  status: Status;
  primaryPhysician: string;
  reason: string;
  note: string;
  userId: string;
  cancellationReason: string | null;
import { type ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";

export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

export const parseStringify = (value: any) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));

export const convertFileToUrl = (file: File) => URL.createObjectURL(file);

export const formatDateTime = (dateString: Date | string) => {
  const dateTimeOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
    // weekday: "short", // abbreviated weekday name (e.g., 'Mon')
    month: "short", // abbreviated month name (e.g., 'Oct')
    day: "numeric", // numeric day of the month (e.g., '25')
    year: "numeric", // numeric year (e.g., '2023')
    hour: "numeric", // numeric hour (e.g., '8')
    minute: "numeric", // numeric minute (e.g., '30')
    hour12: true, // use 12-hour clock (true) or 24-hour clock (false)

  const dateDayOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
    weekday: "short", // abbreviated weekday name (e.g., 'Mon')
    year: "numeric", // numeric year (e.g., '2023')
    month: "2-digit", // abbreviated month name (e.g., 'Oct')
    day: "2-digit", // numeric day of the month (e.g., '25')

  const dateOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
    month: "short", // abbreviated month name (e.g., 'Oct')
    year: "numeric", // numeric year (e.g., '2023')
    day: "numeric", // numeric day of the month (e.g., '25')

  const timeOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
    hour: "numeric", // numeric hour (e.g., '8')
    minute: "numeric", // numeric minute (e.g., '30')
    hour12: true, // use 12-hour clock (true) or 24-hour clock (false)

  const formattedDateTime: string = new Date(dateString).toLocaleString(

  const formattedDateDay: string = new Date(dateString).toLocaleString(

  const formattedDate: string = new Date(dateString).toLocaleString(

  const formattedTime: string = new Date(dateString).toLocaleString(

  return {
    dateTime: formattedDateTime,
    dateDay: formattedDateDay,
    dateOnly: formattedDate,
    timeOnly: formattedTime,

export function encryptKey(passkey: string) {
  return btoa(passkey);

export function decryptKey(passkey: string) {
  return atob(passkey);
import { z } from "zod";

export const UserFormValidation = z.object({
  name: z
    .min(2, "Name must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(50, "Name must be at most 50 characters"),
  email: z.string().email("Invalid email address"),
  phone: z
    .refine((phone) => /^\+\d{10,15}$/.test(phone), "Invalid phone number"),

export const PatientFormValidation = z.object({
  name: z
    .min(2, "Name must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(50, "Name must be at most 50 characters"),
  email: z.string().email("Invalid email address"),
  phone: z
    .refine((phone) => /^\+\d{10,15}$/.test(phone), "Invalid phone number"),
  gender: z.enum(["Male", "Female", "Other"]),
  address: z
    .min(5, "Address must be at least 5 characters")
    .max(500, "Address must be at most 500 characters"),
  occupation: z
    .min(2, "Occupation must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(500, "Occupation must be at most 500 characters"),
  emergencyContactName: z
    .min(2, "Contact name must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(50, "Contact name must be at most 50 characters"),
  emergencyContactNumber: z
      (emergencyContactNumber) => /^\+\d{10,15}$/.test(emergencyContactNumber),
      "Invalid phone number"
  primaryPhysician: z.string().min(2, "Select at least one doctor"),
  insuranceProvider: z
    .min(2, "Insurance name must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(50, "Insurance name must be at most 50 characters"),
  insurancePolicyNumber: z
    .min(2, "Policy number must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(50, "Policy number must be at most 50 characters"),
  allergies: z.string().optional(),
  currentMedication: z.string().optional(),
  familyMedicalHistory: z.string().optional(),
  pastMedicalHistory: z.string().optional(),
  identificationType: z.string().optional(),
  identificationNumber: z.string().optional(),
  identificationDocument: z.custom<File[]>().optional(),
  treatmentConsent: z
    .refine((value) => value === true, {
      message: "You must consent to treatment in order to proceed",
  disclosureConsent: z
    .refine((value) => value === true, {
      message: "You must consent to disclosure in order to proceed",
  privacyConsent: z
    .refine((value) => value === true, {
      message: "You must consent to privacy in order to proceed",

export const CreateAppointmentSchema = z.object({
  primaryPhysician: z.string().min(2, "Select at least one doctor"),
  reason: z
    .min(2, "Reason must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(500, "Reason must be at most 500 characters"),
  note: z.string().optional(),
  cancellationReason: z.string().optional(),

export const ScheduleAppointmentSchema = z.object({
  primaryPhysician: z.string().min(2, "Select at least one doctor"),
  reason: z.string().optional(),
  note: z.string().optional(),
  cancellationReason: z.string().optional(),

export const CancelAppointmentSchema = z.object({
  primaryPhysician: z.string().min(2, "Select at least one doctor"),
  reason: z.string().optional(),
  note: z.string().optional(),
  cancellationReason: z
    .min(2, "Reason must be at least 2 characters")
    .max(500, "Reason must be at most 500 characters"),

export function getAppointmentSchema(type: string) {
  switch (type) {
    case "create":
      return CreateAppointmentSchema;
    case "cancel":
      return CancelAppointmentSchema;
      return ScheduleAppointmentSchema;
export const GenderOptions = ["Male", "Female", "Other"];

export const PatientFormDefaultValues = {
  firstName: "",
  lastName: "",
  email: "",
  phone: "",
  birthDate: new Date(,
  gender: "Male" as Gender,
  address: "",
  occupation: "",
  emergencyContactName: "",
  emergencyContactNumber: "",
  primaryPhysician: "",
  insuranceProvider: "",
  insurancePolicyNumber: "",
  allergies: "",
  currentMedication: "",
  familyMedicalHistory: "",
  pastMedicalHistory: "",
  identificationType: "Birth Certificate",
  identificationNumber: "",
  identificationDocument: [],
  treatmentConsent: false,
  disclosureConsent: false,
  privacyConsent: false,

export const IdentificationTypes = [
  "Birth Certificate",
  "Driver's License",
  "Medical Insurance Card/Policy",
  "Military ID Card",
  "National Identity Card",
  "Resident Alien Card (Green Card)",
  "Social Security Card",
  "State ID Card",
  "Student ID Card",
  "Voter ID Card",

export const Doctors = [
    image: "/assets/images/dr-green.png",
    name: "John Green",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-cameron.png",
    name: "Leila Cameron",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-livingston.png",
    name: "David Livingston",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-peter.png",
    name: "Evan Peter",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-powell.png",
    name: "Jane Powell",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-remirez.png",
    name: "Alex Ramirez",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-lee.png",
    name: "Jasmine Lee",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-cruz.png",
    name: "Alyana Cruz",
    image: "/assets/images/dr-sharma.png",
    name: "Hardik Sharma",

export const StatusIcon = {
  scheduled: "/assets/icons/check.svg",
  pending: "/assets/icons/pending.svg",
  cancelled: "/assets/icons/cancelled.svg",


Developed a comprehensive healthcare management system using Next.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, integrating Appwrite for backend services.






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