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Unyfy Demo Client


The demo has three main directories - client-sample, circuits-sample and contracts-sample.


circuits-sample contains the circuits and other relevant files (.wasms and .zkeys) for the circuit, which are located in the corresponding directories (place/, cancel/ and fill/).


The contracts-sample contains the verifier contract(s) for the circuits which are deployed on-chain, and are generated automatically (see next section), along with the main contract (UnyfyDev.sol) which the client interacts with. These are located in src/.


Lastly, the client is located in client-sample, and contains the required artifacts in artifacts/ and the utils and other required functionality in lib/. It contains client.ts, which is the main client script, and listen.ts, a listener script to listen for on-chain events.

The flow for running the demo end-to-end consists of compiling circuits and deploying contracts, setting the required environment and other variables, and finally running the client.

Running the demo

The demo can be run in either the Docker mode (easier) or manual mode. For both modes, you need to set the environment and other variables, which are described below.

Environment Variables

There are three variables, W1_PRIV_KEY, W2_PRIV_KEY and INFURA_API_KEY that need to be set in the .env file of the client-sample directory. W1_PRIV_KEY and W2_PRIV_KEY are private keys for the wallets that will be used for interacting with the backend and on-chain, while INFURA_API_KEY will be used in the RPC URL to interact with the Sepolia network.

Other Variables

In the client-sample/artifacts directory, you can find wallet1_orders.json and wallet2_orders.json, where you can enter the orders for wallet 1 and 2 respectively where an item in the file is a tuple of price, volume and side (bid (0) or ask (1)). You can set a custom gasPrice for all transactions by changing the price field in gas_price.json.

Running in demo in Docker mode

To run the demo in Docker mode, first make sure that Docker Compose and/or Docker Desktop is running on your system. Then, run

docker-compose up

After this, run

docker-compose exec -it server bash

and now, navigate to the client-sample directory:

cd client-sample

Here, run:

pnpm run dev:seismic

if you're interacting with the matching engine on Seismic's sequencer


pnpm run dev:local

if you're running the matching engine locally.

Running the demo in manual mode

Compiling circuits and deploying contracts

We provide dummy circuits in the circuits-sample directory. The scripts for the automated workflow of compiling the circuits ---> getting the relevant files for proof generation and verification (.wasm and .zkey) ---> deploying the Solidity verifier on-chain on the Sepolia testnet are provided in circuits-sample/scripts. They are abstracted away and one only has to run the following commands for end-to-end compiling of circuits and deployment of contracts:

Installing dependencies:

cd circuits-sample
pnpm install

Compiling and deploying the verifier for the place.circom circuit:

pnpm run dev:place

Compiling and deploying the verifier for the cancel.circom circuit:

pnpm run dev:cancel

Compiling and deploying the verifier for the fill.circom circuit:

pnpm run dev:fill

Now that all three circuits are compiled, relevant files for proof generation and verification have been obtained and the three contracts have been deployed, we deploy the main contract we use for proof verification: contracts/UnyfyDev.sol, using the following command:

pnpm run dev:main

This deploys the UnyfyDev.sol contract to Sepolia. All the above contracts are stored in contracts-sample/src. Deployment information about all four contracts can be found in client-sample/artifacts (with the file names PlaceVerifierInfo.json CancelVerifierInfo.json, FillVerifierInfo.json and UnyfyDevInfo.json).

Running the Client

We now run the main client to interact with the matching engine. Documentation included in-line at client-sample/client.ts.

We wrote this client so it may have minimal dependencies / setup steps. Running the below commands is all you need to execute the full order flow from constructing -> submitting -> crossing -> filling.

We have two modes in running the client depending on whether the backend runs on Seismic's sequencer or locally. We outline them below

Running the client when the backend is on the Seismic sequencer:

cd client-sample/
pnpm install
pnpm run dev:seismic

Running the client when the backend is run locally (you can find the backend code to run locally here):

cd client-sample/
pnpm install
pnpm run dev:local

Listening to the contract

You can observe what's happening on-chain, more specifically, the events that are being emitted by the deployed UnyfyDev.sol contract, by running

pnpm run dev:listen

The listener code is in client-sample/listen.ts.