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Alex Knudson edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the bigsimr wiki!




  • master
    • Used for stable releases and MINOR releases (see the tags section)
    • Changes to the master branch must be made through a pull request
  • develop
    • Used for new and potentially unstable features
    • PATCH releases will be incorporated into this branch
    • Any member of the SchisslerGroup or member who is a part of working on bigsimr should have read/write permissions for this branch
  • gh-pages
    • This is where the online documentation gets uploaded to
    • There is no reason to push to this branch manually


  • The version number in the description file loosely adheres to Semantic Versioning
  • Until a 1.0 release is agreed upon, there can be backwards compatibility-breaking changes in MINOR and PATCH releases
  • Generally we will only release tags for MAJOR and MINOR versions
  • PATCH release tags may become more common when there is a 1.0 release

Style and organization

  • This package is built around the conventions described in R Packages
  • Please use the tidyverse style guide when formatting your code
  • The master branch should only contain the code necessary for the user and to pass CRAN checks
    • Extra stuff in the master branch must have a rule in the .Rbuildignore file
    • notebooks and scratch code should go in the develop branch or personal branches
  • For clarity (and CRAN), external (imported) and non base R functions must be prefixed with their namespace
    • If an external package PKG is being used, you must first call usethis::use_package("PKG") so that it gets added to the imports in DESCRIPTION
    • Examples of when to use namespaces:
      • stats::rnorm()
      • utils::combn()
      • mvnfast::rmvn()

Coding Philosophy

  • Functions should do one (small) thing and do it well
  • Functions should be composable
  • Code should be self-documenting
    • Comments should provide extra information that cannot be inferred from the code
    • If the code does not clearly describe what it does, then the code should be re-written so that it does
  • Writing good tests now can save a lot of time later (see the Testing section)

File and Function Naming

  • Principal functions (like rvec) should be either self-explanatory or follow a common convention
  • Functions that can be grouped together should be prefixed by what they have in common
    • E.g. many of the functions that act on or produce correlations are prefixed with cor_
    • This also has utility when it comes to documentation; related functions can be grouped with starts_with() (see ./pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml)
  • Each primary function should be placed in its own file
    • Any utility functions that it depends on must be placed in the same file
    • It is recommended to use 'dot' naming for these utility functions (e.g. .set_omega <- function(...)) because dot functions are generally not exported for the user
  • Closely related functions may be placed in the same file
    • Make sure the file name is indicative of all functions that it contains

Documentation (via roxygen2)

See object documentation. @import and @importFrom statements are required so that the NAMESPACE file gets updated when calling devtools::document().

  • Every primary function must have full documentation
    • A description of what the function does (including what it takes in and returns)
    • A description for each argument (@param)
    • A description of what the function returns (@return)
    • At least one example (@example)
    • Any necessary imports (@import, @importFrom) <- this is for updating the NAMESPACE file
    • An export statement (@export)
  • Secondary functions can be minimally documented
    • A short description of what the function does
    • A description for each argument (@param)
    • Any necessary imports (@import, @importFrom)
    • An export statement (@export)
  • Utility (not exported) functions must have import statements (@import, @importFrom)


  • Write tests early and check tests often
  • Kevlin Henney has a lot to say about good unit testing and communication
  • Unit tests must be written in the ./tests/testthat directory and named clearly
  • Tests should check a concept
    • E.g. cor_rand_PD() must generate a correlation matrix. What are the requirements for a matrix to be a correlation matrix?
      • symmetric
      • positive definite
      • ones in the diagonal
      • all values in the range [-1, 1]


Please submit issues here with the appropriate tags