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This is web developer helper(WDH) tools. It would be usefull in situations when you just install Ubuntu(and others in future) system and have no time for tuning it. It will install and configure LAMP stack, particulary Apache webserver, MySQL server, PHP, drush and composer.

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Web developer help tools


This is web developer helper(WDH) tools. It would be useful in situations when you just install Ubuntu(and others in future) system and have no time for tuning it. It will install and configure LAMP stack, particularly Apache web-server, MySQL server, PHP, drush and composer.

What it provides

Some configuration

  • SUDO — set sudo not to ask for your pass.

  • MySQL — configures MySQL not to ask for root pass for local server and configures prompt for client to show user, host and database to which you are connected

  • PHP — too much to describe, take a look yourself:

    memory_limit = 1G post_max_size = 128M upload_max_filesize = 128M max_execution_time = 300 max_input_time = 300 date.timezone = UTC xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.cli_color = 1 xdebug.coverage_enable = 0 disable_functions = display_errors = On error_reporting = E_ALL session.gc_maxlifetime = 86400 apc.shm_size = 256M

  • Apache — configurable docroot inside you $HOME and same level of access to it for you and Apache process so no need in sudo, also virtual host configuration files will live in $HOME/.wdh/vhost


  • DNSmasq — this utility will redirect all request to *.dev hosts to localhost and also will be a local DNS cache for you
  • Drush — will help to interact with Drupal sites, also set to be updated on weekly basis
  • Drupal console — "The new CLI for Drupal. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.", also set to be updated on weekly basis
  • Composer — PHP dependency manager, also set to be updated on weekly basis
  • vim — console text editor
  • git — version control system. Installed together with GUI to help blame people
  • diffuse — great tool to visually compare code differences, also could be used as diff & merge tool by default for git
  • geany - simple yet powerful text editor which could be extended with plugins


  • Download and archive for you version of Ubuntu.
  • Unpack it somewhere
  • Open terminal and navigate to it
  • Run sudo ./

That's it, you are ready to create you first development website with webdevhelper, just type wdh or webdevhelper in console to get help.


  • wdh create test — will create a virtual host in Apache and MySQL DB
  • wdh delete test — will delete what was created


This is web developer helper(WDH) tools. It would be usefull in situations when you just install Ubuntu(and others in future) system and have no time for tuning it. It will install and configure LAMP stack, particulary Apache webserver, MySQL server, PHP, drush and composer.






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