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walkawayy edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 8 revisions

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← Magcargo    Piloswine →


Version Type Abilities HP Atk Def SAt SDf Speed Egg Groups
Faithful Ice, Ground Oblivious, Snow Cloak, Thick Fat 50 50 40 30 30 50 Ground, Ground
Modified --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Evolution Type Method Evolution
Evolve Level 33 Piloswine
Level Move
1 Tackle
1 Foresight
5 Bite
8 Ice Shard
11 Mud Slap
14 Endure
18 Magnitude
21 Icy Wind
24 Icicle Crash
28 Take Down
35 Bulldoze
37 Reversal
40 Earthquake
44 Blizzard
48 Amnesia
--- ---
TM Attract
TM Blizzard
TM Bulldoze
TM Calm Mind
TM Curse
TM Dig
TM Double Team
TM Earthquake
TM Facade
TM Hail
TM Hidden Power
TM Ice Beam
TM Light Screen
TM Protect
TM Rain Dance
TM Reflect
TM Rest
TM Return
TM Roar
TM Rock Slide
TM Rock Smash
TM Sandstorm
TM Strength
TM Substitute
TM Toxic
--- ---
Move Tutor Body Slam
Move Tutor Defense Curl
Move Tutor Double Edge
Move Tutor Earth Power
Move Tutor Endure
Move Tutor Headbutt
Move Tutor Icy Wind
Move Tutor Sleep Talk
Move Tutor Swagger
--- ---
Egg Move Avalanche
Egg Move Bite
Egg Move Take Down
Egg Move Body Slam
Egg Move Rock Slide
Egg Move Ancientpower
Egg Move Icicle Crash
Egg Move Icicle Spear

← Magcargo    Piloswine →

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