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A reverse UDP proxy for Teeworlds game play write by Golang.

You can download the binary build of win64 and linux64 from release page, or you can build it by yourself.

  • Golang version Build:
go get
go build udp_proxy.go
  • Golang version Run:
.\udp_proxy.exe <local port> <remote ip> <remote port> (Windows)
./udp_proxy <local port> <remote ip> <remote port> (Linux)

If you want to deploy the golang version proxy into a docker container, you can build the docker image by yourself:

go mod init
go build udp_proxy.go
go mod vendor
docker build -t udp_proxy:1.0.0 .
docker run -d -p <host local port>:<container local port>/udp --name my_udp_proxy udp_proxy:1.0.0 ./udp_proxy <container local port> <remote ip> <remote port>

Or you could use the docker image build by me in release page:

docker load < ./udp_proxy_docker.tar
docker run -d -p <host local port>:<container local port>/udp --name my_udp_proxy udp_proxy:1.0.0 ./udp_proxy <container local port> <remote ip> <remote port>

After runned this Script in your server, you can connect the game server "remote_ip:remote:port" by "your_server_ip:local_port"

The default maximum number of user(inculding dummy) at the same time is 4. It is limit by the Teeworlds server setting "sv_max_clients_per_ip", which default value is 4.

In order to improve performance, I rewrite the python code in golang. After the python version is deployed locally, when the client connects to the local server through a reverse proxy, the in-game ping value is about 24, while the relative go version ping value is only about 3, which greatly improves performance.

Python version should only use for proof of concept.

  • Python version Usage:
python3 <local port> <remote ip> <remote port>

原理: 假设你的机器为A,游戏服务器为B,A<->B之间通讯质量比较差,丢包率为10%。





在部署时需要确认<local port>端口(用于和client通信),和[22223, 22800]的端口(随机取若干个用来和server通信)可以通过防火墙收发数据。腾讯云和阿里云需要额外在网页控制台配置。普通linux服务器可以通过改iptables配置。
