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Prelude Library (
The Prelude Library is brought to you by CS GROUP (

Prelude Library Overview

The Prelude Library is used to make sensor developers' life better by
providing features used by every sensor:

    - Manager(s) Connection management (with fallback in case all
      configured Managers are down, and automatic reconnection).

    - Interface to communicate with the Prelude Manager.

    - Asynchronous Message interface (allowing sensor to emit message
      without blocking, even if there is latency on the wire).

    - Asynchronous timer interface.

    - Generic configuration API, providing a generic abstraction for
      command-line, configuration file option, and wide option support.

    - Wide option managment allowing sensor-exported options to be directly
      accessible from the Manager administrative console.

    - Generic plugin API.

Prelude Communication

    Prelude SIEM uses unique optimized implementation of the XML based IDMEF
    message format to transmit alerts between the sensors and the manager
    and between managers.

    Using IDMEF, Prelude provides a generic method for virtually any type
    of sensors to describe precisely the content of an alert.


   For Redhat based systems (CentOS, Fedora, etc.)
       Minimal            :    groupinstall "Development tools"
                               gnutls-devel libtool-ltdl-devel
       Autogenerated files:    swig bison flex
       Documentation      :    gtk-doc
       Perl Binding       :    perl perl-devel
       Python 2 Binding   :    python-devel
       Python 3 Bindings  :    python34-devel
       LUA Binding        :    lua lua-devel
       Ruby Binding       :    ruby ruby-devel
       PCRE support       :    pcre-devel

   For Debian systems
       Minimal            :    build-essential libtool autoconf
                               gnutls-dev pkg-config
       Autogenerated files:    swig bison flex
       Documentation      :    gtk-doc-tools libglib2.0-dev
       Perl Binding       :    perl
       Python 2 Binding   :    python-dev
       Python 3 Binding   :    python3-dev
       Ruby Binding       :    ruby ruby-dev
       LUA 5.1 Binding    :    lua5.1 liblua5.1-dev
       LUA 5.2 Binding    :    lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
       PCRE support       :    libpcre3-dev


If there's something you just can't find out elsewhere, you want to
give feedback directly to the authors or you're just bored, visit
#prelude on

Get Support

Prelude-user forums can be accessed at:

Old mailing lists can be accessed at:

Commercial Support is available through the CS company:, [email protected]

Help development


The Prelude source is constantly changing. If you want to submit a patch,
please do so from the most recent GIT source tree, subscribe to the
prelude-devel forum and post your patch with a description of functionality.
You can also attach patches to bugs on


If you find any bugs, please report them to:

Please make sure that what you're reporting is actually a BUG and not
a problem on your side.


Subscribe to prelude-devel and give us your suggestions.

How to install the Prelude Library

1. Prelude Library installation

If you don't want to build the Prelude Library yourself, you can get
prebuild rpm and debian packages at

If you want to build Prelude, unpack the tarball and cd into the
newly created directory. Then type :


If everything works, su to root and type:

	make install

2. Generic sensor installation

First, all sensors get some generic configuration files, installed in:
 - $prefix/etc/prelude/default/idmef-client.conf [specific to sensor]
 - $prefix/etc/prelude/default/global.conf [used by sensor and manager]

These files contain entries that *may* be shared between several sensors.
If a sensor provides the same entry in its own configuration file,
then the sensor will by default use its own entry.

Example of a shared entry (in the default provided generic sensor
configuration file) is :

server-addr = || x.x.x.x;

Which tells the sensor to try to connect to both
and x.x.x.x:4690. If both connections work, only the first will be used,
but the contrary would happen if you were to use :

server-addr = && x.x.x.x;

Which mean that both connections should be okay for a sensor message to
be considered to be successfully sent.

When linked against the Prelude Library, the sensors should be registered
in order to setup the sensor for the first time.

If you start a sensor without registering it, it'll print out a message
like :

Profile 'prelude-lml' does not exist. In order to create it, please run:
prelude-admin register "prelude-lml" "idmef:w" <manager address> --uid 0 --gid 0

Starting this program with the sensor provided arguments will start
the registration procedure for this sensor.

The prelude-admin program will ask you to start the prelude-admin program
on the Manager host:

  You now need to start "prelude-admin" on the server host where
  you need to register to:

  use: "prelude-admin registration-server <analyzer-name>"

"analyzer-name" should be substituted by the name of your Manager
(prelude-manager is the default, unless you provided a customized
analyzer-name option on the prelude-manager command line, or in its
configuration file).

The manager host prelude-admin program will provide you a randomly
generated password to be used when sensor side prelude-admin requests it.

The prelude-admin program will then ask you several questions, and it will
connect to the manager prelude-admin program. If authentication is okay,
the sensors and the Manager will be able to exchange their certificates.