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An Android / iOS / desktop App that shows Cryptocurrency prices


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A cross-platform app to display cryptocurrency prices, built using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform. The app targets Android, iOS, and Desktop (JVM) platforms.


  • View real-time cryptocurrency prices.
  • Offline first.
  • Cross-platform support: Android, iOS, and Desktop.
  • Coroutine and Flow for asynchronous operations.
  • Comprehensive testing with Maestro and JUnit.
  • Test coverage reports with Kover.

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin Multiplatform: Share code between Android, iOS, and Desktop.
  • Compose Multiplatform: Build UI across platforms with Jetpack Compose.
  • Multi-module clean architecture: Maintainable and scalable project structure.
  • Koin: Lightweight dependency injection framework.
  • Coroutines/Flow: Asynchronous programming.
  • Ktor: HTTP client.
  • SQLDelight: Type-safe SQL, and multiplatform persistence library.
  • JUnit: Unit testing framework.
  • Kover: Code coverage tool for Kotlin.
  • Maestro: End-to-end test automation framework.


The app follows the clean architecture principle, which includes:

  • Domain Layer: Contains business logic.
  • Data Layer: Handles data operations, including API calls and local database.
  • Presentation Layer: Contains UI components built with Compose Multiplatform.

Setup and Installation

  • JDK 20 to build the app
  • JVM to run the desktop app
  • Xcode to build the iOS app
  • Recommended IDE: Intellij or Fleet
  • Maestro CLI if you want to run the end to end tests.

Build the app


./gradlew app-android:assembleRelease


xcodebuild \
          -workspace app-iOS/appiOS.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace \
          -configuration Debug \
          -scheme appiOS \
          -sdk iphonesimulator \
          -derivedDataPath app-iOS/build


./gradlew app-desktop:run

Screenshots 📸








Data are provided by the awesome CoinGecko API