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7. Input Data Dictionary

Matt Luck edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

This page contains descriptions of the Inundation Mapping input data. This page will be updated over time as the Inundation Mapping codebase evolves.

National Water Model (NWM) Hydrofabric

Location: /inputs/nwm_hydrofabric/


  • nwm_catchments.gpkg: NWM v2.1 catchments, converted to geopackage, with added attribute mainstem to define mainstem* catchments.
  • nwm_flows.gpkg: NWM v2.1 flowlines (derived from NHDPlusHR flowlines), converted to geopackage.
  • nwm_lakes.gpkg: NWM v2.1 lakes, converted to geopackage.

*Inundation Mapping defines mainstem as the catchments and segments that are downstream of official River Forecast Center (FRC) forecasting locations.

USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Elevation Rasters

Location: /inputs/3dep_dems/10m_5070/

Files: Files are stored by HUC6s (Hydrologic Unit Code 6) in the following structure, where XXXXXX represents the HUC.

  • HUC6_XXXXXX_dem.tif: An elevation geotiff. Original 3DEP elevation rasters are reprojected to EPSG:5070 and elevation is converted to meters.

Original Data Source

National Levee Database (NLD) Vectors

Location: /inputs/nld_vectors/


  • 3d_nld_preprocessed_230314.gpkg: Geopackages containing levee polylines (centerlines + floodwalls + closure structures)
  • Leveed_Areas_NLDFS_5070_230314.gpkg: Geopackages containing levee protected area polygons

Original Data Source

Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) Lists

Location: /inputs/huc_lists


  • included_huc8.list: A list of HUC8s allowed for processing.
  • Ability to create unique huc list, store in same folder as workflow is inflexible on file location.

Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD)

Location: /inputs/wbd/


  • WBD_National_GDB.gpkg: National Watershed Boundary Dataset converted to geopackage.

Original Data Source

Ocean and Great Lakes Masking Layers

Location: /inputs/landsea/


  • water_polygons_us.gpkg: Geopackage containing polygon boundaries for oceans and seas. Original Data Source
  • gl_water_polygons.gpkg: Geopackage containing polygon boundaries for the Great Lakes. Original Data Source

Bathymetry/Channel Bankfull Geometry

Location: /inputs/bathymetry/

Files: Three options for input regression-based channel geometry bankfull estimates (channel topwidth, channel depth, and channel cross section area):

  • BANKFULL_CONUS.txt: Option 1 (Default): Bankfull geometry (NWC derived geometry using the bankfull discharge regression equations from Bieger (2015))
  • BANKFULL_CONUS.txt: Option 2: Wieczorek et al. (2018) bankfull geometry (derived with Bieger (2015) drainage area regression equations) Original Data Source
  • nwm_route_link_geom_BED.csv: Option 3: NWM RouteLink bankfull geometry (derived with Blackburn-Lynch (2017) regression)

Synthetic Rating Curve Post-processing

Location: /inputs/rating_curve/


  • /inputs/rating_curve/variable_roughness/mannings_global_06_011.csv: Table of Manning's roughness values per NWM feature_id. Includes attributes: "channel_n" and "overbank_n". The current default file incorporates a value of 0.06 (in-channel) and 0.11 (max overbank) when computing a composite roughness curve for each stream segment in the NWM domain.
  • /inputs/rating_curve/variable_roughness/nwm_v2_1_recurr_1_5_cms.csv: 1.5yr recurrence flow values for all NWM features - obtained from the NWM v2.1 retrospective simulation.