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Payment API Integration

Vito Medved edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

Monri Android SDK - New Payment Integration

Our Android libraries let you easily accept mobile payments inside any Android app.

Monri has created a Java library for Android, allowing you to easily submit payments from an Android app. With our mobile library, we address PCI compliance by eliminating the need to send card data directly to your server. Instead, our libraries send the card data directly to our servers, where we can convert them to tokens.

Recently we've added a new way of simplified payment integration in your app.

It consist of two steps:

  • create new payment on merchant's backend
  • confirm created payment on merchant's mobile application using SDK

New integration is designed to guide customer through payment process in app.

It reduces integration time significantly simply by requiring implementation of two endpoints on merchant's backend.

Continue following this wiki to learn how to create payment on backend.

Collecting credit card information

At some point in the flow of your app, you’ll want to obtain payment details from the user. There are a couple ways to do this:

  • Use our built-in card input widget to collect card information
  • Build your own credit card form

Instructions for each route follows, although you may want to write your app to offer support for both.

Using the card input widget

To collect card data from your customers directly, you can use Monri’s CardMultilineWidget in your application. You can include it in any view’s layout file.

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

This allows your customers to input all of the required data for their card: the number, the expiration date, and the CVV code. Note that the value of the Card object is null if the data in the widget is either incomplete or fails client-side validity checks.

CardMultilineWidget cardInputWidget = (CardMultilineWidget) findViewById(;

Card cardToSave = cardInputWidget.getCard();
if (cardToSave == null) {
    errorDialogHandler.showError("Invalid Card Data");

If you have any other data that you would like to associate with the card, such as name, address, or ZIP code, you can put additional input controls on your layout and add them directly to the Card object.

cardToSave = cardToSave.toBuilder().name("Customer Name").build();
cardToSave = cardToSave.toBuilder().addressZip("12345").build();

Building your own form

If you build your own payment form, you’ll need to collect at least your customers’ card numbers and expiration dates. Monri strongly recommends collecting the CVC. You can optionally collect the user’s name and billing address for additional fraud protection.

Once you’ve collected a customer’s information, you will need to exchange the information for a Monri token.

Creating & validating cards from a custom form

To create a Card object from data you’ve collected from other forms, you can create the object with its constructor.


public void onAddCard(String cardNumber, String cardExpMonth,
                      String cardExpYear, String cardCVC) {
  final Card card = Card.create(


As you can see in the example above, the Card instance contains some helpers to validate that the card number passes the Luhn check, that the expiration date is the future, and that the CVC looks valid. You’ll probably want to validate these three things at once, so we’ve included a validateCard function that does so.

// The Card class will normalize the card number
final Card card = Card.create("4242-4242-4242-4242", 12, 2020, "123");
if (!card.validateCard()) {
  // Show errors

Creating new payment on merchant's backend

This step is preferably executed when you have enough information to create customer's order.

For simplicity we'll show example using curl in PHP.

To create payment on our backend you'll need:

  • merchant_key (available on merchant's dashboard)
  • authenticity_token (available on merchant's dashboard)

Additionally we require following fields:

field length type description
amount 1-11 Integer amount is in minor units, ie. 10.24 USD is sent as 1024
order_number 2-40 String unique order identifier
currency 3 String One of supported currencies (BAM, HRK, EUR, USD, CHF etc)
transaction_type enum String possible values are: authorize or purchase
order_info 3-100 String short description of order being processed

Optionally we offer setting payment scenario, which can be one of:

field length type description
scenario enum String possible values are: charge or add_payment_method

Scenario charge charges customer amount. Depending on transaction_type amount is reserved (authorize) or captured (purchase).

Scenario add_payment_method provides simple way to implement 'Save card for future payments' functionality.

For request authentication we use Authorization header created from:

  • authorization schema: String = WP3-v2
  • authenticity_token: String = value from merchant's configuration
  • timestamp: Integer = unix timestamp (eg PHP's time())
  • digest: String = sha512(merchant_key + timestamp + authenticity_token + body_as_string)

Parts above are joined by space, so Authorization header should be in this form:

Authorization: schema authenticity_token timestamp digest

Example: Authorization: WP3-v2 abc...def 1585229134 314d32d1...0b49

Request endpoint is <base_url>/v2/payment/new where base_url is:

  • for TEST environment
  • for PROD environment

TIP: Parametrize merchant_key, authenticity_token and base_url so it can be easily changed when you are ready for production environment.

Payment/new response contains:

  • status: String: approved | declined
  • id: String - Unique payment identifier used to track payment flow on Monri's side. Useful for debugging if something goes wrong. Save this value in your database.
  • client_secret: String - Value you'll send to your application which then will use this secret to confirm payment using Monri Android SDK.

Request example in PHP:

$data = [
  "amount" => 100,
  // unique order identifier
  "order_number" => 'random'. time(),
  "currency" => "EUR",
  "transaction_type" => "purchase",
  "order_info" => "Create payment session order info",
  "scenario" => 'charge'
$body_as_string = Json::encode($data); // use php's standard library equivalent if Json::encode is not available in your code
$base_url = ''; // parametrize this value
$ch = curl_init($base_url . '/v2/payment/new');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body_as_string);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

$timestamp = time();
$digest = hash('sha512', $key . $timestamp .$authenticity_token. $body_as_string);
$authorization = "WP3-v2 $authenticity_token $timestamp $digest";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Content-Length: ' . strlen($body_as_string),
    'Authorization: '.$authorization

$result = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
  $response = ['client_secret' => null, 'status' => 'declined', 'error' => curl_error($ch)];
} else {
  $response = ['status' => 'approved', 'client_secret' => Json::decode($result)['client_secret']];


Confirm payment on merchant's application

After you've created payment on a backend and sent client_secret back to your application you need to confirm payment using Monri's SDK.


  • ensure you have valid client_secret (created on backend using payment/new)
  • create Monri instance (inside the onCreate() method of the activity) - this.monri = new Monri((ActivityResultCaller) this, monriApiOptions);
  • collect Customer params and create CustomerParams instance
  • create TransactionParams from customerParams, set other values if needed (eg override order_info)
  • obtain PaymentMethodsParams:
    • For card payments: from Card instance via card.toPaymentMethodParams()
    • For crypto payments: from DirectPayment instance via directPayment.toPaymentMethodParams();
  • create ConfirmPaymentParams from client_secret, payment method params and transaction params
  • create ActionResultConsumer<PaymentResult> instance
  • invoke monri.confirmPayment(confirmPaymentParams, actionResultConsumer)
  • payment result will be returned to the actionResultConsumer instance

NOTE Values set in TransactionParams and CustomerParams will override those set in payment/new request.


attribute length type description
full_name 3-30 String buyer's full name
address 3-100 String buyer's address
city 3-30 String buyer's city
zip 3-9 String buyer's zip
country 2 String buyer's country - ISO two letter code
phone 3-30 String buyer's phone
email 3-100 String buyer's email

TransactionParams is used to override values set in payment/new.

Integration example is available in SDK's example and on this link

Getting payment result on merchant's backend

Although you can easily collect payment result directly in application via onSuccess call it's better to implement callback listener (WebHook) on your backend.


  • it must be available over the Internet
  • it must be secured (HTTPS)
  • it must be set in merchant's setup on Monri's dashboard (if you are not able to set this value contact [email protected])

How it works:

  • upon transaction processing and approval we'll send POST request to callback endpoint defined in merchant's settings
  • validate received request to check if it's from us
  • update/deliver order

Example of POST request sent to callback endpoint:


  "id": 214,
  "acquirer": "integration_acq",
  "order_number": "3159daf002e3809",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "HRK",
  "ch_full_name": "John Doe",
  "outgoing_amount": 100,
  "outgoing_currency": "HRK",
  "approval_code": "687042",
  "response_code": "0000",
  "response_message": "approved",
  "reference_number": "000003036888",
  "systan": "000214",
  "eci": "06",
  "xid": null,
  "acsv": null,
  "cc_type": "visa",
  "status": "approved",
  "created_at": "2020-03-26T11:09:17.959+01:00",
  "transaction_type": "purchase",
  "enrollment": "N",
  "authentication": null,
  "pan_token": null,
  "masked_pan": "411111-xxx-xxx-1111",
  "issuer": "xml-sim",
  "number_of_installments": null,
  "custom_params": "{a:b, c:d}"


header value
accept-encoding gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
authorization WP3-callback d5e4528ad8a0e0f4262e518c663d5ff83cd4a8f381db68f9d30f99961409ceebb719c16d423757fc36c532b902c987012f5825dc8d32dde3a9b7ed95876be77a
content-type application/json
http_authorization WP3-callback d5e4528ad8a0e0f4262e518c663d5ff83cd4a8f381db68f9d30f99961409ceebb719c16d423757fc36c532b902c987012f5825dc8d32dde3a9b7ed95876be77a
user-agent Faraday v0.15.4
content-length 621
connection keep-alive

Where authorization and http_authorization headers are created as:

digest = sha512(merchant_key + body)

authorization_header_value = WP3-callback digest

To check if request is valid check:

  • if authorization header schema is WP3-callback
  • extract digest as second part
  • verify digest