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rocky edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 17 revisions

Table of Contents

Get latest sources:

$ git pull

Change version in mathics_django/

Update __version__ in mathics_django/

$ source mathics_django/ # to set in POSIX shell
$ echo $__version__

Make release branch:

$ git checkout -b release-$__version__
$ git commit -m"Get ready for release $__version__" .

Update Changes

$ make ChangeLog

Update CHANGES.rst from ChangeLog.

$ make check
$ git commit --amend .
$ git push   # get CI testing going early can be used for checking the RsT.

Check package from github, then...

$ get checkout master
$ git pull origin HEAD

Todo: turn this into a script in admin-tools

$ [[ ! -d /tmp/gittest ]] && mkdir /tmp/gittest; pushd /tmp/gittest
$ pyenv local pyston-2.3.4
$ pip install -e git+
$ cd src/mathics-django
$ make
$ mathicsserver --version # see that new version appears
$ mathicsserver
$ pip uninstall Mathics_Django
$ popd

Make packages and check

$ make dist
$ twine check dist/Mathics_Django-$__version__*

Release on Github


Now check the tagged release. (Checking the untagged release was previously done).

Todo: turn this into a script in admin-tools

$ git pull # to pull down new tag
$ pushd /tmp/gittest
$ pip install -e git+${__version__}#egg=Mathics_Django
$ cd src/mathics-django
$ make
$ mathicsserver --version # see that new version appears
$ mathicsserver
# Run gallery and about and check documentation.
$ pip uninstall Mathics-Django
$ popd

Upload the release to PyPI

Upload it to PyPI with twine

$ twine upload dist/Mathics_Django-${__version__}*

Move uploaded versions to dist/uploaded.
