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php-svg-optimizer is a PHP library designed to optimize SVG files by applying various transformations and cleanup operations.


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PHP SVG Optimizer

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php-svg-optimizer is a PHP library designed to optimize SVG files by applying various transformations and cleanup operations.

Versions & Dependencies

Version PHP Documentation
^4.0 ^8.2 current


  • ext-dom: Required PHP extension for XML handling.
  • ext-libxml: Required PHP extension for XML error handling.


To install the library, run:

composer require mathiasreker/php-svg-optimizer

To ensure robustness when using the library, it's crucial to handle exceptions, as invalid or malformed SVG files could lead to runtime errors. Catching these exceptions will allow you to manage potential issues gracefully and prevent your application from crashing.

Example specifying rules



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\SvgOptimizerService;

try {
    $svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromFile('path/to/source.svg')
            removeTitleAndDesc: false,
            removeComments: true,
            removeUnnecessaryWhitespace: true,
            removeDefaultAttributes: false,
            removeMetadata: true,
            flattenGroups: true,
            convertColorsToHex: true,
            minifySvgCoordinates: true,
            minifyTransformations: false,
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Example parsing from a file and saving to a file using default rules



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\SvgOptimizerService;

try {
    $svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromFile('path/to/source.svg')

    $metaData = $svgOptimizer->getMetaData();

    echo sprintf('Optimized size: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getOptimizedSize(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Original size: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getOriginalSize(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Size reduction: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getSavedBytes(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Reduction percentage: %s %%%s', $metaData->getSavedPercentage(), \PHP_EOL);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Example parsing from a file and returning the content using default rules



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\Providers\FileProvider;
use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\SvgOptimizerService;

try {
    $svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromFile('path/to/source.svg')

    echo sprintf('Get content: ', $svgOptimizer->getContent(), \PHP_EOL);
    $metaData = $svgOptimizer->getMetaData();

    echo sprintf('Optimized size: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getOptimizedSize(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Original size: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getOriginalSize(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Size reduction: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getSavedBytes(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Reduction percentage: %s %%%s', $metaData->getSavedPercentage(), \PHP_EOL);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Example parsing from a string and returning the content using default rules



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\Providers\StringProvider;
use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\SvgOptimizerService;

try {
    $svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromString('<svg>...</svg>')

    echo sprintf('Content: ', $svgOptimizer->getContent(), \PHP_EOL);
    $metaData = $svgOptimizer->getMetaData();

    echo sprintf('Optimized size: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getOptimizedSize(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Original size: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getOriginalSize(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Size reduction: %d bytes%s', $metaData->getSavedBytes(), \PHP_EOL);
    echo sprintf('Reduction percentage: %s %%%s', $metaData->getSavedPercentage(), \PHP_EOL);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Example parsing from a directory and optimizing all SVG files using default rules (overwriting the original files)



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\Providers\FileProvider;
use MathiasReker\PhpSvgOptimizer\Services\SvgOptimizerService;

$totalOriginalSize = 0;
$totalOptimizedSize = 0;
$optimizedFiles = 0;

$optimizeSvg = function (string $filePath) use (&$totalOriginalSize, &$totalOptimizedSize, &$optimizedFiles): void {
    try {
        $svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromFile($filePath)

        $metaData = $svgOptimizer->getMetaData();
        $totalOriginalSize += $metaData->getOriginalSize();
        $totalOptimizedSize += $metaData->getOptimizedSize();
    } catch (\Exception) {
        // Skip the file if an exception occurs

$directoryPath = 'path/to/directory';

$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
    new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directoryPath, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS),

foreach ($iterator as $fileInfo) {
    if ($fileInfo->isFile() && 'svg' === $fileInfo->getExtension()) {

$reduction = $totalOriginalSize - $totalOptimizedSize;
$reductionPercentage = $totalOriginalSize > 0 ? ($reduction / $totalOriginalSize) * 100 : 0;

echo sprintf('Files optimized: %d%s', $optimizedFiles, \PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf('Total size reduction: %d bytes%s', $reduction, \PHP_EOL);
echo sprintf('Total reduction percentage: %s %%%s', number_format($reductionPercentage, 2), \PHP_EOL);


Static factory method to create SvgOptimizerService from a file path.

$svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromFile('path/to/source.svg');

Static factory method to create SvgOptimizerService from a string.

$svgOptimizer = SvgOptimizerService::fromString('<svg>...</svg>');

withRules Method

Configure which SVG optimization rules to apply. The method accepts boolean parameters that determine whether specific rules should be enabled or disabled.


Removes <title> and <desc> tags from the SVG:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(removeTitleAndDesc: true);

Removes all comments from the SVG:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(removeComments: true);

Cleans up unnecessary whitespace in the SVG:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(removeUnnecessaryWhitespace: true);

Removes default attribute values that match common defaults:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(removeDefaultAttributes: true);

Removes <metadata> tags from the SVG:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(removeMetadata: true);

Flattens nested <g> elements, moving their child elements up to the parent node:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(flattenGroups: true);

Converts rgb() color values to hexadecimal format:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(convertColorsToHex: true);

Minifies coordinate values by removing unnecessary precision:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(minifySvgCoordinates: true);

Minifies transformation attributes by removing redundant values:

$svgOptimizer->withRules(minifyTransformations: true);

All options are set to true by default. You can configure them individually by passing the desired values to it:

    removeTitleAndDesc: false,
    removeComments: true,
    removeUnnecessaryWhitespace: true,
    removeDefaultAttributes: false,
    removeMetadata: true,
    flattenGroups: true,
    convertColorsToHex: true,
    minifySvgCoordinates: true,
    minifyTransformations: false,

optimize Method

Finalizes the optimization process and generates the optimized SVG file.


saveToFile Method

Saves the optimized SVG file to the specified path.


getContent Method

Returns the optimized SVG content.


getOptimizedSize Method

Returns the size of the optimized SVG file.


getOriginalSize Method

Returns the size of the original SVG file.


getSavedBytes Method

Returns the number of bytes saved by the optimization process.


getSavedPercentage Method

Returns the percentage of bytes saved by the optimization process.



For a complete list of proposed features and known issues, see the open issues.


We welcome all contributions! If you have ideas for improvements, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. You can also open an issue and tag it with "enhancement." If you find this project helpful, don’t forget to give it a star!

Library Structure and Contribution Guide

The library implements the Strategy Pattern, where strategies are encapsulated as "rules" located in the /src/Services/Rules directory.

Adding a New Rule
  1. Create the Rule: Add a new class in the /src/Services/Rules directory that implements the SvgOptimizerRuleInterface.

  2. Write Tests: Ensure your new rule is thoroughly tested by creating corresponding test cases in /tests/Services/Rules.

  3. Integrate the Rule: Add your new rule to the builder in /src/Services/SvgOptimizerService.php.

  4. Update Documentation: Finally, update the to reflect the addition of the new rule and its purpose.

By following these steps, you'll ensure that your contribution is well-integrated into the project.


To use the project with Docker, you can start the container using:

docker-compose up -d

Then, access the container:

docker exec -it php-svg-optimizer bash


PHP Coding Standards Fixer:

composer cs-fix

PHP Coding Standards Checker:

composer cs-check

PHP Stan (level 9):

composer phpstan

Unit tests:

composer test

Magic number detector:

composer magic-number-detector

Run all formatting tools:

composer format


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.