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Final project of the Udacity Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program. Build a travel app which obtains a desired trip location & date from the user, and displays weather and an image of the location using information obtained from external APIs.

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This is the repository for the Final Project: Build a Travel App of the Udacity Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program.

Goals of this project:

  • create asynchronous web app that uses three Web APIs and user input (destination) to dynamically update the UI for the App
  • use Webpack as build tool for Production and Development Environment
  • Provide location data for a given user input and by that location data search for suitable pictures and give a weather forecast for the following 16 days
  • Style the webpage according to the user screen width (responsive design)
  • Use Jest Framework for Unit Testing
  • Use Service Workers to support offline functionality
  • Provide additional customizations (see Additions section)

Functionalities used:

  • Node.js for Webserver with Express
  • Axios for promise based requests usage together with Node.js
  • Build tool Webpack for Production and Development Environment (additional Webpack dev server with proxy)
  • Jest Framework for Unit Testing
  • Service Workers for offline functionality
  • Geonames API to receive location data for given input
  • Weatherbit API to receive 16 days weather forecast for location data from Geonames
  • Pixabay API to receive picture for the given destination
  • Styles with SCSS (responsive design)
  • Babel to make recent JS Code backwards compatible
  • Proxy server during development mode to test request functionality


The following customizations are implemented from the list of bonus items:

  • Allow the user to remove the trip
  • Use Local Storage to save the data so that when they close, then revisit the page, their information is still there
  • Instead of just pulling a single day forecast, pull the forecast for multiple days
  • Incorporate icons into forecast
  • Choose random picture as result from all provided pictures in the array

Steps to start

  • download repository
  • check Node.js installation in Terminal with node --version and install if not present
  • install dependencies via npm (included with Node.js) with npm install
  • run Jest test suites via npm run test
  • run development environment via npm run dev with dev server running on localhost:8080
  • Remark for dev mode: to test API calls during development mode a proxy was configured via Webpack so the command npm run express needs to be run in a separate terminal in the project root directory to start the express server on port 8081
  • run production environment via npm run start which starts express server on localhost:8081
  • production build can be run separately via npm run build-prod


  • the name of the app Treather is a combination of the basic setup to provide weather forecast for a certain travel
  • since the release of Express 4.16+ the features .urlencoded() and .json() were included directly into Express, so additional installation of body-parser is not needed anymore
  • using webpack-cli 4.x requires beta version [email protected] to make the webpack dev server work again
  • as this project uses Webpack 5 the required optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin was not supported anymore, changed to css-minimizer-webpack-plugin
  • the page and input fields (especially the date) is not optimized for Safari Browser and needs future support for this case
  • during first server start the Weatherbit API did not respond in some cases, problem is yet unclear and regular functionality is provided after the first two - three requests



Final project of the Udacity Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program. Build a travel app which obtains a desired trip location & date from the user, and displays weather and an image of the location using information obtained from external APIs.




