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The data access layer (DAL) is an abstraction layer Library for accessing the required data. The data may be fetched/written (pending permission) from/to the appropriate data sources: GIT DB (Redis) File system

The Data Service provides: 1) Validation of user permissions before accessing the data 2) Enforcing the appropriate JSON schema when writing data 3) Validating compatibility between a document versions


The DAL exposes API for reading and writing the data and is used by the MOV.AI platform component The DAL is a python package and it is incapsulated in the Backend and in the Spawner (Flow initiator) containers

Prerequisites : The DAL is depended on the following packages: Pillow>=5.1.0 aioredis==1.3.0 deepdiff==4.0.9 gitpython==3.1.2 jsonschema==3.2.0 miracle-acl==0.0.4.post1 py3rosmsgs pyjwt==1.7.1 pyros-genmsg python-box==4.0.4 redis==3.3.11 movai_core_shared==


The complete build process:

  • a python module building step which will create a .whl file

build pip module

rm dist/*
python3 -m build .

install pip module locally

python3 -m venv .testenv
source .testenv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir \
--index-url="" \
--extra-index-url \