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Reward Service

The service manages five types of reward scores: Health, Fitness, Growth, Strength, and Power.

  1. Health Score: Reflects a user's learning progress, increasing when they learn new content and decreasing when they fall behind.

  2. Fitness Score: Measures how well a student revisits previous chapters, encouraging review of old content and considering correctness scores.

  3. Growth Score: Serves as a progress indicator, showing students how much of the course lies ahead as they learn new concepts.

  4. Strength Score: Encourages participation in REX-Duels, promoting interaction among students and rewarding winners with more points.

  5. Power Score: Represents a composite value of other reward properties, enabling student ranking based on overall performance.

For more details about the Reward Service Scoring System, please refer to the documentation.

Environment variables

Relevant for deployment

Name Description Value in Dev Environment Value in Prod Environment
spring.datasource.url PostgreSQL database URL jdbc:postgresql://localhost:7032/reward_service jdbc:postgresql://reward-service-db-postgresql:5432/reward-service
spring.datasource.username Database username root gits
spring.datasource.password Database password root secret
DAPR_HTTP_PORT Dapr HTTP Port 7000 3500
server.port Port on which the application runs 7001 7001
reward.recalculation.cron Cron expression for recalculation 0 0 3 * * * 0 0 3 * * *
content_service.url URL for content service GraphQL http://localhost:4001/graphql http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/content-service/method/graphql

Other properties

Name Description Value in Dev Environment Value in Prod Environment
spring.graphql.graphiql.enabled Enable GraphiQL web interface for GraphQL true true
spring.graphql.graphiql.path Path for GraphiQL when enabled /graphiql /graphiql Active Spring profile dev prod Hibernate dialect for PostgreSQL org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
spring.sql.init.mode SQL initialization mode always always Show SQL queries in logs true false
spring.sql.init.continue-on-error Continue on SQL init error true true
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto Hibernate DDL auto strategy create update
DAPR_GRPC_PORT Dapr gRPC Port - 50001 The health will at most decrease by this value per day. 20 20 The number of days overdue is multiplied by this value to calculate the health decrease. Higher values punish the user more for being overdue. 0.5 0.5 The fitness will at most decrease by this value per day. 20 20 The number of days overdue is multiplied by this value to calculate the fitness decrease. Higher values punish the user more for being overdue. Note that this should always be higher that the health multiplier, because the fitness calculation also includes a correctness modifier. 2.0 2.0
reward.power.health_fitness_multiplier How much the power score can be increased by the health and fitness scores, in percent 0.1 0.1

API description

The GraphQL API is described in the file.

The endpoint for the GraphQL API is /graphql. The GraphQL Playground is available at /graphiql.

Get started

A guide how to start development can be found in the wiki.


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