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Atomic Reshaper

Lykrast edited this page Aug 31, 2018 · 3 revisions

import mods.prodigytech.atomicreshaper

addRecipe(IItemStack/IOreDictEntry in, IItemStack out, int primordium, @Optional int time)

Adds a recipe that takes in as input and gives out in time ticks (at 250°C) for primordium Primordium units. If time is omitted it defaults to the config's base value.

Note: if an item has both a valid itemstack recipe and oredict recipe, the itemstack recipe takes priority

addRecipeMulti(IItemStack in, int primordium, int time, IItemStack[] outputs, @Optional int[] weights)

Adds a recipe that takes in as input and gives a random item from outputs in time ticks (at 250°C) for primordium Primordium units, respecting the weights in weights. If weights is omitted it defaults to 1 to all items (all items equally likely).

If weights is specified, it must be the same size as outputs. The nth item in outputs will have the nth number in weights as weight. Items with higher weights will be pulled more often.

Note: if an item has both a valid itemstack recipe and oredict recipe, the itemstack recipe takes priority

removeRecipe(IItemStack/IOreDictEntry in)

Removes the recipe that takes in as input.


Removes all recipes.

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