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The Decentralised File System (dfs) is a file system built for the FairOS. It is a stateless thin layer which uses the building blocks provided by Swarm to provide high level functionalities like

  • Exposing a logical file system
  • Creation of logical drives
  • User and Permission management
  • Charging and Payments
  • Mutable, Indexed data structures over immmutable file system

dfs can be used for the following use cases

  1. Personal data store
  2. Application data store (for both Web 3.0 DApps and web 2.0 Apps)
  3. Data sharing with single user and on an organizational level


The first step in dfs is to create a user. Every user is associated with a 12 word mnemonic based hd wallet. This wallet is passwod protected and stored in the datadir. whenever a user created a pod for himself, a new key pair is created using this mnemonic. A user can use this mnemonic and import their account in any device and instantly see all their pods.

What is a pod?

A pod is a personal drive created by a user in fairOS-dfs. It is used to store files and related metadata in a decentralised fashion. A pod is always under the control of the user who created it. A user can create and store any number of files or directories in a pod. The user can share files in his pod with any other user just like in other centralised drives like dropbox. Not only users, a pod can be used by decentralised applications (DApp's) to store data related to that user.

Pod cretion is cheap. A user can create multiple pods and use it to organise his data. for ex: Personal-Pod, Applications-Pod etc.

How to build and run dfs?

Demo 1: FairOS-dfs Introduction

Demo 2: FairOS-dfs File Sharing

Demo 3: FairOS-dfs Adding a new Device

Demo 4: Introdution to Key Value Store over Swarm

Demo 5: Adding large datasets in KV store in Swarm


user related APIs
pod related APIs
dir related APIs
file related APIs
Key Value store related APIs

REPL Commands in dfs

dfs >>> <command> where, <command> is listed below

user related commands
  • user <new> (user-name) - create a new user and login as that user
  • user <del> (user-name) - deletes a already created user
  • user <login> (user-name) - login as a given user
  • user <logout> (user-name) - logout as user
  • user <ls> - lists all the user present in this instance
  • user <name> (first_name) (middle_name) (last_name) (surname) - sets the user name information
  • user <name> - gets the user name information
  • user <contact> (phone) (mobile) (address_line1) (address_line2) (state) (zipcode) - sets the user contact information
  • user <contact> gets the user contact information
  • user <share> <inbox> - shows details of the files you have received from other users
  • user <share> <outbox> - shows details of the files you have sent to other users
  • user <export> - exports the given user
  • user <import> (user-name) (address) - imports the user to another device
  • user <import> (user-name) (12 word mnemonic) - imports the user if the device is lost"
  • user <stat> - shows information about a user
pod related commands
  • pod <new> (pod-name) - create a new pod and login to that pod
  • pod <del> (pod-name) - deletes a already created pod
  • pod <login> (pod-name) - login to a already created pod
  • pod <stat> (pod-name) - display meta information about a pod
  • pod <sync> (pod-name) - sync the contents of a logged in pod from Swarm
  • pod <logout> - logout of a logged in pod
  • pod <ls> - lists all the pods created for this account
directory & file related commands
  • cd <directory name>
  • ls
  • copyToLocal <source file in pod, destination directory in local fs>
  • copyFromLocal <source file in local fs, destination directory in pod, block size in MB>
  • mkdir <directory name>
  • rmdir <directory name>
  • rm <file name> = pwd - show present working directory
  • head <no of lines>
  • cat - stream the file to stdout
  • stat <file name or directory name> - shows the information about a file or directory
  • share <file name> - shares a file with another user
  • receive <sharing reference> <pod dir> - receives a file from another user
  • receiveinfo <sharing reference> - shows the received file info before accepting the receive
Key Value store commands
  • kv <new> (table-name) - create new key value store
  • kv <delete> (table-name) - delete the key value store
  • kv <ls> - lists all the key value stores
  • kv <open> (table-name) - open already created key value store
  • kv <get> table-name) (key) - get value from key
  • kv <put> (table-name) (key) (value) - put key and value in kv store"
  • kv <del> (table-name) (key) - delete key and value from the store
  • kv <loadcsv> (table-name) (local csv file) - loads the csv file in to kv store
  • kv <seek> (table-name) (start-key) (end-key) (limit) - seek to the given start prefix
  • kv <getnext> (table-name) - get the next element
management commands
  • help - display this help
  • exit - exits from the prompt


Decentralised File System (dfs) layer of the FairOS



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