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Lightman edited this page Jul 8, 2023 · 5 revisions


Lightman's Currency adds a few commands to the game. Most of which are admin-only, but there are a few commands that are not. The commands are as follows:

Public Commands

/lcbaltop [<page>] Lists the top bank account balances of all players on the server. Only displays 10 entries per page.

Admin Commands

/lcadmin help List helpful info on what the /lcadmin sub-commands do.

/lcadmin toggleadmin Enables or Disables ADMIN MODE, which is required to access admin features such as accessing other players bank accounts, accessing another players trader's storage, or making a Creative Trader.

/lcadmin traderdata list Lists helpful info on all traders in existence, such as world position, owner, etc.

/lcadmin traderdata search <searchText> Similar to /lcadmin traderdata list, but it filters the traders based on the searchText (useful for finding all traders owned by a player, or with an inappropriate name, etc.)

/lcadmin traderdata delete <traderID> Allows you to forcibly delete a trader. Note that doing so will forfeit all items/money within the trader, so manually locating and breaking the traders block is preferred. You may use /lcadmin traderdata list/search to get a traders ID for deletion.

/lcadmin traderdata debug <traderID> Allows you to see a traders raw NBT tag for debug purposes.

/lcadmin traderdata addToWhitelist <traderID> <player> Allows you to add the given player(s) to the traders whitelist trade rule. Requires that the whitelist rule be enabled by the traders owner.

/lcadmin prepareForStructure <traderPos> Allows you to save a trader blocks current trader state into the trader blocks NBT data. When used on a trader, it allows it to be safely copied to a different location via tools such as vanilla Structures, World Edit, and even NBT copying via middle click (only if used on a traders core block, which would be the bottom-left block for multi-block traders).

/lcreload Reloads all Lightman's Currency json configuration files, such as the PersistentTraders.json, the MasterCoinList.json, and the ATMData.json.

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