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Credential Rotator Operator

Credential Rotator Operator is a Kubernetes operator which automates the rotation of database credentials for a web application.

Credential rotator operator

During setup and deployment of the operator:

  • A custom resource definition (CRD) is created.
  • A controller is deployed as a Pod that contains the operator logic.
  • A controller is registered with the controller manager for the CRD defined previously. This means any operation on a custom resource (CR) of this type of CRD is handled by the controller.
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) is set up for the CR access.

The new controller enables the credential rotation as follows:

  1. The user initiates the rotation by creating a CR instance of the new kind we defined, called CredentialRotator.
  2. Kubernetes writes the CR to the cluster etcd, just as it does for any resource update.
  3. The new controller watches for changes to CredentialRotator resources, and springs into action.
  4. The controller creates a service resource key for the back-end service in question. This example uses a Cloudant database deployed in the IBM Cloud.
  5. The controller updates the Secret with the new resource key.
  6. The controller restarts the web application instances, which pull the resource key from the Secret.
  7. The controller deletes the previous resource key for Cloudant in the IBM Cloud.

Note: The credential rotator operator is scaffolded using the Operator SDK.

How to deploy



  1. Deploy a web application and IBM Cloudant database
  2. Clone the Credential Rotator Operator project by cloning the Credential Rotator Operator repository
  3. Compile, build, and push by using the Operator SDK CLI to build the operator image and push it to an image registry
  4. Deploy the operator to your Kubernetes cluster
  5. Test and verify

1. Deploy a web application and IBM Cloudant database

Diagram of a Kubernetes web app with an external IBM Cloudant database

The application used in this tutorial to demonstrate the Credential Rotator Operator is a sample Node.js application. With this simple web application, you can add names that are stored in a back-end Cloudant database. The web application is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster and the Cloudant database runs as an IBM Cloud service. The web app connects to the database by using service credentials from the Cloudant service. These credentials are stored in a Secret on the cluster where the app is deployed so that it can access them.

The steps to deploy the app are as follows:

  1. Initiate access to your Kubernetes cluster you want to deploy the web app and credential rotator operator on

  2. Create a namespace (for example, app-ns) for deploying the web application into. For namespace app-ns:

$ kubectl create ns app-ns
  1. Follow the steps in Deploy to IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service instructions to deploy the web app to Kubernetes and the Cloudant database to the IBM Cloud.

    Note: Remember to pass the namespace that you created (for example, we used app-ns in the sample) when you deploy the app and run commands in the cluster for it.

    Note: In Build Docker Image you can use your own image registry--for example, Docker Hub, Quay or the like--if you prefer.

    Note: Do NOT follow the steps in the Clean up section of the instructions since they will remove the web app deployed in your cluster.

  2. Test whether the deployed web app is working by adding a name to see if it is stored in the database.

    The app uses the service credentials that you created during the Create a Cloudant database section of the instructions to access the Cloudant service. The Credential Rotator Operator will rotate these credentials later in this tutorial.

2. Clone the Credential Rotator Operator project

  1. Check your Go version by using the go version command. This tutorial is tested with the following Go version:

    $ go version
    go version go1.16.5 darwin/amd64
  2. Next, clone the GitHub repository for the Credential Rotator Operator with the following commands:

    git clone [email protected]:IBM/credential-rotator-operator.git
    cd credential-rotator-operator

3. Compile, build, and push

Now you are ready to compile, build the image of the operator, and push that image to an image repository. You can use the image registry of your choice, but this tutorial uses Docker Hub.

a. Compile the operator

To compile the code, run the following command in the terminal from your project root:


b. Build and push your image

Note: You must have an account to a image registry, such as Docker Hub, to be able to push your operator image.

  1. If you are using Docker Hub, log in with the docker login command.

  2. To build the Docker image, run the following command. You can also use the regular docker build -t command to build.

    make docker-build IMG=$IMG
    • <username> is your image registry (Docker Hub,, or such) username.
    • <version> is the version of the operator image that you will deploy. Note that each time you make a change to operator code, it is a good practice to increment the version.
  3. Push the Docker image to your registry by using following command from your terminal:

    make docker-push IMG=$IMG

4. Deploy the operator to your Kubernetes cluster

  1. To deploy the operator, run the following command from your terminal:

    $ make deploy IMG=$IMG

    The output of the deployment should look like the following:

    ../go/src/ "crd:trivialVersions=true,preserveUnknownFields=false" rbac:roleName=manager-role webhook paths="./..." output:crd:artifacts:config=config/crd/bases
    cd config/manager && ../go/src/ edit set image
    ../go/src/ build config/default | kubectl apply -f -
    namespace/credential-rotator-operator-system created configured
    serviceaccount/credential-rotator-operator-controller-manager created created created created created created created created
    configmap/credential-rotator-operator-manager-config created
    service/credential-rotator-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service created
    deployment.apps/credential-rotator-operator-controller-manager created
  2. To make sure everything is working correctly, use the kubectl get pods -n credential-rotator-operator-system command. If the operator is up and running, you will see output similar to the following example.

    $ kubectl get pods -n credential-rotator-operator-system
    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    credential-rotator-operator-controller-manager-54c5864f7b-znwws   2/2     Running   0          14s

5. Test and verify

Now it's time to see if the operator can rotate the database credentials and restart the web app instances. This means creating a CR instance.

  1. If you created a Secret that contains your Cloudant credentials to manually test the web application outside of the operator, then you must remove the Secret before you test the operator. You can delete the Secret with the following command:

    kubectl delete secret cloudant -n <web-app-namespace>

    For example, the command for our sample is:

    kubectl delete secret cloudant -n app-ns

    The operator controller creates a new Secret that is modifiable when the first CR is deployed. The Secret that is created outside of the controller is not compatible with the controller.

  2. Update your CR by modifying the config/samples/security_v1alpha1_credentialrotator.yaml file to look similar to the following:

    kind: CredentialRotator
      name: credentialrotator-sample
      userAPIKey: "<IBM_USER_API_KEY>"
      appName: "my-app"
      appNameSpace: "app-ns"
    • <IBM_USER_API_KEY> is the user API key of the IBM Cloud account where the Cloudant service is running.

      To get the <IBM_USER_API_KEY>, go to your IBM Cloud Dashboard and click Manage > Access(IAM) > API keys.

      Note: If you did not copy the key details when you created it, you must create a new identity and access management (IAM) key since the details are only available at the time of creation.

      Screen capture of the IBM Cloud Dashboard, with the Manage drop-down list expanded and the Access (IAM) option highlighted

      In the Access (IAM) navigation menu, click API keys to open the list of your associated API keys.

      Screen capture of the API keys page

    • <CLOUDANT_SERVICE_GUID> is the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the Cloudant service instance.

      To find the <CLOUDANT_SERVICE_GUID> service instance, go to the Resource list page, expand Services and software, and click the name of your Cloudant service. The service properties panel appears, which includes GUID as a property.

      Screen capture of the Resource list page with an example Cloudant instance highlighted

      Click the Copy to clipboard icon for the GUID property.

      Screen capture of the Cloudant service properties panel with the Copy to clipboard icon highlighted next to the GUID property

    • <CLOUDANT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT> is the endpoint of the Cloudant service instance.

      To find the <CLOUDANT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT>, click View full details on the same service properties panel where you found the GUID property.

      In the Manage > Overview tab of the full details pages, copy the URL located in the External endpoint (preferred) field.

      Screen capture of the Cloudant service instance full details page with the External endpoint (preferred) field highlighted

    • appname is the name that you set when you deployed the get-started-node application to Kubernetes and the Cloudant database by following the Deploy to Kubernetes on IBM Cloud instructions.

    • appNameSpace is the namespace that you deployed the get-started-node application into.

  3. Finally, create the CR by running the following command:

    kubectl apply -f config/samples/security_v1alpha1_credentialrotator.yaml

Verify that credential rotation works

  1. Open the web application URL in your browser. (As a reminder, it's in the form of

    You should be able to enter and save names to the database.


  2. The web application's Pods should have restarted, as demonstrated by the following sample output:

$ kubectl get pods,replicaset -n app-ns

NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/get-started-node-5db584f94b-fc6vr   1/1     Running   0          5m22s

NAME                                          DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/get-started-node-5db584f94b   1         1         1       5m23s
replicaset.apps/get-started-node-9df4dbcbf    0         0         0       14m
  1. Within your Cloudant service's full details pages, select Service credentials from the menu. The list on the Service credentials page should contain a new credential with a timestamp around the time that you created the CR.

    Screen capture of the Cloudant service credentials list

    Note: You can remove any previous credentials that you don't need. The operator handles the credentials that it creates by replacing the previous credential with the new credential.

Congratulations! You successfully deployed the Credential Rotator Operator and rotated the database credentials for a web application.


  1. The Makefile part of the generated project has a target called undeploy, which deletes all of the resources associated with the operator. You can run it with the following command:
make undeploy
  1. You can clean up the application by following the steps in Clean up.

Note: Remember to pass the namespace you created (for example app-ns) when running commands in the cluster for it.

  1. You can delete the Cloudant service similar to Deleting resource in IBM Cloud.


  1. To check the progress of the operator controller when handling a request, check the controller manager container log as follows:

    kubectl logs deployment.apps/credential-rotator-operator-controller-manager -c manager -n <operator-namespace> --tail 1 --follow

    For example:

    kubectl logs deployment.apps/credential-rotator-operator-controller-manager -c manager -n credential-rotator-operator-system --tail 1 --follow

    Note: Stream the log by adding --tail 1 --follow flags to the end of the logs command.

  2. When you deployed your CR, did you receive output that says it is unchanged, similar to the following example?

    $ kubectl apply -f config/samples/security_v1alpha1_credentialrotator.yaml unchanged

    The unchanged response means that Kubernetes already has a CR instance credentialrotator-sample of type and it cannot find any delta between your update and the current instance. Therefore, it will do nothing and the controller will not be called. To get around this, first delete the CR instance as follows:

    kubectl delete -f config/samples/security_v1alpha1_credentialrotator.yaml

    Then reapply it. Alternatively, you can apply an entirely new CR instance.


This code is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third party code objects invoked within this code are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

Apache Software License (ASL) FAQ


Credential Rotator Operator







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  • Go 70.9%
  • Makefile 26.8%
  • Dockerfile 2.3%