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Generate beautiful and comprehensive documentation from source.


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Generate beautiful and comprehensive documentation from source.

Supports multiple languages and multi-project repos.


Use this application to share knowledge and document intentions by code authors about specific pieces of code. Accessible and comprehensive documentation benefits visitors to the code and speeds up the onboarding process. It is also useful to preserve knowledge as developers come and go. By keeping the documentation as part of the source itself (internal documentation) as opposed to a separate library of documents and technical diagrams (external documentation), the documentation grows along with the code. This keeps it relevant, useful, and available.

This project was inspired by the principles of Living Documentation.




Features summarized:

  • Write comments in Markdown
  • Output to HTML or Markdown
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Supports multiple projects
  • Write guides in markdown
  • Semi-automatic documentation generator
  • Browse class hierarchies
  • Read through source code


A conceptual overview of the project.

Example screenshot

Authored guides can be added as Markdown files in the docs directory. These files are automatically added to the project page's table of contents.

Class hierarchy

A high-level view of the project's modules and their interactions.

Example screenshot

Classes, interfaces, functions, etc. are mapped and linked. If available, API docs are generated. Any markdown files found in the same folder are added to the page.

Literate source code

A low-level view of the individual source files.

Example screenshot

Docstrings and source comments are displayed alongside their relevant code sections. Any markdown files found in the same folder are added to the page. Markdown comments are supported.

(Literate here refers to Literate Programming)


Document generation is delegated to the appropriate library for the project language. This can be overridden in the configuration.

Language libraries

  • Python: Pyccoon
  • JavaScript: ESDocs
  • C/C++: DOxygen
  • Other: NaturalDocs


Create a .angeldocs file in the root directory.


Tech/Framework used

  • VuePress (static site generation)
  • Pycco/Pyccoon (Python document generation)
  • ESDocs (JavaScript document generation)
  • DOxygen (C/C++ document generation)
  • NaturalDocs (Any-language document generation)

Github Action

To use the github action, add this snippet.

# Run our action to document our code
- uses: KaiPrince/AngelDocs@latest
    files: src
    folder: dist
    base-url: AngelDocs # REPLACE WITH BASE PATH FROM ROOT
    project-name: Angel-docs # REPLACE WITH YOUR PROJECT NAME

It is recommended to replace latest with the most recent version.

Sample workflow

This is a basic workflow which generates the documentation site and deploys to GitHub Pages.

name: Generate Documentation

  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
    branches: [main]
      - main

  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

    name: Document and deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Run our action to document our code
      - uses: KaiPrince/[email protected]
          files: src
          folder: dist
          base-url: AngelDocs # REPLACE WITH YOUR REPO NAME
          project-name: Angel-docs # REPLACE WITH YOUR PROJECT NAME

      # Publish to Pages
      - name: Deploy 🚀
        uses: JamesIves/[email protected]
          branch: gh-pages # The branch the action should deploy to.
          folder: dist # The folder the action should deploy.