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examples & tests, missing operators
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epolack committed May 10, 2023
1 parent ff7f662 commit 400a18e
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Showing 27 changed files with 216 additions and 68 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion examples/custom_potential.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ tot_local_pot = DFTK.total_local_potential(scfres.ham)[:, 1, 1]; # use only dime
# Extract other quantities before plotting them
ρ = scfres.ρ[:, 1, 1, 1] # converged density, first spin component
ψ_fourier = scfres.ψ[1][:, 1] # first k-point, all G components, first eigenvector
ψ = ifft(basis, basis.kpoints[1], ψ_fourier)[:, 1, 1]
ψ_t = ifft(basis, basis.kpoints[1], ψ_fourier)[:, 1, 1]
ψ = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(ψ_t)), ψ_t)
ψ /= (ψ[div(end, 2)] / abs(ψ[div(end, 2)]));

using Plots
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion examples/error_estimates_forces.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ function apply_metric(φ, P, δφ, A::Function)
Aδφk = similar(δφk)
φk = φ[ik]
for n = 1:size(δφk,2)
Aδφk[:,n] = A(φk, P[ik], δφk[:,n], n)
φk_t = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(φk[1]), φk)
δφk_t = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(δφk[1,n]), δφk)
Aδφk_t = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(Aδφk[1,n]), Aδφk)
Aδφk_t[:,n] = A(φk_t, P[ik], δφk_t[:,n], n)
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/Model.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ struct Model{T <: Real, VT <: Real}
n_electrons::Union{Int, Nothing}
εF::Union{T, Nothing}

# Option for multicomponents computations. TODO: merge this with spins' handling.

# spin_polarization values:
# :none No spin polarization, αα and ββ density identical,
# αβ and βα blocks zero, 1 spin component treated explicitly
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ function Model(lattice::AbstractMatrix{T},
symmetries=default_symmetries(lattice, atoms, positions, magnetic_moments,
spin_polarization, terms),
) where {T <: Real}
# Validate εF and n_electrons
if !isnothing(εF) # fixed Fermi level
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,8 +182,9 @@ function Model(lattice::AbstractMatrix{T},
lattice, recip_lattice, n_dim, inv_lattice, inv_recip_lattice,
unit_cell_volume, recip_cell_volume,
n_electrons, εF, spin_polarization, n_spin, temperature, smearing,
atoms, positions, atom_groups, terms, symmetries)
n_electrons, εF, n_components, spin_polarization, n_spin,
temperature, smearing, atoms, positions, atom_groups, terms,
function Model(lattice::AbstractMatrix{<:Integer}, atoms::Vector{<:Element},
positions::Vector{<:AbstractVector}; kwargs...)
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/PlaneWaveBasis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ struct Kpoint{T <: Real, GT <: AbstractVector{Vec3{Int}}}
# # G_vectors(basis)[i] == G_vectors(basis, kpt)[mapping_inv[i]]
G_vectors::GT # Wave vectors in integer coordinates (vector of Vec3{Int})
# # ({G, 1/2 |k+G|^2 ≤ Ecut})
n_dof::Int # Number of components × number of `G_vectors(basis, kpt)`

@doc raw"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ struct PlaneWaveBasis{T,
# "cubic" basis in reciprocal and real space, on which potentials and densities are stored
n_dof::Int # number of components × number of `G_vectors`

## MPI-local information of the kpoints this processor treats
# Irreducible kpoints. In the case of collinear spin,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,9 +144,10 @@ Base.eltype(::PlaneWaveBasis{T}) where {T} = T
Gvecs_k = to_device(architecture, Gvecs_k)

mapping_inv = Dict(ifull => iball for (iball, ifull) in enumerate(mapping))
n_dof_k = length(Gvecs_k) * model.n_components
for= 1:model.n_spin_components
Kpoint(iσ, k, mapping, mapping_inv, Gvecs_k))
Kpoint(iσ, k, mapping, mapping_inv, Gvecs_k, n_dof_k))
vcat(kpoints_per_spin...) # put all spin up first, then all spin down
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ function PlaneWaveBasis(model::Model{T}, Ecut::Number, fft_size, variational,
# by the same process
n_kpt = length(kcoords_global)
n_procs = mpi_nprocs(comm_kpts)

# Custom reduction operators for MPI are currently not working on aarch64, so
# fallbacks are defined in common/mpi.jl. For them to work, there cannot be more
# than 1 MPI process.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,13 +282,15 @@ function PlaneWaveBasis(model::Model{T}, Ecut::Number, fft_size, variational,
r_vectors = to_device(architecture, r_vectors)
terms = Vector{Any}(undef, length(model.term_types)) # Dummy terms array, filled below

n_dof = length(Gs) * model.n_components

basis = PlaneWaveBasis{T, value_type(T), typeof(Gs), typeof(r_vectors),
model, fft_size, dvol,
Ecut, variational,
opFFT, ipFFT, opBFFT, ipBFFT,
fft_normalization, ifft_normalization,
Gs, r_vectors,
Gs, r_vectors, n_dof,
kpoints, kweights_thisproc, kgrid, kshift,
kcoords_global, kweights_global, comm_kpts, krange_thisproc, krange_allprocs,
architecture, symmetries, symmetries_respect_rgrid, terms)
Expand Down
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/common/ortho.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
@timing function ortho_qr(φk::ArrayType) where {ArrayType <: AbstractArray}
x = convert(ArrayType, qr(φk).Q)
TA = eltype(φk)
T = eltype(TA)
φk_matrix = reinterpret(T, φk)
# Matrix(…) for precompilation error in nightly CI.
# Failed to precompile DFTK [acf6eb54-70d9-11e9-0013-234b7a5f5337] to "/home/runner/.julia/compiled/v1.10/DFTK/jl_6TSfLT".
# ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching reinterpret(::typeof(reshape), ::Type{StaticArraysCore.SVector{1, ComplexF64}}, ::LinearAlgebra.QRCompactWYQ{ComplexF64, Matrix{ComplexF64}, Matrix{ComplexF64}})
# Closest candidates are:
# reinterpret(::typeof(reshape), ::Type{T}, ::Base.ReinterpretArray{T, N, S, A, true} where {T, N, S, A<:(AbstractArray{S})}) where T
# @ Base reinterpretarray.jl:160
# reinterpret(::typeof(reshape), ::Type{T}, ::AbstractArray{T}) where T
# @ Base reinterpretarray.jl:114
# reinterpret(::typeof(reshape), ::Type{T}, ::A) where {T, S, A<:(AbstractArray{S})}
# @ Base reinterpretarray.jl:82
x = reinterpret(reshape, TA, Matrix(qr(φk_matrix).Q))
if size(x) == size(φk)
return x
Expand Down
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions src/densities.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ using an optional `occupation_threshold`. By default all occupation numbers are
@views @timing function compute_density(basis::PlaneWaveBasis{T}, ψ, occupation;
occupation_threshold=zero(T)) where {T}
S = promote_type(T, real(eltype(ψ[1])))
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
S = promote_type(T, real(eltype(eltype(ψ[1]))))
# occupation should be on the CPU as we are going to be doing scalar indexing.
occupation = [to_cpu(oc) for oc in occupation]

Expand All @@ -29,7 +30,9 @@ using an optional `occupation_threshold`. By default all occupation numbers are
ρ_chunklocal = map(1:Threads.nthreads()) do i
zeros_like(basis.G_vectors, S, basis.fft_size..., basis.model.n_spin_components)
ψnk_real_chunklocal = [zeros_like(basis.G_vectors, complex(S), basis.fft_size...)
ψnk_real_chunklocal = [zeros_like(basis.G_vectors,
SVector{basis.model.n_components, complex(S)},
for _ = 1:Threads.nthreads()]

@sync for (ichunk, chunk) in enumerate(Iterators.partition(ik_n, chunk_length))
Expand All @@ -39,8 +42,12 @@ using an optional `occupation_threshold`. By default all occupation numbers are
kpt = basis.kpoints[ik]

ifft!(ψnk_real, basis, kpt, ψ[ik][:, n])
ρ_loc[:, :, :, kpt.spin] .+= (occupation[ik][n] .* basis.kweights[ik]
.* abs2.(ψnk_real))
ψnk_real_matrix = reshape(reinterpret(reshape, complex(S), ψnk_real),
basis.model.n_components, basis.fft_size...)
for σ in 1:basis.model.n_components
ρ_loc[:, :, :, kpt.spin] .+= (occupation[ik][n] .* basis.kweights[ik]
.* abs2.(ψnk_real_matrix[σ, :, :, :]))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,8 +79,9 @@ end

@views @timing function compute_kinetic_energy_density(basis::PlaneWaveBasis, ψ, occupation)
T = promote_type(eltype(basis), real(eltype(ψ[1])))
τ = similar(ψ[1], T, (basis.fft_size..., basis.model.n_spin_components))
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
T = promote_type(eltype(basis), real(eltype(eltype(ψ[1]))))
τ = similar(ψ[1], T, basis.fft_size..., basis.model.n_spin_components)
τ .= 0
dαψnk_real = zeros(complex(eltype(basis)), basis.fft_size)
for (ik, kpt) in enumerate(basis.kpoints)
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/eigen/diag_lobpcg_hyper.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ function lobpcg_hyper(A, X0; maxiter=100, prec=nothing,
prec === nothing && (prec = I)

@assert !largest "Only seeking the smallest eigenpairs is implemented."
result = LOBPCG(A, X0, I, prec, tol, maxiter; n_conv_check, kwargs...)
X0_matrix = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(X0)), X0)
result = LOBPCG(A, X0_matrix, I, prec, tol, maxiter; n_conv_check, kwargs...)

n_conv_check === nothing && (n_conv_check = size(X0, 2))
converged = maximum(result.residual_norms[1:n_conv_check]) < tol
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/external/wannier90.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,13 +199,14 @@ The Fourier coefficient of ``g^{per}_n`` at any G
is given by the value of the Fourier transform of ``g_n`` in G.
function compute_Ak_gaussian_guess(basis::PlaneWaveBasis, ψk, kpt, centers, n_bands)
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
n_wannier = length(centers)
# TODO This function should be improved in performance

# associate a center with the fourier transform of the corresponding gaussian
fourier_gn(center, qs) = [exp( 2π*(-im*dot(q, center) - dot(q, q) / 4) ) for q in qs]
qs = vec(map(G -> G .+ kpt.coordinate, G_vectors(basis))) # all q = k+G in reduced coordinates
Ak = zeros(eltype(ψk), (n_bands, n_wannier))
Ak = zeros(eltype(ψk), n_bands, n_wannier)

# Compute Ak
for n in 1:n_wannier
Expand All @@ -216,14 +217,15 @@ function compute_Ak_gaussian_guess(basis::PlaneWaveBasis, ψk, kpt, centers, n_b
# Compute overlap
for m in 1:n_bands
# TODO Check the ordering of m and n here!
Ak[m, n] = dot(ψk[:, m], coeffs_gn_per)
Ak[m, n] = [dot(ψk[:, m], coeffs_gn_per)]

@timing function write_w90_amn(fileprefix::String, basis::PlaneWaveBasis, ψ; n_bands, centers)
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
open(fileprefix * ".amn", "w") do fp
println(fp, "Generated by DFTK at $(now())")
println(fp, "$n_bands $(length(basis.kpoints)) $(length(centers))")
Expand All @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ end
for n in 1:size(Ak, 2)
for m in 1:size(Ak, 1)
@printf(fp, "%3i %3i %3i %22.18f %22.18f \n",
m, n, ik, real(Ak[m, n]), imag(Ak[m, n]))
m, n, ik, real(Ak[m, n][1]), imag(Ak[m, n][1]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,7 +281,8 @@ default_wannier_centres(n_wannier) = [rand(1, 3) for _ in 1:n_wannier]

# Writing the unk files is expensive (requires FFTs), so only do if needed.
if wannier_plot
write_w90_unk(fileprefix, basis, ψ; n_bands, spin=1)
ψ_t = [reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(ψ[1])), ψk) for ψk in ψ]
write_w90_unk(fileprefix, basis, ψ_t; n_bands, spin=1)

# Run Wannierisation procedure
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25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions src/fft.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,18 +26,26 @@ function ifft!(f_real::AbstractArray3, basis::PlaneWaveBasis, f_fourier::Abstrac
function ifft!(f_real::AbstractArray3, basis::PlaneWaveBasis,
kpt::Kpoint, f_fourier::AbstractVector; normalize=true)
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
@assert length(f_fourier) == length(kpt.mapping)
@assert size(f_real) == basis.fft_size

# Pad the input data
fill!(f_real, 0)
f_real[kpt.mapping] = f_fourier
f_real_mat = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(f_real)), f_real)
fill!(f_real_mat, 0)
f_real_mat[kpt.mapping] = f_fourier

# Perform an IFFT
mul!(f_real, basis.ipBFFT, f_real)
normalize && (f_real .*= basis.ifft_normalization)
mul!(f_real_mat, basis.ipBFFT, f_real_mat)
normalize && (f_real_mat .*= basis.ifft_normalization)
function ifft!(f_real::AbstractArray3, basis::PlaneWaveBasis, kpt::Kpoint,
f_fourier::AbstractVector{SV}; normalize=true) where {SV <: AbstractVector}
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
f_fourier_mat = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(f_fourier)), f_fourier)
ifft!(f_real, basis, kpt, f_fourier_mat)

ifft(basis::PlaneWaveBasis, [kpt::Kpoint, ] f_fourier)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,15 +89,18 @@ function fft!(f_fourier::AbstractArray3, basis::PlaneWaveBasis, f_real::Abstract
function fft!(f_fourier::AbstractVector, basis::PlaneWaveBasis,
kpt::Kpoint, f_real::AbstractArray3; normalize=true)
@assert basis.model.n_components == 1
@assert size(f_real) == basis.fft_size
@assert length(f_fourier) == length(kpt.mapping)

mul!(f_real, basis.ipFFT, f_real)
f_real_mat = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(f_real)), f_real)
f_fourier_mat = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(f_fourier)), f_fourier)
mul!(f_real_mat, basis.ipFFT, f_real_mat)

# Truncate
f_fourier .= view(f_real, kpt.mapping)
normalize && (f_fourier .*= basis.fft_normalization)
f_fourier_mat .= view(f_real_mat, kpt.mapping)
normalize && (f_fourier_mat .*= basis.fft_normalization)

Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/orbitals.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ end
# reinterpret function from julia.
# /!\ pack_ψ does not share memory while unpack_ψ does

reinterpret_real(x) = reinterpret(real(eltype(x)), x)
reinterpret_complex(x) = reinterpret(Complex{eltype(x)}, x)
reinterpret_real(x) = reinterpret(real(eltype(eltype(x))), x)
reinterpret_complex(x) = reinterpret(Complex{eltype(eltype(x))}, x)

function pack_ψ(ψ)
# TODO as an optimization, do that lazily? See LazyArrays
Expand All @@ -55,10 +55,12 @@ unpack_ψ(x, sizes_ψ) = deepcopy(unsafe_unpack_ψ(x, sizes_ψ))

function random_orbitals(basis::PlaneWaveBasis{T}, kpt::Kpoint, howmany) where {T}
@static if VERSION < v"1.7" # TaskLocalRNG not yet available.
orbitals = randn(Complex{T}, length(G_vectors(basis, kpt)), howmany)
orbitals = randn(SVector{basis.model.n_components, Complex{T}},
length(G_vectors(basis, kpt)), howmany)
orbitals = to_device(basis.architecture, orbitals)
orbitals = similar(basis.G_vectors, Complex{T}, length(G_vectors(basis, kpt)), howmany)
orbitals = similar(basis.G_vectors, SVector{basis.model.n_components, Complex{T}},
length(G_vectors(basis, kpt)), howmany)
randn!(TaskLocalRNG(), orbitals) # use the RNG on the device if we're using a GPU
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/response/cg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ function cg!(x::AbstractVector{T}, A::LinearMap{T}, b::AbstractVector{T};
function cg!(x::AbstractVector{SV}, A::LinearMap{T}, b::AbstractVector{SV};
kwargs...) where {T, SV <: AbstractVector}
x_matrix = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(x)), x)
b_matrix = reinterpret(reshape, eltype(eltype(b)), b)
cg!(x_matrix, A, b_matrix; kwargs...)
cg!(x::AbstractVector, A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector; kwargs...) = cg!(x, LinearMap(A), b; kwargs...)
cg(A::LinearMap, b::AbstractVector; kwargs...) = cg!(zero(b), A, b; kwargs...)
cg(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector; kwargs...) = cg(LinearMap(A), b; kwargs...)
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/response/chi0.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,6 +190,29 @@ function sternheimer_solver(Hk, ψk, ε, rhs;

δψkn = ψk_extra * αkn + δψknᴿ
function sternheimer_solver(Hk, ψk::AbstractArray{TV}, ε, rhs;
callback=identity, cg_callback=identity,
ψk_extra=nothing, εk_extra=zeros(0),
Hψk_extra=nothing, tol=1e-9) where {TV <: AbstractVector}
= eltype(eltype(ψk))
ψk_mat = reinterpret(reshape, Tψ, ψk)
if isnothing(ψk_extra)
ψk_extra_mat = zeros(size(ψk,1), 0)
ψk_extra_mat = reinterpret(reshape, Tψ, ψk_extra)
if isnothing(Hψk_extra)
Hψk_extra_mat = zeros(size(ψk,1), 0)
Hψk_extra_mat = reinterpret(reshape, Tψ, Hψk_extra)
rhs_mat = reinterpret(reshape, Tψ, rhs)
δψkn_mat = sternheimer_solver(Hk, ψk_mat, ε, rhs_mat; callback, cg_callback,
# TODO: fix this
#ψk_extra=ψk_extra_mat, εk_extra, Hψk_extra=Hψk_extra_mat,
reinterpret(reshape, SVector{Hk.basis.model.n_components, Tψ}, δψkn_mat)

# Apply the four-point polarizability operator χ0_4P = -Ω^-1
# Returns (δψ, δocc, δεF) corresponding to a change in *total* Hamiltonian δH
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