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@ignazio-bovo ignazio-bovo released this 06 Dec 13:49
· 35 commits to master since this release


This minor but important release adds notifications to the orion infrastructure

Schema changes

  • Introduced NotificationEmailDelivery entity to handle email notifications. It includes fields for tracking the notification, delivery attempts, and a discard flag.
  • Added EmailDeliveryAttempt entity to track each delivery attempt. It includes a status and timestamp.
  • Created DeliveryStatus union type that can be either EmailSuccess or EmailFailure (which includes an error status).
  • Introduced Read and Unread types to track if a notification has been read. Both are part of the ReadOrUnread union.
  • Started defining a Notification entity. It includes fields for the account, notification type, event, status, in-app visibility, creation timestamp, and recipient.
  • Defined RecipientType as a union of MemberRecipient and ChannelRecipient.
  • Introduced various notification types as part of the NotificationType union. Each type has specific fields relevant to the notification.
  • Added ChannelSuspended, NftFeaturedOnMarketPlace, ChannelVerified, ChannelExcluded, VideoExcluded, NewChannelFollower, CommentPostedToVideo, VideoLiked, VideoDisliked, NftPurchased, CreatorReceivesAuctionBid, NftOffered, DirectChannelPaymentByMember, EnglishAuctionSettled, ChannelFundsWithdrawn, ChannelCreated, CommentReply, ReactionToComment, VideoPosted, NewAuction, NewNftOnSale, HigherBidPlaced, AuctionWon, AuctionLost, BidMadeCompletingAuction, NftRoyaltyPaid types. Each type includes fields relevant to the specific notification.
  • Introduced AccountNotificationPreferences type to handle user notification preferences.
  • Added fields for each notification type, each of which is of NotificationPreference type.
  • Channel notifications include: channelExcludedFromApp, videoExcludedFromApp, nftFeaturedOnMarketPlace, newChannelFollower, videoCommentCreated, videoLiked, videoDisliked, yppChannelVerified, yppSignupSuccessful, yppChannelSuspended, nftBought, creatorTimedAuctionExpired, bidMadeOnNft, royaltyReceived, channelPaymentReceived, channelReceivedFundsFromWg, newPayoutUpdatedByCouncil, channelFundsWithdrawn.
    Member notifications include: channelCreated, replyToComment, reactionToComment, videoPosted, newNftOnAuction, newNftOnSale, timedAuctionExpired, higherBidThanYoursMade, auctionWon, auctionLost, openAuctionBidCanBeWithdrawn, fundsFromCouncilReceived, fundsToExternalWalletSent, fundsFromWgReceived.
  • Introduced ChannelYppStatus as a union type in the GraphQL schema. This type represents the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) status of a channel.
    The ChannelYppStatus can be one of three types: YppUnverified, YppVerified, YppSuspended.


  • Ypp status mutation resolvers have been introduced, intended for the Ypp verification ops team:
    • Added verifyChannel mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware, meaning it can only be accessed by operators returning a list of VerifyChannelResults (each contaning the id of the new suspension, the channelId of the suspended channel, and the createdAt timestamp of when the suspension was created)
    • Added excludeChannel mutation (protected by the OperatorOnly middleware) to the GraphQL schema. This mutation is used to exclude a channel. It takes channelId and rationale as arguments and returns an ExcludeChannelResult (contaning the id of the new suspension, the channelId of the suspended channel, and the createdAt timestamp of when the suspension was created)
    • Added suspendChannels mutation (protected by the OperatorOnly middleware) to the GraphQL schema. This mutation is used to suspend. It takes channelIds as an argument and returns a list of SuspendChannelResult (each contaning the id of the new suspension, the channelId of the suspended channel, and the createdAt timestamp of when the suspension was created)
  • Notification-related resolvers (accessible only through the AccountOnly middleware) are intened for the use with the front end app:
    • Added markNotificationsAsRead mutation. This mutation marks specified notifications as read. It takes an array of notificationIds and returns an object with an array of IDs of notifications that were successfully marked as read.
    • Added setAccountNotificationPreferences mutation. This mutation updates the notification preferences for the current account. It takes an object of newPreferences and returns the updated notification preferences.
    • Both mutations are protected by the AccountOnly middleware, meaning they can only be accessed by authenticated accounts.
    • Added a helper function maybeUpdateNotificationPreference to update individual notification preferences if a new value is provided. This function is used in the setAccountNotificationPreferences mutation to update each preference.
  • Notification email attepmts and assets
    • Added setMaxAttemptsOnMailDelivery mutation. This mutation sets the maximum number of attempts to deliver an email notification. It takes newMaxAttempts as an argument and returns the new maximum attempts. The mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware.
    • Introduced setNewNotificationCenterPath mutation. This mutation sets the new notification center path. It takes newMaxAttempts as an argument and returns the new maximum attempts. The mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware.
    • Added setNewAppRootDomain mutation. This mutation sets the new application root domain. It takes newRootDomain as an argument and returns an object indicating whether the new root domain was applied. The mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware.

Mail Scheduler module

  • mail template generation using mjml (see ./src/auth-server/emails/templates/mjml/notification.html.mst.mjml)
  • Introduced functions to handle email notifications.
  • Added getMaxAttempts function to fetch the maximum number of email delivery attempts from the configuration.
  • Added mailsToDeliver function to fetch all email notifications that have not been discarded.
  • Added deliverEmails function to process each email notification. It creates the email content, executes the delivery, and records the attempt. If the delivery is successful or the maximum number of attempts has been reached, the notification is discarded.
  • The deliverEmails function is called in the main function, which logs the result of the email delivery process.
  • The email delivery is meant (for the moment) to be scheduled via chron job (as explained on operator documentation)


  • several unit test have been introduced along with CI checks
  • Improved homepage relevance scoring logic
  • Refactored migration logic in order to migrate global account counter, which will be used also to migrate Notifications counters in future releases


  • Added EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_MAX_ATTEMPTS environment variable to configure the maximum number of attempts to deliver an email notification, before the scheduler stops attending them
  • Introduced APP_ASSET_STORAGE environment variable to specify the URL where the application's assets are stored.
  • Added APP_NAME_ALT environment variable to set an alternative name for the application.
  • Introduced NOTIFICATION_ASSET_ROOT environment variable to specify the URL where the notification icons are stored.


  • added documentation for setting up the email scheduler having a Sendgrid account