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A weebtrees 2.1 custom module to download GEDCOM files on URL requests with the tree name, GEDCOM file name and authorization provided as parameters within the URL.


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Extended Import/Export

(Earlier name: DownloadGedcomWithURL)

A webtrees 2.1 custom module for advanced GEDCOM import, export and filter operations. The module also supports remote downloads/uploads via URL requests.

The module provides a framework for customizable GEDCOM filters, which allow to modify the GEDCOM data during an import/export. A set of pre-configured GECCOM filters is provided and supports GEDCOM 7 conversion as well as a variety of other GEDCOM filtering operations. The GEDCOM filters can be triggered remotely as well as by the user in specific import/export/conversion/datafix views.

Table of contents

This README file contains the following main sections:

What are the benefits of this module?

  • Applying GEDCOM filters during import/export
    • Download/upload/convert GEDCOM files in the GEDCOM 7 format
    • Improve the GEDCOM export before downloading, e.g. avoid leading spaces in CONT structures, remove non-standard RESN, remove CHAN data, ...
    • Remove empty and unlinked records, which result from privacy settings in webtrees
    • Create your own customizable GEDCOM filter
    • Run a sequence of GEDCOM filters or combine several filters
    • Convert GEDCOM files with GEDCOM filters
  • Remote download/upload/save
    • Remotely download/upload GEDCOM files without logging into the user interface (webtrees front end)
    • Download/Upload GEDCOM files with a script, see attached example scripts
    • Remotely trigger to save GEDCOM files to a folder on the webtrees server without logging into the user interface (webtrees front end)
    • Schedule regular GEDCOM file backups on the server with a Cron Job, see attached example script
    • Apply GEDCOM filters during remote download/upload


Module versions starting from v3.0.0 use an authorization key, which is stored in the module preferences in webtrees. Access to the download is only allowed if the provided key in the URL is identical to a authorization key in the webtrees database (settings).

Please note that everyone with access to the authorization key, can download/upload GEDCOM files from/to your webtrees installation.

It is highly recommended to use the HTTPS protocol (i.e. URLs with https://...) in order to encrypt the URL parameters, especially the authorization key.

Please note that the earlier versions v1.0.0 and v2.0.0 did NOT use an authorization key. This means that installing these module versions enables everyone, who can reach the webtrees URL, to download GEDCOM files from webtrees. Therefore, it is highly recommended to uprade to a module version v3.0.0 or later.


  • Download the latest release of the module
  • Copy the folder "extended_import_export" into the "module_v4" folder of your webtrees installation
  • Check if the module is activated in the control panel:
    • Login to webtrees as an administrator
      • Go to "Control Panel/All Modules", and find the module called "ExtendedImportExport"
      • Check if it has a tick for "Enabled"
  • If remote download/upload/saving of GEDCOM files shall be used, activate the related options in the control panel, see chapter below.
  • If remote options are activated, provide an authorization key in the module settings, see chapter below.
  • Optionally, specify default settings in the control panel, which might reduce the number of parameters to be provided within the URL.

Upgrading from the former DownloadGedcomWithURL module

  • Do NOT delete the module settings of the former DownloadGedcomWithURL module before the installation of ExtendedImportExport.
  • Install the ExtendedImportExport module like described in chapter Installation.
  • During the first boot within webtrees, ExtendedImportExport will takeover the existing settings from DownloadGedcomWithURL.
  • After ExtendedImportExport has migrated the settings, DownloadGedcomWithURL can be removed and the related settings can be deleted (follow the message in the control panel after deletion of the module).

Upgrading remote URL requests from the former DownloadGedcomWithURL module

  • URL requests with old routes (BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/DownloadGedcomWithURL) are still supported.
  • Old routes and new routes (BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport) can be used in parallel.
  • The parameter "&tree" has become mandatory in ExtendedImportExport. URL requests without "&tree" need to be changed and the mandatory parameter need to be added.
  • Default settings for "&action" and "&tree" in the control panel, which were available in In DownloadGedcomWithURL, are not supported any more.
  • The parameter "&action" will default to "&action=download" if "&action" is not included in the URL. In DownloadGedcomWithURL, the default was chosen from the control panel settings. URL requests without "&action" might need to be changed and the parameter might need to be added.

Webtrees Version

The module was developed and tested with webtrees 2.1.20, but should also run with any other 2.1 version.

GEDCOM filters


The principle concept of GEDCOM filters is shown in the screenshot below. A GEDCOM filter contains of several filter rules, which are defined as follows:

  1. GEDCOM tag combinations can be selected to be included to the GEDCOM export
  2. A replacement rule can be applied to the selected tag combination by using a search/replace pattern with regular expressions.


Further details about filter rules are shown in the following screenshot:

  • Un-Selecting tag combinations: This will remove the related GEDCOM structures from the export.
  • Applying several search/replace patterns to a single tag combination
  • Apply no replacement/conversion. In this case, the existing GEDCOM string of the tag combination will be included in the export.
  • Using placeholders (i.e. asterisk, '*') for tags in tag combinations
  • Using overall placeholder '*' to select any tag combination, i.e. all GEDCOM structures
  • Perform a custom conversion of a GEDCOM structure by calling the PHP method $this->customConvert(...), which can be added to the filter code.


Example filters

Further insights about GEDCOM filters can be gained by refering to the following GEDCOM filters:

  • Example GEDCOM filter (ExampleGedcomFilter.php): This filter contains some examples for filter rules with tag combinations and regular expressions for GEDCOM conversion.
  • Birth, marriage, death export (BirthMarriageDeathGedcomFilter.php): This filter contains a typical filter example. The filter includes birth, marriage, and death data only. The generated GEDCOM also contains links to the related individuals and families in webtrees.
  • Combined export filter (CombinedGedcomFilter.php): Shows how several filters can be combined to a single filter, which executes a sequence of the combined filters.


List of included GEDCOM filters

Filter Name Description
All records A template, which exports all records, as a starting point to create your own GEDCOM filter
Avoid leading spaces for CONC Modifies CONC structure in order to avoids leading spaces
Birth, marriage, death export Exports INDI and FAM data and only include limited facts about birth marriage, and death
Combined GEDCOM filter An example how several filters can be combined to a filter, which executes a sequence of filters
Example GEDCOM filter An example filter, which demonstrates the principle features of GEDCOM filters
GEDCOM 7 conversion A filter, which converts the GEDCOM export to the GEDCOM 7 standard
Individual names CSV list An example, how GEDCOM filters can be used to generate alternative formats, e.g. CSV, JSON, etc.
No records A template, which only exports HEAD/SUBM/TRLR, as a starting point to create your own GEDCOM filter
Optimization of webtrees export for GEDCOM 7 A GEDCOM filter, which changes some of the webtrees GEDCOM structures in order to improve complicance to the GEDCOM 7.0 standard
Optimization of webtrees export for GEDCOM 5.5.1 A GEDCOM filter, which changes some of the webtrees GEDCOM structures in order to improve complicance to the GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard
Reduce dates to years A GEDCOM filter, which reduces all dates to years only
Remove minimal individuals A GEDCOM filter, which identifys individuals with SEX/FAMC/FAMS or less and removes their data
Remove asterisk characters from names A GEDCOM filter, which removes asterisk characters (i.e. '*') from names. Background: In webtrees, an asterisk character indicates the part of a given name to be underlined.
Remove change data (i.e. CHAN structures) A GEDCOM filter, which removes CHAN structures
Remove empty or unlinked records A GEDCOM filter to remove empty and unlinked records. Applied to: FAM, NOTE, OBJE, REPO, SOUR, _LOC. For INDI, only empty records are removed.
Remove empty records A GEDCOM filter to remove empty records. Applied to: FAM, INDI, NOTE, OBJE, REPO, SOUR, _LOC
Remove restrictions (i.e. RESN tags) A GEDCOM filter, which removes RESN structures
Remove ToDo data (i.e. _TODO structures) A GEDCOM filter, which removes _TODO structures
Remove webtrees user data (i.e. _WT_USER tags) A GEDCOM filter, which removes webtrees user structures, i.e. _WT_USER

How to use GEDCOM filters

There are 2 options to open the user views for GEDCOM filter:

  1. Open user views from list menu
  2. Open user views from control panel settings

The list menu entry can be hidden by an option in the module settings (control panel).

After opening the user view of the module, four different views are offered to use GEDCOM filters:

In the corresponding views (e.g. GEDCOM Export), the GEDCOM filters can be selected and applied:

Usage of GEDCOM filters

Additionally, GEDCOM filter can be applied via the Remote API, which is described in a separate section.

How to add additional GEDCOM filters

A first example filter

To create a first example for a simple GEDCOM filter, the following steps can be taken:

  • Navigate to the filter directory in your webtrees installation: \modules_v4\download_gedcom_with_url\resources\filter
  • Copy the existing filter AllRecordsGedcomFilter.php filter to a new file, e.g. MyNewGedcomFilter.php in the same directory
  • Open the newly created .php file and substitue "class AllRecordsGedcomFilter" by a new class name, e.g. "class MyNewGedcomFilter"
  • Substitute the filter name in "I18N::translate('All records')" by a new filter name, e.g. 'My new filter'"
  • Add new filter rules after //Export all, e.g. '!INDI:BAPM' => []

Creating a new GEDCOM filter

Regular Expression Macros

If the same regular expression replacement shall be used in several filter rules, a macro can be defined, which allows to define a regular expression replacement once and use it several times.

Macros can be defined within the "const REGEXP_MACROS" structure:

Definiton of a regular expression macros

In filter rules, the macro name can be used instead of regular expression replacements:

  • Use "RegExp_macro" as "search pattern"
  • Use the macro name as "replace pattern"

Usage of regular expression macro

PHP function customConvert

The general idea of the GEDCOM filter is to apply regular expression replacements. However, for certain purposes, regular expression replacements are not powerful enough to provide the necessary functionality. In these cases, a PHP function can be called, which allows to make use of the full PHP programming language functionality.

In order to use the PHP function call, a customConvert function needs to be inserted to the code of the GEDCOM filter class. The interface of the customConvert function is defined in the GedcomFilterInterface.

PHP function customConvert interface

In filter rules, the PHP customConvert function can be used instead of regular expression replacements:

  • Use "PHP_function" as "search pattern"
  • Use "customConvert" as "replace pattern"

Usage of PHP function customConvert

Additional switches

Additional switched can be used for some specific purposes:

  • USES_REFERENCES_ANALYSIS (default: false)
    • If set to true, the filter will execute an analysis of references in the GEDCOM structures, which will identify empty records and records without references. The result of this analysis can be used by GEDCOM filters. An example can be found in the removeEmptyOrUnlinkedRecords function of theRemoveEmptyOrUnlinkedRecordsGedcomFilter.
  • USES_SCHEMA_TAG_ANALYSIS (default: true)
    • If set to true, a SCHMA structure for known custom tags will be included if GEDCOM 7 is detected in the header.
    • If set to true, leading spaces for CONC structures are avoided.

Details about GEDCOM Filter Execution

  • The initial GEDCOM structure is parsed for GEDCOM records.
  • The hierarchical structure of the GEDCOM record is analyzed, e.g.
    • INDI
      • NAME
      • BIRT
        • DATE
      • DEAT
        • DATE
  • Inner GEDCOM structures are filtered before outer structures.
    • In the example above, the order of the executed filter rules will be: "INDI:BIRT:DATE" before "INDI:BIRT", and finally "INDI".
  • Replacements of filter rules will always be applyed to the full GEDCOM structure below, i.e. a filter rule replacement for "INDI" will also affect the data in "INDI:BIRT".
  • For each part of the identifyed GEDCOM structure, the corresponding GEDCOM tag combination (e.g. INDI:BIRT:DATE) is determined.
  • The GEDCOM filter is searched for a filter rule, which matches with the identifyed tag combination.
  • The first matched filter rule is executed.
  • After one filter rule has been matched, the filter execution is terminated. Further filter rules, which might also match will NOT be executed.

GEDCOM Filter Validation

The class AbstractGedcomFilter contains a set of validation rules for GEDCOM filters. Everytime a GEDCOM filter is selected in the control panel or before a filter execution, the validation routines are run.

The validation includes the following checks:

  • Validate the structure and content of the filter rules (in EXPORT_FILTER)
  • Validate the structure and content of regular expression macros (in REGEXP_MACROS)
  • Validate the tag definitions of the filter rules
  • Check if a filter rule is dominated by another rule, which is of higher priority (i.e. earlier entry in the GEDCOM filter list)
  • Validate the regular expressions of the filter rules, whether they contain valid regular expression definitions
  • Validate whether the customConvert method is available in the PHP code if customConvert is used in the filter rules
  • Validate whether regular expression macros are available if used in the filter rules
  • Check if black list filter rules have regular expressions and create a warning that they are never executed
  • Validate, whether the getGedcomFilterRules() method creates a PHP error
  • Validate, whether getIncludedFiltersBefore() and ~After() methods creates a PHP error

There is also a check included, whether GEDCOM filter classes create PHP compilation errors. This check is performed if selecting or executing GEDCOM filters.

Remote API

URL Format for Remote Requests

The full URL format, which contains all possible parameters is defined as follows:


BASE_URL is the webtrees base URL, which is defined in the config.ini.php file, e.g. base_url="".

The "MY_XXX" place holders need to be replaced by the specific parameter values, which shall be used for the upload/download/conversion. The possible values for the URL parameters are described below.

Most of the parameters match 1:1 to the webtrees import/xport settings in the control panel. To gain a better understanding of these parameters, it is very helpful to check these parameters and run some manual tests in the control panel.

It is not mandatory to provide all parameters. The only mandatory parameters are the tree and the authorization key. If any of the other parameters is not provided as URL parameter, the default value, which is specified in the control panel, is used. The tree name is used as default value for the file name. Download is used as default action.

Example URLs for Remote Requests

  • Save an export file on the webtrees server:

    • BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport&tree=tree&action=save&key=hYHBiZM9
  • Import a file from the webtrees server:

    • BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport&tree=tree1&action=import&key=hYHBiZM9&file=filename
  • Downlaod a file with applying certain settings and a GEDCOM filter during export:

    • BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport&action=download&tree=tree1&key=hYHBiZM9&file=export&privacy=user&format=zip&encoding=ANSEL&line_endings=LF&time_stamp=prefix&gedcom_filter1=GEDCOM_7_ExportFilter

Values for URL Parameters

  • MY_ACTION specifies whether the GEDCOM file will be uploaded, converted, downloaded, saved on the server, or both (downloaded and saved)

    • Accepted values: download (default), save, both, upload, convert
    • The folder within the webtrees root path to save GEDCOM files can be specified in the module settings in the control panel
  • MY_TREE specifies the webtrees tree name

    • This is a mandatory parameter. If it is not provided in the URL, the remote request will be denied.
  • MY_KEY specifies a authorization key, which restricts the access to the download

    • This is a mandatory parameter. If it is not provided in the URL, the remote request will be denied.
  • MY_FILENAME can be provided with or without file extension, i.e. use this_file instead of this_file.ged

    • The tree name (MY_TREE) is taken as default if MY_FILENAME is not provided
  • MY_FILENAME_CONVERTED can be provided with or without file extension.

    • The file name (before conversion) is taken as default if MY_FILENAME_CONVERTED is not provided
  • MY_EXPORT_FORMAT specifies the file format for the export

    • Accepted values: gedcom (default), zip, zipmedia, gedzip, other
  • MY_PRIVACY_LEVEL specifies the user role, in which the GEDCOM export is executed

    • Accepted values: none (default), gedadmin, user, visitor
  • MY_ENCODING specifies the encoding of the generated GEDCOM file

    • Accepted values: UTF-8 (default), UTF-16BE, ANSEL, ASCII, CP1252
  • MY_ENDINGS specifies the line endings in the generated GEDCOM file

    • Accepted values: CRLF (default), LF
  • MY_TIME_STAMP specifies whether a (GMT) time stamp will be added to the file name of saved GEDCOM files. MY_TIME_STAMP also defines whether the time stamp is added as prefix or as a postfix.

    • Accepted values: none (default), prefix, postfix
  • MY_GEDCOM_FILTER1/2/3 specifies a GEDCOM filter to be executed during the import/export/conversion.

    • Accepted values: Filter names (without .php extension) of existing GEDCOM filter in the following webtress directory: modules_v4/download_gedcom_with_url/ressources/filter/. For example, "GEDCOM_7_GedcomFilter" is chosen for a GEDCOM 7 conversion.
  • MY_IMPORT_ENCODING overrides the encoding specified in the header of the GEDCOM import file

  • MY_KEEP_MEDIA specifies whether media shall be kept during import

    • Accepted values: 1 (true), 0 (false)
    • The last import setting of the tree is used as default
  • MY_WORD_WRAPPED_NOTES specified whether to reinsert the missing spaces if spaces are omiited in the import file during splitting of long lines

    • Accepted values: 1 (true), 0 (false)
    • The last import setting of the tree is used as default
  • MY_GEDCOM_MEDIA_PATH specifies a part of the media file path, which shall be removed from file names during the GEDCOM import

    • Accepted values: A file path used in the GEDCOM import file, e.g. "C:\Documents"
    • If the file path contains slashes, the value needs to be included in brackets

Example URLs for Remote URL Requests

  • BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport&tree=tree1&key=hYHBiZM9

  • BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport&tree=tree1&key=hYHBiZM9file=export

  • BASE_URL/index.php?route=/webtrees/ExtendedImportExport&action=both&tree=tree1&key=hYHBiZM9&file=export&privacy=user&format=zip&encoding=ANSEL&line_endings=LF&time_stamp=prefix&gedcom_filter1=GEDCOM_7_GedcomFilter

Extending the Remote API with further parameters

It is possible to add further parameters and values to the remote URL. The full set of parameters - either like described above or any freely added parameters - will be handed over to the GEDCOM filter in the $param variable of the function customConvert:

Screenshot: URL parameters in PHP function custom convert

Folder for Files to Import/Export/Convert

The files to be imported or converted must be placed in a folder on the webtrees server. The folder specified in the settings for the download/upload folder in the control panel settings.

Authorization Key Settings

The key parameter of the URL is checked against an authorization key. The authorization key is specified and stored in the module settings: Control Panel / Modules / All Modules / Extended Import/Export.

The provided authorization key needs to have a minimum length of 8 characters.

The control panel also provides an option for the authorization key to be saved as an encrypted hash value. This option is more secure, because the authorization key is not visible to anyone and also encrypted in the database. However, the authorization key is not readible any more (even for administrators) and cannot be recovered if it is forgotten.

Default Values in the Module Settings (Control Panel)

In the control panel, it is possible to provide default values for most of the URL parameters. These default settings are used if no specific parameter values are provided within the URL. By specifying the default values, the URLs to be called for a download can be simplified. If the default values shall be used for a download, it is sufficient to only provide the tree name and the authorization key in the URL.

Any parameters provided in the URL have a higher priority and will overrule the default settings from the control panel.

Screenshot: Default value settings in the control panel

Example Scripts

The release ZIP file of the ExtendedImportExport module also contains 3 example scripts for automatic download of GEDCOM files or storage on the server:

  • contains a simple example, how a GEDCOM file can be stored on the webtrees server. To trigger a store process in regular time intervals, this bash script could be triggered by a Cron Job.
  • contains a simple example, how an automatic download can be performed with a Python script, e.g. on a Windows PC
  • contains a more advanced example for an automatic download with a Python script, which allows to store the downloaded file to a specific folder and also includes some logging output

Recommended Steps to Test the Module

In order to test systematically and have some control about the effects, the following steps are recommend. Only proceed to the next step if the prior step was successful:

  • Choose or create a small test tree
  • Run a manual export in the webtrees control panel with certain export settings
  • Run a remote test export by calling an URL (e.g. in a browser or from a text editor) with exactly the same settings like above
  • Run a remote test export with a script (e.g. based on one of the provided example scripts) with exactly the same settings like above
  • If everything works fine, choose larger trees etc.

GEDCOM 7 Conversion

ExtendedImportExport contains a GEDCOM filter, which performs a GEDCOM 7 conversion. The GEDCOM 7 filter can be used during import/export, in a datafix, and for conversion of GEDCOM files.

The GEDCOM 7 export also includes a further option to use the German GEDCOM-L standard.

The GEDCOM 7 filter were successfully valdidated with GEDCOM Validator and Gedcom Structure Analysis. Gedcom Structure Analysis also validates against the GEDCOM-L standard.


You can help to translate this module. The translation is based on gettext and uses .po files, which can be found in /resources/lang/. You can use a local editor like Poedit or notepad++ to work on translations and provide them in the Github repository of the module. You can do this via a pull request (if you know how to do), or by opening a new issue and attaching a .po file. Updated translations will be included in the next release of this module.

Currently, the following languages are already available:

  • English
  • German

Bugs and Feature Requests

If you experience any bugs or have a feature request for this webtrees custom module, you can create a new issue.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Github Repository


A weebtrees 2.1 custom module to download GEDCOM files on URL requests with the tree name, GEDCOM file name and authorization provided as parameters within the URL.








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