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Skylab 5.0 Release Notes

Phil edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

jedi-bundle for SkyLab 5.0 - Release Notes

JCSDA SkyLab 5.0 is the fifth roll-up release that provides integrated Earth System Data Assimilation capability via a unified end-to-end ecosystem including a single code build, workflow, data store, and diagnostics dashboard.

This bundle is the main entry point to build the JEDI executables which are required by the SkyLab applications.

Integrated JEDI Code and Configuration (public)

  • JEDI-SKYLAB bundle v5.0 JEDI applications are organized into high-level bundles that conveniently gather together all the required git repositories. Please note that version control of JEDI documentation will now follow the Skylab version numbering moving forward.
  • FV3-JEDI v1.6 Interface between the generic components of the JEDI system and the fv3 atmospheric model, NOAH land surface model, and GFS aerosols, GEOS-CF, GCHP (GEOS-Chem)
  • SOCA v1.5 Sea-ice, Ocean, and Coupled Assimilation (SOCA) is the interface between the marine components to Skylab
  • CRTM v3.0 The Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) is used for satellite radiance observation in Skylab
  • UFO v1.7 Unified Forward Operator (UFO) is used to relate the environmental observations to the model state for Skylab
  • IODA v2.6 Interface for Observation Data Access, with improved I/O performance for Skylab
  • OOPS v1.7 Generic data assimilation applications that are used with all components of Skylab.
  • SABER v1.7 Background error covariances used in the Skylab data assimilation applications.
  • VADER v1.4 Generic variable changes used in the interface to the atmospheric model.