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HTMX chatbot application familiarized with HTMX, Hyperscript, tweets, memes, and lore. Built with HTMX, Hyperscript, Bun, and Supabase PGVector.


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Hyperdome, short for Hypermedia Thunderdome is an HTMX chatbot application familiarized with HTMX, Hyperscript, tweets, memes, and lore.

Hyperdome uses Google's text-bison and textembedding-gecko models over Replit Modelfarm.


Important Note: Hyperdome will not work on your local machine. Replit Modelfarm only works on Replit as of November 2023.

Modelfarm allows you to use AI without configuring any environment variables exclusively within the Replit workspace. If you want to use a different IDE, refer to Replit's SSH Documentation.

Database & Context

Hyperdome uses Supabase PGVector for context/embeddings.

Create a new Supabase project.

Configure a table documents as shown in this article:

Copypasta Insanity

(Just copy and paste all the code snippets into the SQL editor and run them)


First we'll enable the Vector extension. In Supabase, this can be done from the web portal through DatabaseExtensions. You can also do this in SQL by running:

create extension vector;

Next let's create a table to store our documents and their embeddings:

create table documents (
  id bigserial primary key,
  content text,
  embedding vector(1536)

pgvector introduces a new data type called vector. In the code above, we create a column named embedding with the vector data type. The size of the vector defines how many dimensions the vector holds. OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 model outputs 1536 dimensions, so we will use that for our vector size.


Soon we're going to need to perform a similarity search over these embeddings. Let's create a function to do that:

create or replace function match_documents (
  query_embedding vector(1536),
  match_threshold float,
  match_count int
returns table (
  id bigint,
  content text,
  similarity float
language sql stable
as $$
    1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity
  from documents
  where 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) > match_threshold
  order by similarity desc
  limit match_count;


Once your table starts to grow with embeddings, you will likely want to add an index to speed up queries. Vector indexes are particularly important when you're ordering results because vectors are not grouped by similarity, so finding the closest by sequential scan is a resource-intensive operation.

Each distance operator requires a different type of index. We expect to order by cosine distance, so we need vector_cosine_ops index. A good starting number of lists is 4 * sqrt(table_rows):

create index on documents using ivfflat (embedding vector_cosine_ops)
  (lists = 100);

After your Supabase PGVector Setup, fill out the following environment variables with your Supabase DB credentials:

  • SUPABASE_DB_URL - Supabase database URL (
  • SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE - Supabase Admin Service Role (eyJhbGciOi...)
  • SUPABASE_ANON_KEY - Supabase Anonymous Public Key (eyJhbGciOi...)

If you've chosen a different table name than documents and/or a different postgres function name than match_documents, you can configure the table/function names with the following environment variables:


Customizing Context

All markdown, text, .d.ts, and Javascript files in the context folder get split into chunks for future index.

To add and test out the bot with additional context, add/edit the desired content to the context folder and run bun run init-vectors.


  • Run bun install to install necessary dependencies
  • Run bun run init-vectors to populate the database with the context
  • Run bun run dev to start the development server


  • Run bun run build followed by bun src/index.ts to serve the production version.


You can configure elements such as Model Temperature, Prompts, and more in src/config.ts.

  • expectedDimentions - Max number of vector dimensions
  • contextChunkSize - Max number of characters a chunk of context can be (used in init-vectors script)
  • maxInputTokens - Max number of tokens in the base prompt
  • maxOutputTokens - Max number of tokens that can be in the text output
  • temperature - Model Temperature
  • maxChunks - Number of context chunks to fetch when performing a similarity search
  • prompts - Prompt preset instructions
  • promptAuthors - Prompt preset metadata
  • allowedTags - Allowed HTML tags over Markdown
  • tableConfig - Configurable via environment variables; the names of the PGVector table / match function


It's a challenge to constantly keep the HTMX Lore, Trends, and HTMX/Hyperscript knowledge up-to-date. Contributions are welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

Some simple contribution rules:

  • Use common sense. Nonsense PRs will be closed.
  • Thoroughly test your PRs if they introduce any technical changes and provide a test plan
  • Provide sources/links if you create a PR to update the context
  • Feel free to attach memes to your PRs


HTMX chatbot application familiarized with HTMX, Hyperscript, tweets, memes, and lore. Built with HTMX, Hyperscript, Bun, and Supabase PGVector.







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