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ARM Assembly Practicals [WIP]

The code below is just for reference. THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE GUIDE. My knowledge of this subject is limited, so please don't take everything here as 100% factually correct. However, the code below does work and should help you solve the practicals.

Feel free to correct me anywhere you see something incorrect. You can do so by making a pull request (preffered) or by emailing me at 3556336 at (replace at with @)

I have left out some of practicals 1's questions because they're bad questions to ask at our skill level, but the others are all there.

Some useful links


Basic Arithmetic


.global main

	mov r1, #10 		@ store the value 10 into register 1 (r1)
	mov r2, #15 		@ store the value 15 into register 2 (r2)

	add r0, r1, r2 		@ Store the value of r1 + r2 into r0. r0 ⟵ R1 + r2

	bx lr


.global main

	mov r1, #20 		@ store the value 20 into register 1 (r1)
	mov r2, #15 		@ store the value 15 into register 2 (r2)

	sub r0, r1, r2 		@ Store the value of r1 - r2 into r0. r0 ⟵ R1 - r2

	bx lr


The way this works is you use memory to store variables and you load the values from memory into a register using the ldr operation. We declare these variables under the .data section and then our code must go under the .textsection.

Loading integers from memory.


.balign 4 
number_1: .word 10

.balign 4 
number_2: .word 15
.global main
	ldr r1, =number_1 	 @This gets the addrress of the variable from memory
	ldr r1, [r1]		 @This gets the actual value from memory so that we can use it to do arithmetic
	ldr r2, =number2
	ldr r2, [r2]
	add r0, r1 , r2 
	bx lr

Printing to the screen

There are multiple ways to write to the screen in arm assembly. The first method is with system interupts, and the second is with the C function printf

With System Interupts

.global main
	MOV R7, #4 		@ Syscall to output to screen
	MOV R0,  #1 		@ Monitor output stream
	MOV R2, #12 		@ String Length
	LDR R1, =message	@ Load register with address of string
	SWI 0

	MOV R7, #1 		@ Exit syscall
	SWI 0

.data 				@ Signify that what follows is data
	.ascii "Hello World\n"

With printf


.balign 4
message: .asciz "Hello World\n"

@ Hello World
.global main
.func main
	@basically this backs up the link register
	push {ip, lr}

	ldr r0, addr_message
	bl printf	

	@this restore the link register
	pop {ip, pc}
	bx lr

addr_message: .word message

.global printf

Whats happening here

Basically, when the printf function is called, it prints to the screen whatever it has stored in r0. r0 is a parameter to the printf function.

Printf with parameters


.balign 4
message: .asciz "This is how you print the number %d\n"

.balign 4
number_to_print: .word 10 @we want to print 10 to the screen

@ Hello World
.global main
.func main
	@basically this backs up the link register
	push {ip, lr}

	ldr r0, addr_message		 @load the message into r0
	ldr r1, addr_number_to_print 	 @load the address of our number into register 1
	ldr r1, [r1] 			 @Load the actual value of our number into register 1
	bl printf	

	@this restore the link register
	pop {ip, pc}
	bx lr

addr_message: .word message
addr_number_to_print: .word number_to_print

.global printf

Whats happening here

Notice any similarities? In this case, the message required an int, since we added a %d in the message. We passed our number 10 as a paramater.

Branches and comparisons

Branching is basically a way of "jumping" over code. For example.

.global main

	mov r1, #10
	mov r2, #20
	b end		@ Branch to label named end
	mov r1, #15 	@ This code will never be executed. 

	end:		@ The label 'end'
		add r0, r1, r2 @ r0 = r1 + r2. In this case r0 = 10 + 20
		bx lr

What happens here is that b end tells the program to branch over to end. So it will ignore the mov r1, #15 command. Therefore r0 will have a value of 30.


Using the cmp operation allows you to compare the value of two registers and branch according to the result.

.global main

	mov r1, #10			@ r1 ⟵ 10
	mov r2, #20			@ r2 ⟵ 20
	cmp r1, r2			@Tells cpu to compare r1 and r2
	beq equal			@ If r1 = r2, branch to label equal
	ble less_than			@ if r1 < r2, branch to label less_than
	bgt greater_than		@ if r1 > r2, branch to label greater than
		mov r0, #1
		b end
		mov r0, #2
		b end
	bgt greater_than:
		mov r0, #3
		b end
		bx lr

In the above program, r0 contains the value of 2.

A loop using comparisons and branching

.global main

	mov r0, #0
	mov r1, #10
	b loop
	loop: 				@ The loop label
		cmp r0,r1 		@ Compare r0 and r1.
		beq end			@ if r0 = r1, then branch out of the loop
		add r0, r0, #1		@ increment r0 by 1
		b loop			@repeat the loop again.
	end: 				@ end the program
		bx lr

Functions (WIP)

Functions make it easy to split up your code. They take in paramaters (like we've done with printf and scanf), do some work, and output r0. For example:

	@ r1 is number 1
	@ r2 is number 2
	push {r1, r2, lr}	@ push r1, r2 onto the stack
	add r0, r1, r2 		@ functions return r0
	pop {r1, r2, lr}	@pop r1, r2 from the stack
	bx lr			@ exit from function
.global main
	mov r1, #10		@ number 1
	mov r2, #20		@ number 2
	bl add_numbers		
	/*  think of it like this
	int add_numbers(int r1, int r2){ 
		int r0 = r1 + r2; 
		return r0; 			
	} */
	bx lr

The reason we use push {r1, r2, lr} and pop {r1, r2, lr} is so that when the function returns, r1 and r2 are restored to what they were before we called the function.

Arrays (WIP)


.align 4
arr: .skip 400					@ Create space for an array of size 100

.global main

	ldr r1, adr_arr				@ load array into r1
	mov r2, #0 				@ set r2 to 0 (as a counter)

		cmp r2, #100			@ Compare r2 to size of array
		beq end				@ if r2 = size of array, branch to end
		add r3, r2, #1			@ The value to be written at the position r2 in array
		str r3, [r1, +r2, LSL #2]	@ Store r3 in the base address (r1) + r2 *4
		add r2, r2, #1			@ increase count of r2 by 1

		b loop				@ Begin loop again
		mov r0, #0			@ Set exit status to 0
		bx lr				@ Exit the program

adr_arr: .word arr


Some resources for CSC212 ARM ASSEMBLY.







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