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This repository provides a fully worked-out example of model sculpting, a method to develop interpretable, trustworthy, and high-performing additive models. The example presented here accompanies the modsculpt package, which provides a set of tools to perform model sculpting, and the slide deck (still in development) that explains the concept of model sculpting.

Here we provide an example workflow of how to develop strong learner with hyperparameter tuning, to perform proper performance evaluation using nested cross-validation, to sculpt the strong learner into an interpretable model, and to evaluate and interpret the sculpted model.

Simpler examples are provided in the original modsculpt repository.


1. Set-up

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the R project file modsculpt_example.Rproj in RStudio
  3. Install the necessary packages
  4. Open the R script R/0_setup.R and modify the storage folder as necessary
    • By default it is set at output/sculpt_results folder, but you can specify any folder, including one outside of this repository (e.g. when you run this code in a cluster).

2. Tuning and training models

  1. Run the R script R/1_prepare_data.R to prepare the example data

  2. Run the R script R/2_train_models.R to train the models

    • See below for data examples and model options

    • You can run R/2_train_models.R interactively, or execute it in a batch mode with the command line.
      See job submission for details

    • The following models need to be trained on the compas dataset if you want to follow the steps below

      # Note that xgb training can take some time (~1 hr on M2 MacBook Air)
      Rscript R/2_train_models.R xgb compas FALSE 
      # xgb_1_order is a bit faster (~30 min)
      Rscript R/2_train_models.R xgb_1_order compas FALSE 
      # Following models are faster (<1 min)
      Rscript R/2_train_models.R log_elastic compas FALSE
      Rscript R/2_train_models.R log_lasso compas FALSE
      Rscript R/2_train_models.R log_ridge compas FALSE
  3. [Optional] Run the R script R/2_train_models_ncv.R to perform nested cross-validation on the models

    • This script is necessary only if you want to perform nested cross-validation for model evaluation
    • You can run this script interactively, or execute it in a batch mode with the command line.
      See job submission for details

3. Model sculpting

  1. Run the R script R/3_model_sculpt_compas.R to perform model sculpting on the compas dataset
    • You can modify the script to evaluate the models on the bike dataset
  2. [Optional] Run the R script R/3_model_sculpt_ncv_compas.R to perform model sculpting on nested cross-validation outputs for sculpted model performance evaluation

4. Model evaluation

  1. Evaluation/interpretation of sculpted models: notebooks/2_1_modsculpt_compas.qmd
  2. Performance summary: notebooks/3_performance_summary.qmd
  3. Sample outputs


Install the packages

The following packages are required to run the example in this repository.

# Install necessary packages
install_if_not_available <-
  function(pkg, from_github = FALSE, ref = NULL, min_version = NULL) {
    # Check whether it's installed and the version is ok
    is_installed <- suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)))
    version_ok <- is.null(min_version)
    if (is_installed & !version_ok) version_ok <- packageVersion(pkg) >= min_version
    # Install if necessary
    if (!is_installed | !version_ok) {
      if (from_github) {
        remotes::install_github(paste0("Genentech/", pkg), ref = ref)
      } else {

# devtools::install_version('xgboost', '') # Version used for generating the outputs

# Install the following packages from GitHub
install_if_not_available("modsculpt", from_github = TRUE, ref = "v0.1.1")
install_if_not_available("stats4phc", from_github = TRUE, ref = "v0.1.1")

Data examples

Two example datasets were provided, compas and bike.

If you are interested in using your own data, you can define it in R/define_data.R. For binary classification task, the response variable is to be a factor with the the first level being "positive"; otherwise some of the codes make a wrong conversion.

Model options

The following model_types are currently supported, made available with parsnip package. See R/define_model.R for the implementation details.

model_type task description packages
xgb reg. or class. XGBoost xgboost
xgb_monotone reg. or class. XGBoost with monotone constraints as defined in R/define_data.R xgboost
xgb_*_order reg. or class. XGBoost with * order constraints; replace * with the number to indicate the number of your choice, e.g. xgb_1_order xgboost
xgb_*_order_monotone reg. or class. XGBoost with *_order and the monotone constraints xgboost
lm / logistic reg. / class. Linear model / Logistic regression stats / glm
lm_elastic / log_elastic reg. / class. Elastic net glmnet
lm_lasso / log_lasso reg. / class. Lasso glmnet
lm_ridge / log_ridge reg. / class. Ridge glmnet
rf reg. or class. Random forest ranger
lgb reg. or class. LightGBM bonsai, lightgbm
rpart class. Recursive partitioning rpart
rpart_regression reg. Recursive partitioning rpart

Job submission

You can run the training script R/2_train_models.R and R/2_train_models_ncv.R in a batch mode with the command line. The scripts takes three arguments: model type, dataset name, and whether to use Bayesian optimization in addition to the grid search.

This is particularly useful when you run the code on a cluster.

On you local computer, you should be able to use any terminal; on Windows PC, the terminal tab in RStudio might be the easiest.

Rscript R/2_train_models.R $1 $2 $3
Rscript R/2_train_models_ncv.R $1 $2 $3


  • $1 is the model type (e.g. xgb, see model options for the full list of model types)
  • $2 is the dataset name (e.g. compas or bike)
  • $3 is whether to use Bayesian optimization (e.g. TRUE or FALSE) in addition to the grid search
    • Bayesian optimization takes a long time to run, so it is recommended to set this to "FALSE" for an interactive run

For example,

Rscript R/2_train_models.R xgb compas FALSE
Rscript R/2_train_models.R lm_elastic bike FALSE


Continuous endpoint example

Example with bike dataset

  1. Run the R scripts R/2_train_models.R (& R/2_train_models_ncv.R) to train the models

    Rscript R/2_train_models.R xgb bike FALSE 
    Rscript R/2_train_models.R xgb_1_order bike FALSE 
    Rscript R/2_train_models.R log_elastic bike FALSE
    Rscript R/2_train_models.R log_lasso bike FALSE
    Rscript R/2_train_models.R log_ridge bike FALSE
  2. Run the R script R/3_model_sculpt_bike.R (& R/3_model_sculpt_ncv_bike.R) to perform model sculpting (and nested cross-validation performance evaluation) on the bike dataset

  3. Evaluation/interpretation of sculpted models: notebooks/2_1_modsculpt_bike.qmd

  4. Performance summary: notebooks/3_performance_summary.qmd

  5. Sample outputs