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Gabriel-Darbord committed Jul 14, 2024
1 parent e7e6953 commit 94263a5
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Showing 8 changed files with 237 additions and 48 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Class {
#name : 'OTAbstractInstrumentationTest',
#superclass : 'TestCase',
#instVars : [
#category : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests',
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'accessing' }
OTAbstractInstrumentationTest >> instrumentationClass [

self subclassResponsibility

{ #category : 'running' }
OTAbstractInstrumentationTest >> setUp [

super setUp.
self instrumentationClass install.
target := OTTestTarget new

{ #category : 'running' }
OTAbstractInstrumentationTest >> tearDown [

self instrumentationClass uninstall.
super tearDown
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Class {
#name : 'OTSampledInstrumentationTest',
#superclass : 'OTAbstractInstrumentationTest',
#category : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests',
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'accessing' }
OTSampledInstrumentationTest >> instrumentationClass [

^ OTTestSampledInstrumentation

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSampledInstrumentationTest >> testFixedRateSampler [

self deny: OTTestSampledInstrumentation hasRunOnEnter.
target answer.
self deny: OTTestSampledInstrumentation hasRunOnEnter.
target answer.
self assert: OTTestSampledInstrumentation hasRunOnEnter
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,38 +3,26 @@ An OTInstrumentationConfigurationTest is a test class for testing the behavior o
Class {
#name : 'OTSimpleInstrumentationTest',
#superclass : 'TestCase',
#instVars : [
#superclass : 'OTAbstractInstrumentationTest',
#category : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests',
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'running' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> setUp [
{ #category : 'accessing' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> instrumentationClass [

super setUp.
OTTestSimpleInstrumentation install.
target := OTTestTarget new

{ #category : 'running' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> tearDown [

OTTestSimpleInstrumentation uninstall.
super tearDown
^ OTTestSimpleInstrumentation

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testEnsureHasRunOnExit [

self deny: OTTestSimpleInstrumentation hasRunOnExit.
target fail.
self fail "should not reach" ]
on: Error
do: [ nil ].
should: [
target fail.
self fail "should not reach" ]
raise: Error.
self assert: OTTestSimpleInstrumentation hasRunOnExit

Expand All @@ -53,6 +41,16 @@ OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testEventHasConfiguredData [
self assert: event fourth class equals: self class

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testEventHasOperation [

| event |
target answer. "run instrumented method"
event := OTTestSimpleInstrumentation capturedEvent.
self assert: event isNotEmpty.
self assert: event first class identicalTo: RFMethodOperation

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testHasRun [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,15 +79,8 @@ OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testIsOneShot [

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testRecordException [

| span error |
span := OTSpan new start.
[ target fail ]
on: Error
do: [ :err | error := err ].
self assert: span status equals: 'ERROR'.
self assert: (span attributes at: 'error') equals: error description ]
ensure: [ span end ]
OTSimpleInstrumentationTest >> testPassException [
"The instrumentation should let the exception happen normally."

self should: [ target fail ] raise: Error
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,117 @@
Class {
#name : 'OTSpanInstrumentationTest',
#superclass : 'TestCase',
#superclass : 'OTAbstractInstrumentationTest',
#instVars : [
#category : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests',
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'accessing' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> instrumentationClass [

^ OTTestSpanInstrumentation

{ #category : 'running' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> setUp [
"Remember the configured processor."

super setUp.
OTTestSpanInstrumentation install.
target := OTTestTarget new
currentProcessor := OTSpanProcessor current.
OTBatchSpanProcessor new beCurrent

{ #category : 'running' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> tearDown [
"Restore the configured processor."

OTTestSpanInstrumentation uninstall.
currentProcessor beCurrent.
super tearDown

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testFixedRateSampler [
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testDefaultSpanKind [

self deny: OTTestSpanInstrumentation hasRunOnEnter.
target answer.
self deny: OTTestSpanInstrumentation hasRunOnEnter.
assert: OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan kind
equals: OTSpan internal

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testDefaultSpanName [

target answer.
assert: OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan name
equals: (OTTestTarget >> #answer) name

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testRecordException [

| error span |
[ target fail ]
on: Error
do: [ :err | error := err ].
span := OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan.
self assert: span status equals: 'ERROR'.
assert: (span attributes at: 'exception')
equals: error description

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testSpanAttributes [
"Attributes were created and populated on method enter and exit."

| attributes |
target answer.
self assert: OTTestSpanInstrumentation hasRunOnEnter
attributes := OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan attributes.
self assert: attributes isNotNil.
self assert: (attributes includesKey: 'enter').
self assert: (attributes at: 'enter') equals: #OK.
self assert: (attributes includesKey: 'exit').
self assert: (attributes at: 'exit') equals: #OK

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testSpanExists [

self assert: OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan isNil.
target answer.
assert: OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan class
identicalTo: OTSpan

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testSpanLifetime [

| span |
target answer.
span := OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan.
self assert: span startTime isNotNil.
self assert: span endTime isNotNil.
self assert: span startTime <= span endTime

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testSpanStatus [

target answer.
assert: OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan status
equals: #OK

{ #category : 'tests' }
OTSpanInstrumentationTest >> testSpanSuppression [

| span |
target suppressedAnswer.
span := OTTestSpanInstrumentation capturedSpan.
self assert: (span attributes includesKey: 'suppressed')
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,5 +21,8 @@ OTTestInstrumentationModule class >> instrumentationName [
{ #category : 'accessing' }
OTTestInstrumentationModule class >> instrumentations [

^ { OTTestSimpleInstrumentation. OTTestSpanInstrumentation }
^ {
OTTestSpanInstrumentation }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Class {
#name : 'OTTestSampledInstrumentation',
#superclass : 'OTTestInstrumentation',
#category : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests',
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'configuring' }
OTTestSampledInstrumentation class >> defineSampler [

sampler := OTSampler withRate: 2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,54 @@
Class {
#name : 'OTTestSpanInstrumentation',
#superclass : 'OTTestInstrumentation',
#classInstVars : [
#category : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests',
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'instrumenting' }
OTTestSpanInstrumentation class >> capturedSpan [

^ capturedSpan

{ #category : 'configuring' }
OTTestSpanInstrumentation class >> defineInstrumenter [

instrumenter := OTInstrumenter forInstrumentationNamed: 'test'
instrumenter := OTInstrumenter forInstrumentationNamed: 'test'.
instrumenter spanSuppressionStrategy: [ :span :kind |
span isNotNil and: [ span name includesSubstring: 'suppressed' ] ]

{ #category : 'configuring' }
OTTestSpanInstrumentation class >> defineSampler [
{ #category : 'instrumenting' }
OTTestSpanInstrumentation class >> onMethodEnter: event [

| request |
request := event first method.
(suppressed := (instrumenter
shouldStartUnder: OTSpan current
request: request) not) ifTrue: [
^ capturedSpan attributeAt: 'suppressed' put: true ].
capturedSpan := instrumenter startRequest: request.
capturedSpan attributeAt: 'enter' put: #OK

{ #category : 'instrumenting' }
OTTestSpanInstrumentation class >> onMethodExit: event withValue: returnValue [

suppressed ifTrue: [ "suppress only once" ^ suppressed := false ].
capturedSpan attributeAt: 'exit' put: #OK.
capturedSpan status ifNil: [ capturedSpan setOkStatus ].
instrumenter end: capturedSpan

{ #category : 'class initialization' }
OTTestSpanInstrumentation class >> reset [

sampler := OTSampler withRate: 2
super reset.
capturedSpan := nil.
suppressed := false
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests/
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Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,26 @@ Class {
#package : 'OpenTelemetry-Instrumentation-Tests'

{ #category : 'accessing' }
{ #category : 'test methods' }
OTTestTarget >> answer [

^ 42

{ #category : 'asserting' }
{ #category : 'test methods' }
OTTestTarget >> fail [

Error signal

{ #category : 'test methods' }
OTTestTarget >> indirectAnswer [

^ self answer

{ #category : 'test methods' }
OTTestTarget >> suppressedAnswer [

^ self answer

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