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All RAIL lab code for the 2019 IEEE FetchIt Challenge


  1. Run mapping:
./scripts/ latest mapping roslaunch task_executor fetchit.launch mapping:=true
  1. Create a symlink to the maps and arena_waypoints file:
cd task_execution/task_executor/maps
ln -s ../../../fetchit_mapping/maps/local_maps/* ./
ln -s ../../../fetchit_mapping/maps/arena_waypoints.yaml ./
cd ../../..
  1. Then localize the robot. Verify the localization through RViz
./scripts/ latest mapping roslaunch task_executor fetchit.launch navigation:=true
  1. Finally run the build_kit (or, if a task of a different name, then substitute that name below) task
./scripts/ latest build_kit

The last command above starts 3 docker containers:

  1. services that runs all our task dependencies such as navigation, moveit, etc.
  2. task that runs the task executor, the recovery node, etc.
  3. run_task that is simply a rosrun command that launches the task executor.

If you need to stop the task but leave the services and task containers running, you can run ./scripts/ If you'd like to stop all execution and try everything again, you can run ./scripts/

Pre-Run Checklist

Before any competition runs, verbally run through the following checklist with another person. If any answer is "no", then the robot's not ready to run the task:

  1. Is the robot unplugged from the charger?
  2. Is the arena floor clear?
  3. Is the breaker switch enabled?
  4. Is the estop disabled?
  5. Is the robot's arm out of contact with itself?
  6. Are we running through docker from the master branch of derail_fetchit?
  7. Is task_executor linked to arena_waypoints and a current map of the environment?
  8. Have waypoint offsets been set for the current map, and verified to be safe?
  9. Is the robot localized?

Mapping Best Practices

  • Set the casters to allow the robot to rotate
  • Position the robot in the center of the arena
  • Align the robot's orientation squarely with the tables
  • Run mapping
  • Update waypoint offsets in data.yaml

Setup and Installation


  1. To build the workspace, use catkin build
  2. The primary setup and installation scripts for this repository live in the scripts/ directory. Instructions are below.
  3. We use rosinstall files to setup and manage the workspace. The tool for working with such a setup is wstool
  4. We use docker for deployment, but can be used for development too
  5. For instructions on how to add (or remove) external dependencies, look at Dependencies.

Initial Setup

Make sure that your SSH keys are configured with Github. Instructions

You can either download and run scripts/ in a workspace directory (as in step 2 below) or set everything up manually.

To run the script (recommended):

  1. Download scripts/ into your workspace directory (This can be any directory, such as $HOME/catkin_ws or $HOME/ros (the latter is the default that Fetch will provide). The rest of these instructions assume your current working directory is $HOME/ros).
  2. Change the permissions so the file is executable: chmod +x
  3. Run the setup script: ./

If the above script fails at some point in the middle, you might have to set up manually. To set everything up manually:

  1. Make sure that you have all the apt and pip dependencies that are specified in the apt-get install and pip install lines in the script.
  2. Create a workspace directory on your computer. This can be any directory, such as $HOME/catkin_ws or $HOME/ros (the latter is the default that Fetch will provide). The rest of these instructions assume your current working directory is $HOME/ros.
  3. Make two workspaces - stable and active. According to Fetch, the stable workspace is meant for those ROS dependencies that we need but don't actively develop on; active is the workspace where our code will primarily live.
mkdir -p stable/src active/src
  1. Then clone the derail-fetchit repo into the active workspace
git clone [email protected]:gt-rail-internal/derail-fetchit.git active/src/derail-fetchit
  1. Setup symlinks so that we can use wstool to manage the different dependencies and all the other repos
ln -s $(pwd)/active/src/derail-fetchit/scripts/rosinstall/active.rosinstall active/src/.rosinstall
ln -s $(pwd)/active/src/derail-fetchit/scripts/rosinstall/stable.rosinstall stable/src/.rosinstall
  1. Initialize the workspaces with wstool. This allows us to check the status of the numerous repos that we have easily simply by running wstool in either the active/src or stable/src directories. Note that the derail-fetchit repo is not going to be managed by wstool.
cd $HOME/ros/stable/src && wstool up
cd $HOME/ros/active/src && wstool up
  1. Finally, build the workspaces by making sure to link them.
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
cd $HOME/ros/stable && catkin build
source $HOME/ros/stable/devel/setup.bash
cd $HOME/ros/active && catkin build

Your workspace should now be ready. All you need to source is $HOME/ros/active/devel/setup.bash to run your commands.


We will be using docker to deploy our code on the robot. However, docker can also be used to test and develop across multiple machines. Here's a brief introduction to the different commands that you might need to run. Before running any of them, make sure to run the following atleast once:

docker login
# Username: railrobotics
# Password: <check the internal wiki>

If you get the error that docker is not found, then it means that you have to install Docker. Do NOT apt install or snap install as the error message might suggest:

  1. Follow the instructions on this page. You simply have to run the commands until the Install the latest version of Docker CE instruction.
  2. Make sure to add yourself to the docker group (otherwise all docker commands must be run with sudo): sudo usermod -a -G docker USERNAME
  3. Log out and log back in


To build a docker image with your latest code, run: script/ [TAG]. The tag is an optional "branch" name that you can provide to the image.

If you think your docker image should be shared with the rest of us, you can push the image to Docker Hub: docker push railrobotics/derail_fetchit:<TAG>. The tag is optional if the image is latest. Do not push the latest tag from a feature branch.

Run a command

If you want to run a command in the background or test how things will be running on the robot, use the script script/ <TAG> <CONTAINER_NAME> <commands...>. The script will start up a container from the image <TAG>, assign it the name of <NAME>, and then run the <commands...>.

Example: ./scripts/ latest derail roslaunch task_executor task_executor.launch

Run a shell

You can also mount your current active workspace into the docker container and open a shell terminal into the container. This allows you to use an editor on your host operating system to change files, and then run commands in the docker container without having to install the complete workspace on the host OS. To run: ./scripts/ [TAG]. The tag is again optional.


There are three types of dependencies that we manage:

  1. System dependencies such as BLAS, pip, released ROS packages, etc. To edit system dependencies, update the Dockerfile and to apt or pip install the dependency
  2. Unreleased third-party dependencies, which can include the git repositories of released ROS packages if they have bug fixes that have not been released to apt. To edit these dependencies, include (or remove) an entry in the YAML file stable.rosinstall.
  3. Actively developed dependencies, which are dependencies such as rail_segmentation, which we might edit for this project. To edit these dependencies, include (or remove) an entry in the YAML file active.rosinstall



Files with RAIL version of test environment for copying to fetchit_challenge package.


Standalone manipulation actions and testing for the FetchIt! challenge.


Code for 2D/3D laser/depth based static localization/collision mapping.


Code for bin pose detection.


The high level task execution package


Bringup node to enable the cartesian_wrench arm controller for the fetch robot


A package that can be used to reliably play sounds