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Exam #1: "SurveyWebapp"

Student: s274475 Feizabadi Fereshteh

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /: home page, to show list of publised surveys
  • Route /login: login form, for admin authentication
  • Route /responces: list of surveys and number of their responces, by clicking on each survey it goes to navigation through different user's responces.
  • Route /userResponces/:id: it shows the user responces for the specific survey, with next and previous button, navigate through responces for each unique user, paramtere: surveyId
  • Route /create: for createing the survey, inseritng survey title, for inserting, deleting and reordering the questions and then publishing the survey.
  • Route /survey/:id: for showing the survey questions to the user for answering the questions and the proper validation for each question, paramtere: surveyId.

API Server

  • POST /api/sessions

    • Description: authenticate the user who is trying to login
    • Request body: credentials of the user who is trying to login (username , password)
    • Response: 200 OK (success)
    • Response body: authenticated user { "id": 1, "email": "[email protected]", "name": "Maria" }
  • GET /api/sessions/current

    • Description: check if current user is logged in and get her data

    • Request body: None

    • Response: 200 OK (success)

    • Response body: authenticated user

      { "id": 1, "email": "[email protected]", "name": "Maria" }

  • DELETE /api/sessions/current

    • Description: logout current user
    • Request body: None
    • Response: 200 OK (success)
    • Response body: None
  • GET /api/surveys

    • Description: to get list of all the published surveys
    • Request body: None
    • Response body: Array of objects, each describing one survey:
            "surveyId": 320,
            "title": "Study Rooms",
            "surveyCreator": 2,
            "isOpen": true,
            "counter": 1
  • POST /api/surveys

    • Description: to create survey by a specific user
    • Response body content: None
    • Request body:
            "title": "Study Rooms",
            "surveyCreator": 2,
  • GET /api/users/:id/surveys

    • Description: to get the list of surveys of a specific user

    • Request parameters: userId

    • Request body: None

    • Response body content: Array of objects, each describing one survey

           "surveyId": 320,
           "title": "Study Rooms",
           "surveyCreator": 2,
           "isOpen": true,
           "counter": 1
  • POST /api/question

    • Description: adding questions for the last Survey Id that is created
    • Response body content: None
    • Response: 200 OK (success)
    • Request body: Description of the question object to add
           "Id": 259,
           "surveyId": 314,
           "questionTitle": "In overall how you evaluate the dormitory ?",
           "minAnswers": 1,
           "maxAnswers": 1,
           "orderNumber": 3,
           "optionsTitle": [ ["good"], ["bad"], ["suitable"], ["ok"] ]
  • GET /api/survey/:id

    • Description: get questions of the given SurveyId

    • Request parameters: surveyId

    • Request body: None

    • Response body content: Array of objects, each describing one question

            "Id": 259,
            "surveyId": 314,
            "questionTitle": "In overall how you evaluate the dormitory ?",
            "minAnswers": 1,
            "maxAnswers": 1,
            "orderNumber": 3,
            "optionsTitle": [ ["good"], ["bad"], ["suitable"], ["ok"] ]
  • POST /api/answer

    • Description: for adding answers by user
    • Response body: None
    • Request body: Description of the answer object to add
   "surveyId": 314,
     "answers": [
    { "qid": 257, "textarea": "nice" },
    { "qid": 260, "radio": "3 days in week" },
    { "qid": 259, "radio": "comfortable" },
    { "qid": 262, "checkedItems": ["item1","item2","item3"] },
    { "qid": 261, "radio": "Kitchen is good" }
  "username": "fereshteh"
  • GET /api/answers/:id/:userId
    • Description: for showing user answers for the given survey Id and user Id
    • Request parameters: surveyId, userId
    • Request body: None
    • Response body content: Array of objects, each describing one answer
    "questionId": 276,
    "userId": 21,
    "username": "Angel",
    "questionTitle": "Describe your favourite pizza?",
    "answer": "Fresh ingredients"
  • GET /api/userids/:id
    • Description: listing the user Ids that answer the survey
    • Request parameters: surveyId
    • Request body: None
    • Response body content: Array of objects, each describing one userId
    user IDs [ { "userId": 1 }, { "userId": 2 }, { "userId": 9 } ]

Database Tables

  • Table users - to keep admins informations, contains: id, email, name, hash
  • Table surveys - to keep created surveys by admin, contains: surveyId, title, surveyCreator, isOpen, counter
  • Table questions - to keep questions of survey, contains: Id, surveyId, questionTitle, minAnswers, maxAnswers, orderNumber, optionsTitle
  • Table answers - to keep the answers of each survey, contains: userId, surveyId, questionId, answer, username

Main React Components

  • LoginForm: (in app.js) for user authentication and login to access for creating survey and observing results
  • CreateSurvey: (in app.js) for creating new survey and publishing it
  • QuestionForm (in CreateSurvey.js): for adding new question inside the survey
  • QuestionsList (in CreateSurvey.js): for showing the list of questions and deleting, changing order of each question
  • SurveyForm (in app.js): for showing the list of questions of a survey to the user for answering
  • SurveyResponces (in app.js): for showing the list of surveys with the number of responces and link to survey responces
  • UserResponce (in app.js): for showing the responces of a unique users for a specific survey and navigating through responces of other users


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Users Credentials

email password name surveys
[email protected] password Fulvio Corno Pre-vaccination Checklist for COVID-19 Vaccines, Study Rooms
[email protected] ciao Maria Dormitory Facilities, Favorite Pizza


Survey web app with React






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