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Please compile SCSS to compressed css to use on reddit.

There are multiple ways to compile SCSS to CSS, here are some preprocessors in addition to the various web based solutions.

The project includes package.json and gulpfile.js to use nodeJS for converting SCSS and for compressing/minifying CSS and images. This includes watchers/tasks that run in the background (all via console/terminal).


  1. Install nodeJS.
  2. Open a console window in the project root or navigate to the project root.
  3. Execute npm install gulp-cli -g to globally install the gulp-CLI.
  4. Execute npm install to download and install the node modules specified in package.json.


Execute the commands gulp or npm start in the console (working directory must be the project root).

Start is a script defined in package.json which automatically runs the prestart script, which runs npm install and after that gulp is executed. Simply using the gulp command runs the watchers while using start makes sure that all modules are installed and updated.

Using Gulp:

After gulp was started there are tasks that watch file changes to all images (./img/exported/ folder) and all SCSS files (./scss/). These tasks are defined in gulpfile.js.
When gulp is initialized it runs these tasks once for all files, after that only git-modified files are handled by the watchers.

  • SCSS files are converted to CSS and a minified CSS file in the folder ./css, this folder gets ignored by git since we don't have to push it.
  • Images are being compressed and saved to ./img/exported-minified.
Using specific tasks:

While simply using the command gulp or npm start handles all basic needs while developing we may want to use specific gulp tasks. To do this either stop the currently running gulp process or use a different console window and use these tasks like this:

gulp styles:all
gulp styles:gitmodified
gulp default
gulp replace

Using Stylish to develop reddit themes

Developing and testing reddit themes is annoying as hell. Testing css/images/sidebar structures on the live subreddit is a bad idea. You basically have two alternatives:

  1. Make a second subreddit to test everything, that's ok but still lacking in some ways.
  2. Use a browser plugin like Stylish to overwrite the subreddits style with your local code.

The stylish approach is one that I highly prefer unless the css changes require sidebar content/structure changes. There's a small issue with images though since reddit uses placeholders like %filename% for image urls while stylish can't work with that. Therefore I have added a gulp task to create a CSS file where all those placeholders are replaced with the correct full urls.

These urls are defined in replacementConfig.json.


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