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Making a release

Kai Blumberg edited this page May 19, 2021 · 10 revisions

⚠️ //Docs in progress ⚠️


Step 1) Make sure to have installed docker (if not already), See the Docker desktop on a personal computer, (docker hub for a cloud image?).

Step 2) Following the instructions described in the ODK, pull the ODK docker image

docker pull obolibrary/odkfull

Create an issue for a new release

Following the ENVO Branching and merging workflow create an issue for a new release and accompanying branch in which to run the following.

Run make prepare release

TODO add step if needed to generate release notes @Chris should have a script for this.

On linux/unix:

From envo/src/envo run the following command:

./ make prepare_release

On windows:


Create and Verify Pull Request

Push the branch and submit the new Pull Request on the ENVO github page.

Double check warnings and error messages, make sure to manually fix any merge conflicts, see this tutorial about the latter.

Create Github Release

Click on the Releases text on the main ENVO github page.


Click on the Draft a new release button:


Fill out the required fields:


1) Tag version: This should be filled out in the format vYYYY-MM-DD for example v2020-06-10

2) Target:master Leave this as is.

3) Release title: If you are feeling inspired come up with a cleaver release title such as Polar express, or Protected planet otherwise simply use the date, for example 2020-06-10 release

4 Release description: begin with the line

:warning: As always, the new terms will be available after a few days as they percolate through the ether :warning: 

Next, optionally add Release notes. This could involve sections for items such as New editors, New subsets, as well as Description the latter providing a brief explanation of the new terms sets and their relevance to any appropriate research projects, funding agencies or other activities, e.g., UNESCO, UNEP etc.

Finally paste the output of the release artifact generating script (@Chris TODO).