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prove Ep_dlet when everything converges
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strub committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent e1defe2 commit c96f247
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Showing 2 changed files with 141 additions and 3 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions theories/analysis/
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Expand Up @@ -1002,6 +1002,49 @@ lemma summable_pswap ['a 'b] (s : 'a * 'b -> real) :
summable s => summable (s \o pswap).
proof. by apply/summable_bij/bij_pswap. qed.

lemma summable_swap ['a 'b] (fa : 'a -> real) (fb : 'b -> real) (F : 'a -> 'b -> real) :
(forall x, 0%r <= fa x)
=> (forall y, 0%r <= fb y)
=> (forall x y, 0%r <= F x y)
=> summable (fun y => sum (fun x => fa x * F x y) * fb y)
=> (forall y, fb y <> 0%r => summable (fun x => fa x * F x y))
=> summable (fun x => fa x * sum (fun y => F x y * fb y))
/\ (forall x, fa x <> 0%r => summable (fun y => F x y * fb y)).
move=> ge0_fa ge0_fb ge0_F smb subsmb; rewrite andbC &(andaE); split.
- move=> x nz_fax; pose S := fun y => sum (fun x => fa x * F x y) * fb y.
rewrite (@summableZ_iff _ (fa x)) //; move/summable_le_pos: smb.
apply => y /=; split.
- by apply/mulr_ge0/mulr_ge0/ge0_fb/ge0_F/ge0_fa.
move=> _; case: (fb y = 0%r) => [-> // | nz_fb_y].
rewrite mulrA; apply: ler_wpmul2r; first exact/ge0_fb.
have := ler_big_sum (fun x => fa x * F x y) [x] _ _ _ => //=.
- move=> x'; apply: mulr_ge0; [exact/ge0_fa | exact/ge0_F].
by apply: subsmb.
move=> subsmb2; pose S := fun y => sum (fun x => fa x * F x y) * fb y.
exists (sum S) => J uqJ. pose G y x := fa x * (F x y * fb y).
have ge0_G: forall x y, 0%r <= G y x.
- by move=> x y; rewrite mulr_ge0 1?ge0_fa mulr_ge0 (ge0_fb, ge0_F).
rewrite (@BRA.eq_bigr _ _ (fun x => sum (fun y => G y x))) /=.
- move=> x _ @/G; rewrite ger0_norm.
- apply: mulr_ge0; [exact/ge0_fa | apply: ge0_sum => y /=].
by apply: mulr_ge0; [exact/ge0_F | exact/ge0_fb].
by rewrite -sumZ /= &(eq_sum) => y /=.
rewrite -sum_big => [y _ @/G|].
- case: (fa y = 0%r) => [-> /=|]; first exact/summable0.
by move/subsmb2; apply/summableZ.
apply: ler_sum_pos => /= [y|]; [split | exact/smb].
- by rewrite Bigreal.sumr_ge0 => x _ @/G; exact/ge0_G.
move=> _ @/S @/G; case: (fb y = 0%r) => [-> /= | nz_fb_y].
- by rewrite BRA.big1_eq.
rewrite -sumZr -(@BRA.eq_bigr _ (fun x => (fa x * F x y) * fb y)) /=.
- by move=> x _; ring.
rewrite -BRA.mulr_suml sumZr &(ler_wpmul2r) 1:&ge0_fb.
apply: ler_big_sum => //=.
- by move=> x; apply: mulr_ge0; [exact/ge0_fa | exact/ge0_F].
- by apply: subsmb.

lemma pswap_summable (s : 'a * 'b -> real) :
summable (s \o pswap) => summable s.
proof. by move=> /summable_pswap; apply eq_summable => -[//]. qed.
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101 changes: 98 additions & 3 deletions theories/datatypes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
require import AllCore RealSeries List Distr StdBigop DBool DInterval.
require import StdOrder.
require Subtype Bigop.
import Bigreal Bigint.
import Bigreal Bigint RealOrder.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Definition of R+ *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +84,9 @@ axiom witness_0 : witness = 0%rp.
lemma of_real_neg x : x < 0.0 => x%rp = 0%rp.
proof. smt(to_realK val_of_real witness_0). qed.

lemma of_real_le0 x : x <= 0%r => x%rp = 0%rp.
proof. by rewrite ler_eqVlt; case => [->// | /of_real_neg]. qed.

lemma to_realK_simpl (x:realp) : x%r%rp = x by apply: to_realKd.
hint simplify to_realK_simpl, of_realK.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,6 +388,26 @@ proof.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma md_realP (c : real) (x : xreal) :
is_real (c ** x) <=> c <= 0%r \/ x <> oo.
case: x => //= @/( ** ); case: (c <= 0%r) => /=.
- by move/of_real_le0 => ->.
- move/ltrNge => gt0_c; rewrite -(inj_eq _ to_real_inj) /=.
by rewrite to_pos_pos 1:&ltrW // gtr_eqF.

lemma md_eqinfP (c : real) (x : xreal) :
c ** x = oo <=> 0%r < c /\ x = oo.
have := md_realP c x; case: (c ** x) => //=.
- by rewrite negb_and ltrNge.
- by rewrite negb_or ltrNge.

lemma to_real_md (c : real) (x : xreal) :
to_real (c ** x) = c%pos * to_real x.
proof. by case: x => //= @/( ** ); case: (c%rp = 0%rp). qed.

lemma is_real_le x y : x <= y => is_real y => is_real x.
proof. by case: x y => [x|] [y|]. qed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,6 +452,18 @@ theory Lift.
op to_real ['a] (f : 'a -> xreal) =
fun x => to_real (f x).
lemma is_realPn ['a] (f : 'a -> xreal) :
!is_real f <=> exists x, f x = oo.
- by case/negb_forall=> /= y fyE; exists y; case: (f y) fyE.
- by case=> x fxE; apply/negP => /(_ x); rewrite fxE.
lemma to_real_mdfun (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> xreal) :
to_real (d ** f) = fun x => mu1 d x * to_real (f x).
proof. by apply/fun_ext=> x; rewrite /to_real to_real_md. qed.
lemma eq_is_real ['a] (f g : 'a -> xreal) :
(forall (x : 'a), f x = g x) =>
is_real f = is_real g.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -736,12 +772,71 @@ proof.
by rewrite big_seq1 /( ** ) /= dunit1E /= one_neq0.

lemma Ep_dlet (d:'a distr) (F: 'a -> 'b distr) f :
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma EP_E ['a] (d : 'a distr) (f : 'a -> xreal) :
is_real (d ** f)
=> summable (to_real (d ** f))
=> Ep d f = (E d (to_real f))%xr.
move=> rl_f smb_f; rewrite /Ep /= rl_f /= /psuminf smb_f /=; congr.
by apply: eq_sum => x /=; rewrite to_real_mdfun /= RField.mulrC.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma Ep_dlet (d : 'a distr) (F : 'a -> 'b distr) f :
Ep (dlet d F) f = Ep d (fun x => Ep (F x) f).
pose D := dlet d F; case: (is_real (D ** f)); last first.
- admit.
move=> isrl; case: (summable (to_real (D ** f))); last first.
- admit.
pose fa (x : 'a) := mu1 d x.
pose fb (y : 'b) := to_real f y.
pose G x y := mu1 (F x) y.
have ^eqf + ^smb0 - -> smb:
to_real (D ** f) = (fun y => sum (fun x => fa x * G x y) * fb y).
- by apply/fun_ext=> y; rewrite to_real_mdfun /= dlet1E.
have subsmb: forall y, fb y <> 0%r => summable (fun x => fa x * G x y).
- move=> y _; apply: summable_mu1_wght => x /=; split.
- by apply: ge0_mu1.
- by move=> _; apply: le1_mu1.
have [smb2 subsmb2] := summable_swap _ _ _ _ _ _ smb subsmb.
- by move=> x; apply: ge0_mu1.
- by move=> y; apply: to_realP.
- by move=> x y; apply ge0_mu1.
rewrite EP_E // /D; rewrite exp_dlet.
- by apply: eq_summable smb0 => x /=; rewrite RField.mulrC to_real_mdfun.
have is_real_Fx_f: forall x, x \in d => is_real (F x ** f).
- move=> x x_d y /=; move/(_ y): isrl; case/md_realP; last first.
- by move=> real_fy; apply/md_realP; right.
rewrite ler_eqVlt ltrNge ge0_mu /= /D dlet1E sump_eq0P /=.
- by move=> x'; apply: mulr_ge0.
- by apply: summable_mu1_wght.
by move/(_ x); rewrite RField.mulf_eq0 -supportPn x_d /= => ->.
have smb_Fx_f: forall x, x \in d => summable (to_real (F x ** f)).
- move=> x x_d; have ->: to_real (F x ** f) = (fun y => G x y * fb y).
- by apply/fun_ext=> y; rewrite to_real_mdfun /=.
by apply/subsmb2/gtr_eqF/x_d.
have eqE1: forall x, x \in d => to_real (Ep (F x) f) = E (F x) (to_real f).
- move=> x x_d; rewrite EP_E /=.
- by apply/is_real_Fx_f.
- by apply/smb_Fx_f.
- by rewrite to_pos_pos // &(exp_ge0) => y _; apply: to_realP.
apply: (eq_trans _ (E d (fun x => to_real (Ep (F x) f)))%xr).
- by do 2! congr; apply: eq_exp => x x_d /=; rewrite eqE1.
rewrite EP_E //=.
- move=> x /=; apply/md_realP; rewrite ler_eqVlt ltrNge ge0_mu1 /=.
case: (x \in d) => [x_d | /supportPn -> //]; right.
by rewrite /Ep /= is_real_Fx_f //= /psuminf smb_Fx_f.
- suff ->: to_real (fun x => mu1 d x ** Ep (F x) f) =
(fun x => fa x * sum (fun y => G x y * fb y)) by apply/smb2.
apply/fun_ext => x /=; rewrite to_real_mdfun /=.
case: (x \in d); last by move/supportPn => @/fa ->.
move=> x_d; congr => //; rewrite eqE1 // /E.
by apply: eq_sum => /= y; rewrite RField.mulrC.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma Ep_dmap (d:'a distr) (F: 'a -> 'b) (f: 'b -> xreal) :
Ep (dmap d F) f = Ep d (fun x => f (F x)).
proof. rewrite /dmap Ep_dlet; apply eq_Ep => x _ /=; apply Ep_dunit. qed.
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