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Dynamic Title Update

Natan Vieira edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 21 revisions

The Dynamic Title Update feature allows the developer to change the title of a view that's open, being displayed to the player, to be changed without requiring closing it, changing the title and opening it again.

Versions Compatibility

Server version Minimum IF version Status
v1.8 v1.0 ✅ Supported
v1.9-1.16 v2.4.0 ✅ Supported
v1.17–1.18 v3.0.0 ✅ Supported
v1.19 v3.0.0-rc.2 ✅ Supported
v1.20 v3.0.2 ✅ Supported
v1.20.4 v3.1.0 ✅ Supported
Dynamic Title Update is a Protocol-Level Integration so its behavior is based on the current version and software of the server it is running on and may be inconsistent. See the Versions Compatibility table to know if it will work on your server.

API Methods Signature

// Updates the title for all players in the context
public void updateTitleForEveryone(String title);

// Updates the title for the subject player of the context
public void updateTitleForPlayer(String title);

// Updates the title for a specific player in the context
public void updateTitleForPlayer(String title, T player);

// Resets the title to the initial title of the context for all players in the context
public void resetTitleForEveryone();

// Resets the title to the initial title for the subject player of the context
public void resetTitleForPlayer();

// Resets the title to the initial title of the context for a specific player
public void resetTitleForPlayer(T player);

updateTitleForPlayer and resetTitleForPlayer the "player" is the subject of the context, if it's used in a click context the title will be updated only to the player that clicked on something.

Basic Usage

In the example below, we will create a counter with initial value of zero and schedules the view to update every 1 second and on each update the counter will be incremented by one.

private final MutableIntState counterState = mutableIntState(0);

public void onInit(ViewConfigBuilder config) {
    config.title("Initial title").scheduleUpdate(20L);

public void onUpdate(Context update) {
    final int count = counterState.increment(update);
    update.updateTitleForEveryone(String.format("Updated title: %d", count));

Using resetTitle* after updateTitle* resets the title to "Initial title".

This example uses State Management and Scheduled Updates features.