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SCPP - Single-cell RNA-seq processing pipeline

This repository contains scripts that were created during my Master's thesis including the script for the SCPP. SCPP was tested under a Linux environment and is therefore not applicable with macOS or Windows. Only the SCPP script ("") and the quality control and filtering script "sc_analysis_qc.R" are necessary to start the pipeline. The other scripts can be disregarded. For beginners, the "" script might be interesting, because it contains information about the required and the optional parameters. SCPP is also runnable with the "" script. To execute this script, make it executable with $ chmod +x and execute it with $ ./

How to use

  1. Clone this repository into a directory on your computer
$ git clone
  1. make executable
$ chmod +x
  1. start SCPP from the command line
$ ./ --option1 " " --option2  ...

Options available in this pipeline

Option Default Function Branch
--data - Path to directory with scRNA-seq FASTQ files
--output "./output" Path to directory to store output files in
--threads 1 Number of threads to use
--qualityControl "no" Perform quality control with FastQC ["no"/"yes"]
--fastqc - Path to executable
--trimming "no" Perform trimming with Trimmomatic ["no"/"yes"]
--trimmomatic - Path to executable Trimmomatic
--trimOptions - Trimming options Trimmomatic is using E.g. "TRAILING:20 MINLEN:75"
--useCellranger "yes" Use the CellRanger branch ["no/"yes"] CellRanger
--cellranger - Path to executable CellRanger
--cellrangerTranscriptome - Path to reference data set required for CellRanger Available on 10x Genomics download page
--CRoptions - Alternative parameters for CellRanger
--useSTARsolo "no" Use STARsolo branch ["no"/"yes"] STARsolo
--STARwhitelist - Path to barcode whitelist for STARsolo
--genome - Path to reference genome fasta file STARsolo UMI-tools
--annotation - Path to reference genome annotation file
--star - Path to executable STAR
--STARoptions - Alternative parameters for STAR. See STAR manual
--index "no" Genome index is already generated ["yes"/"no"]
--indicesDir "./indices" Directory path to store genome indices If --index "yes", specify path with file prefix
--read "R2" Read containing cDNA sequence ["R1"/"R2"]
--barcode "R1" Read containing barcode and UMI ["R1"/"R2"]
--useLanes "all" Sequencing lanes to use For example, use only lane 1,2,3: Enter "1,2,3"
--genWhitelist "yes" Generate barcode whitelist ["no"/"yes"]
---umi-tools - Path to executable UMI-tools
--useUMItools "no" Use the UMI-tools branch
--samtools - Path to executable SAMtools
--featureCounts - Path to executable featureCounts
--UMITOOLSwhitelist - Path to barcode whitelist for UMI-tools branch
--nGenes 100 Minimum number of expressed genes of a cell
--nUMIs 125 Minimum number of UMI counts of a cell
--MAD 5 nmads used scater's isOutlier function
--thresholdMT 1 Maximal fraction of total UMI counts coming from MT genes
--filterGenes 0.001 Remove sparsely expressed genes Fraction of cells a gene has to be expressed
--normalize "yes" Log normalize gene-barcode matrix ["yes"/"no"]


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