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Beneficiary Claims Data API

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API documentation

Required Setup

The steps below are necessary to run the project.


To get started, install some dependencies:

  1. Install Go
  2. Install Docker
  3. Install Docker Compose
  4. Install Ansible Vault and its dependencies For further ansible documentation see: (
  5. Install Pre-commit with Gitleaks
  6. Ensure all dependencies installed above are on PATH and can be executed directly from command line.


The files committed in the shared_files/encrypted directory hold secret information, and are encrypted with Ansible Vault.

Ansible Vault

  • Create a file named .vault_password in the root directory of the repository.
  • You should have been given access to Box. In Box search for vault_password.txt, copy the text and paste it into your .vault_password file.

Decrypt/Encrypt Secrets

You can now decrypt the encrypted secret files (found at shared_files/encrypted) by running the following command from the repository root directory:

./ops/secrets --decrypt

Copy the decrypted files from shared_files/encrypted to the sibling directory shared_files/decrypted. After make sure to re-encrypt each secret file in the encrypted folder (as these files are committed):

./ops/secrets --encrypt <filename>

Using Secrets

Never put passwords, keys, or secrets of any kind in application code. Instead, use the strategy outlined here:

  1. In the project root bcda-app/ directory, create a file called This file is ignored by git and will not be committed:
$ touch
  1. Edit to include the bash shebang and any necessary environment variables (see shared_files/decrypted/local.env as well as section titled 'Environment variables'). It should look like this after:
export BCDA_SSAS_CLIENT_ID="<clientID>"
export BCDA_SSAS_SECRET="<clientSecret>"
<other needed env vars>
  1. Source the file to add the variables to your local development environment:
$ source

Optionally, you can edit your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file to eliminate the need to source the file for each shell start by appending this line:

source [src-path]/bcda-app/

[src-path] is your relative path to the bcda-app repo.


Anyone committing to this repo must use the pre-commit hook to lower the likelihood that secrets will be exposed. You can install pre-commit using the MacOS package manager Homebrew below, or use installation options that can be found in the pre-commit documentation:

brew install pre-commit

Before you can install the hooks, you will need to manually install goimports::

go install

After that is installed, we can, install the hooks:

pre-commit install

This will download and install the pre-commit hooks specified in .pre-commit-config.yaml, which includes gitleaks for secret scanning and go-imports to ensure that any added, copied, or modified go files are formatted properly.

Go Modules

The project uses Go Modules allowing you to clone the repo outside of the $GOPATH. This also means that running go get inside the repo will add the dependency to the project, not globally.

Start the API

1. Build Images

Before we can run the application locally, we need to build the docker images and load the fixtures:

make docker-bootstrap

*Known Issue: If the swagger/documentation container fails to build or start, edit the makefile locally to remove documentation from the docker-bootstrap command line.

After that has completed successfully, we can start the containers:

docker compose up

2. Get a token

Once the containers are running, you will need to generate a set of credentials for an ACO so that you can get a token. The loaded fixtures will include some ACOs that have beneficiaries attributed to them already. The ACOs loaded in the previous step are A9994 and A9996, but you can also look in the application database to view and modify more.

ACO_CMS_ID=<> make credentials

This will generate a client ID and secret that can be used to acquire a token from the SSAS App:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3003/token' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--user '<clientid:secret>'

3. Make a request

After we successfully retrieve a token, we can make a request to any of the available endpoints. The PostMan collections under test/postman_test/... can be imported into postman directly and used to make requests, or you can use any tool like curl.

Run Tests

Prerequisite: Before running the tests and producing test metrics, you must complete the Build Images step from Start the API section.

1. Seed The Database

*Note make unit-test will automatically run the command below, so this step is not necessary if you'd like to just simply run the unit tests.

Spin up the Postgres container & run migrations:

$ make unit-test-db

If you are running any tests that require localstack, spin up localstack as well:

$ make unit-test-localstack

2. Source Environment Variables

Source the required environment variables from the ./.vscode/settings.json (under go.testEnvVars) and ./shared_files/decrypted/local.env.

NOTE: Since we're connecting to Postgres externally, we need to use the local host/port instead.

For vscode users, these variables are already by the workspace settings file (./.vscode/settings.json)

*Note: If this is the first time running the tests follow instructions in the 'Running unit tests locally' section of this README. Then run:

make load-fixtures

In order to keep the test feedback loop optimized, the following items must be handled by the caller (and are not handled by the test targets):

  • Ensuring the compose stack is up and running
  • Ensuring the database has been seeded
  • Managing images/containers (if Dockerfile changes have occurred, an image rebuild is required and won't occur as part of the test targets)

Test Containers

  1. Run golang linter and gosec:
make lint
  1. Run unit tests (this places results and a coverage report in test_results/):
make unit-test
  1. Run postman integration tests:
make postman env=local maintenanceMode=""
  1. Run smoke tests:
make smoke-test env=local maintenanceMode=""
  1. Run full test suite (executes all of items in 1-4 above):
make test
  1. Run performance tests (primarily to be utilized by Jenkins in AWS):
make performance-test

Update Database Seed Data

After the user has finished updating the Postgres database used for unit testing with the new data, the user can update the seed data by running the following comamnd:

make unit-test-db-snapshot

This script will update ./db/testing/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.pgdata file. This file is used to initialize the Postgres db with all of the necessary data needed for the various unit tests.

For more information on intialization, please see db/testing/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ This script is executed when the Postgres container is launched.

*Note: The updated dump.pgdata should be committed with the other associated changes.

Running Single / Single-file Unit Tests

This step assumes that the user has installed VSCode, the Go language extension available here, and has successfully imported test data to their local database.

To run tests from within VSCode: In a FILENAME_test.go file, there will be a green arrow to the left of the method name, and clicking this arrow will run a single test locally. Tests should not be dependent upon other tests, but if a known-good test is failing, the user can run all tests in a given file by going to View -> Command Palette -> Go: Test Package, which will run all tests in a given file. Alternatively, in some instances, the init() method can be commented out to enable testing of single functions.

Auto-generating mock implementations

Testify mocks can be automatically be generated using mockery. Installation and other runtime instructions can be found here. Mockery uses interfaces to generate the mocks. In the example below, the Repository interface in repository.go will be used to generate the mocks.


mockery --name Repository --inpackage --case snake

Environment variables

Configure the bcda and bcdaworker apps by setting the following environment variables.


BCDA_ERROR_LOG <file_path>
BCDA_REQUEST_LOG <file_path>
BCDA_BB_LOG <file_path>
BB_CLIENT_KEY_FILE <file_path>
FHIR_PAYLOAD_DIR <directory_path>
JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA <integer> (time in hours that JWT access tokens are valid for)


BCDA_BB_LOG <file_path>
BB_CLIENT_KEY_FILE <file_path>
FHIR_PAYLOAD_DIR <directory_path>
BB_TIMEOUT_MS <integer>

Container Interaction

You can use docker to run commands against the running containers.

Example: Use docker to look at the api database with psql.

docker run --rm --network bcda-app-net -it postgres psql -h bcda-app-db-1 -U postgres bcda

Example: See docker-compose.yml for the password.

Use docker to run the CLI against an API instance

docker exec -it bcda-app-api-1 sh -c 'bcda -h'

IDE Setup


Follow installing go + vscode setup guide. Additional settings found under .vscode/settings.json allow tests to be run within vscode.