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ipfixprobe - IPFIX flow exporter


This application creates biflows from packet input and exports them to output interface.


  • libatomic
  • kernel version at least 3.19 when using raw sockets input plugin enabled by default (disable with --without-raw parameter for ./configure)
  • libpcap when compiling with pcap plugin (--with-pcap parameter)
  • netcope-common COMBO cards when compiling with ndp plugin (--with-ndp parameter)
  • libunwind-devel when compiling with stack unwind on crash feature (--with-unwind parameter)
  • nemea when compiling with unirec output plugin (--with-nemea parameter)
  • cloned submodule with googletest framework to enabled optional tests (--with-gtest parameter)

To compile DPDK interfaces, make sure you have DPDK libraries (and development files) installed and set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if necessary. You can obtain the latest DPDK at Use --with-dpdk parameter of the configure script to enable it.

Build & Installation

Source codes

This project uses a standard process of:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ipfixprobe
autoreconf -i
sudo make install

Check ./configure --help for more details and settings.

RPM packages

RPM package can be created in the following versions using --with parameter of rpmbuild:

  • --with pcap enables RPM with pcap input plugin
  • --with ndp enables RPM with netcope-common, i.e., ndp input plugin
  • --with nemea enables RPM with unirec output plugin
  • --without raw disables RPM with default raw socket input plugin
  • --with unwind enables RPM with stack unwinding feature

These parameters affect required dependencies of the RPM and build process.

The default configuration of the RPM can be created using simply: make rpm

Alternative versions (described in the following section) can be created by:

  • NEMEA version of RPM: make rpm-nemea
  • NDP version of RPM: make rpm-ndp

We use COPR infrastructure to build and serve RPM packages for EPEL7 and EPEL8. It is not possible to pass arguments to rpmbuild, so there is an option in configure to enforce NEMEA dependency:

./configure --enable-coprrpm && make srpm

The output source RPM can be uploaded to copr.

To install ipfixprobe with NEMEA dependency from binary RPM packages, it is possible to follow instructions on:

Windows 10 CygWin

Install CygWin and the following packages:

  • git
  • pkg-config
  • make
  • automake
  • autoconf
  • libtool
  • binutils
  • gcc-core
  • gcc-g++
  • libunwind-devel

Download npcap SDK and copy content of the Include folder to /usr/include folder in your cygwin root installation folder (C:\cygwin64\usr\include for example). Then copy files of the Lib folder to /lib folder (or Lib/x64/ based on your architecture).

Download npcap library and install.

Add the following line to the ~/.bashrc file

export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/Npcap:$PATH"

Build project using commands in previous sections. Tested on cygwin version 2.908

Input / Output of the flow exporter

Input and output interfaces are dependent on the configuration (by configure). The default setting uses raw sockets input plugin and the output is in IPFIX format only.

When the project is configured with ./configure --with-nemea, the flow exporter supports NEMEA output via TRAP IFC besides the default IPFIX output. For more information about NEMEA, visit

The flow exporter supports compilation with libpcap (./configure --with-pcap), which allows for receiving packets from PCAP file or network interface card.

When the project is configured with ./configure --with-ndp, it is prepared for high-speed packet transfer from special HW acceleration FPGA cards. For more information about the cards, visit COMBO cards or contact us.


There are several currently available output plugins, such as:

The output flow records are composed of information provided by the enabled plugins (using -p parameter, see Flow Data Extension - Processing Plugins).

See ipfixprobe -h output for more information and complete list of output plugins and their parameters.

LZ4 compression: ipfix plugin supports LZ4 compression algorithm over tcp. See plugin's help for more information.


Module specific parameters

  • -i ARGS Activate input plugin (-h input for help)
  • -s ARGS Activate storage plugin (-h storage for help)
  • -o ARGS Activate output plugin (-h output for help)
  • -p ARGS Activate processing plugin (-h process for help)
  • -q SIZE Size of queue between input and storage plugins
  • -b SIZE Size of input queue packet block
  • -Q SIZE Size of queue between storage and output plugins
  • -B SIZE Size of packet buffer
  • -f NUM Export max flows per second
  • -c SIZE Quit after number of packets are processed on each interface
  • -P FILE Create pid file
  • -t PATH Mount point of AppFs telemetry directory
  • -d Run as a standalone process
  • -h [PLUGIN] Print help text. Supported help for input, storage, output and process plugins
  • -V Show version and exit


Printing general help is done using the -h parameter. To print help for specific plugins, -h with parameter is used. This parameter accepts input, storage, process, output or name of a plugin (or path to a .so file with plugin).


Here are the examples of various plugins usage:

# Capture from wlp2s0 interface using raw sockets, print flows to console
./ipfixprobe -i 'raw;ifc=wlp2s0' -o 'text'

# Capture from wlp2s0 interface and scale packet processing using 2 instances of plugins, send flow to ifpfix collector using UDP
./ipfixprobe -i 'raw;ifc=wlp2s0;f' -i 'raw;ifc=wlp2s0;f' -o 'ipfix;u;;port=4739'

# Capture from a COMBO card using ndp plugin, sends ipfix data to using TCP by default
./ipfixprobe -i 'ndp;dev=/dev/nfb0:0' -i 'ndp;dev=/dev/nfb0:1' -i 'ndp;dev=/dev/nfb0:2'

# Capture from eth0 interface using pcap plugin, split biflows into flows and prints them to console without mac addresses, telemetry data are exposed via the appFs library in /var/run/ipfixprobe directory
./ipfixprobe -i 'pcap;ifc=eth0' -s 'cache;split' -o 'text;m' -t /var/run/ipfixprobe

# Read packets from pcap file, enable 4 processing plugins, sends L7 HTTP extended biflows to unirec interface named `http` and data from 3 other plugins to the `stats` interface
./ipfixprobe -i 'pcap;file=pcaps/http.pcap' -p http -p pstats -p idpcontent -p phists -o 'unirec;i=u:http:timeout=WAIT,u:stats:timeout=WAIT;p=http,(pstats,phists,idpcontent)'

# Read packets using DPDK input interface and 1 DPDK queue, enable plugins for basic statistics, http and tls, output to IPFIX on a local machine
# DPDK EAL parameters are passed in `e, eal` parameters
# DPDK plugin configuration has to be specified in the first input interface.
# The following `dpdk` interfaces are given without parameters; their configuration is inherited from the first one.
# Example for the queue of 3 DPDK input plugins (q=3):
`./ipfixprobe -i "dpdk;p=0;q=3;e=-c 0x1 -a  <[domain:]bus:devid.func>" -i dpdk -i dpdk -p http "-p" bstats -p tls -o "ipfix;h="`

# Same example for the multiport read from ports 0 and 1, note comma separated ports:
`./ipfixprobe -i "dpdk;p=0,1;q=3;e=-c 0x1 -a  <[domain:]bus:devid.func>" -i dpdk -i dpdk -p http "-p" bstats -p tls -o "ipfix;h="`

# Read packets using DPDK input interface as secondary process with shared memory (DPDK rings) - in this case, 4 DPDK rings are used
`./ipfixprobe -i 'dpdk-ring;r=rx_ipfixprobe_0;e= --proc-type=secondary' -i 'dpdk-ring;r=rx_ipfixprobe_1' -i 'dpdk-ring;r=rx_ipfixprobe_2' -i 'dpdk-ring;r=rx_ipfixprobe_3' -o 'text'`


ipfixprobe can expose telemetry data using the appFs library, which leverages the fuse3 library (filesystem in userspace) to allow telemetry data to be accessed and manipulated through standard filesystem operations.

Flow Data Extension - Processing Plugins

ipfixprobe can be extended by new plugins for exporting various new information from flow. There are already some existing plugins that export e.g. DNS, HTTP, SIP, NTP, PassiveDNS.

To enable a plugin, add -p option with argument (it can be used multiple times). Each plugin provides a set of information described in section Output data.

See ipfixprobe -h process for more information and complete list of processing plugins and their parameters.

Adding new plugin

To create new plugin use process/ script. This interactive script will generate .cpp and .h file template and will also print TODO guide what needs to be done.

Possible issues

Flows are not send to output interface when reading small pcap file (NEMEA output)

Turn off message buffering using buffer=off option and set timeout=WAIT on output interfaces.

./ipfixprobe -i 'pcap;file=traffic.pcap' -o 'unirec;i=u:out:timeout=WAIT:buffer=off'

Output data

The following sections describe set of information fields provided by the processing plugins. The columns Output field and Type represent the name and type of UniRec elements (NEMEA output); however, the equivalent fields are exported in other output plugins as well --- e.g., in IPFIX format.

Note: to lookup IPFIX enterprise id and element id have a look into header file with the mapping to IPFIX elements.


Basic unirec fields exported on interface with basic (pseudo) plugin. These fields are also exported on interfaces where HTTP, DNS, SIP and NTP plugins are active.

Output field Type Description
DST_MAC macaddr destination MAC address
SRC_MAC macaddr source MAC address
DST_IP ipaddr destination IP address
SRC_IP ipaddr source IP address
BYTES uint64 number of bytes in data flow (src to dst)
BYTES_REV uint64 number of bytes in data flow (dst to src)
LINK_BIT_FIELD or ODID uint64 or uint32 exporter identification
TIME_FIRST time first time stamp
TIME_LAST time last time stamp
PACKETS uint32 number of packets in data flow (src to dst)
PACKETS_REV uint32 number of packets in data flow (dst to src)
DST_PORT uint16 transport layer destination port
SRC_PORT uint16 transport layer source port
DIR_BIT_FIELD uint8 bit field for determining outgoing/incoming traffic
PROTOCOL uint8 transport protocol
TCP_FLAGS uint8 TCP protocol flags (src to dst)
TCP_FLAGS_REV uint8 TCP protocol flags (dst to src)

Basic plus

List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by basicplus plugin. Fields without _REV suffix are fields from source flow. Fields with _REV are from the opposite direction.

Output field Type Description
IP_TTL uint8 IP TTL field
IP_TTL_REV uint8 IP TTL field
TCP_WIN uint16 TCP window size
TCP_WIN_REV uint16 TCP window size
TCP_OPT uint64 TCP options bitfield
TCP_OPT_REV uint64 TCP options bitfield
TCP_MSS uint32 TCP maximum segment size
TCP_MSS_REV uint32 TCP maximum segment size
TCP_SYN_SIZE uint16 TCP SYN packet size


List of unirec fields exported together with NetTiSA flow fields on interface by nettisa plugin.

Output field Type Description
NTS_MEAN float The mean of the payload lengths of packets
NTS_MIN uint16 Minimal value from all packet payload lengths
NTS_MAX uint16 Maximum value from all packet payload lengths
NTS_STDEV float Represents a switching ratio between different values of the sequence of observation.
NTS_KURTOSIS float The standard deviation is measure of the variation of data from the mean.
NTS_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE float The measure of the magnitude of payload lengths of packets.
NTS_AVERAGE_DISPERSION float The average absolute difference between each payload length of packet and the mean value.
NTS_MEAN_SCALED_TIME float The kurtosis is the measure describing the extent to which the tails of a distribution differ from the tails of a normal distribution.
NTS_MEAN_DIFFTIMES float The scaled times is defined as sequence ${st} = { t_1 - t_1, t_2 - t_1, \dots, t_n - t_1 }$. We compute the mean of the value with same method as for feature \textit{Mean}.
NTS_MIN_DIFFTIMES float The time differences is defined as sequence $ {dt} = { t_j - t_i | j = i + 1, i \in {1, 2, \dots, n - 1}}$. We compute the mean of the value with same method as for feature \textit{Mean}.
NTS_MAX_DIFFTIMES float Minimal value from all time differences, i.e., min space between packets.
NTS_TIME_DISTRIBUTION float Maximum value from all time differences, i.e., max space between packets.
NTS_SWITCHING_RATIO float Describes the distribution of time differences between individual packets.


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by HTTP plugin.

Output field Type Description
HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD string HTTP request method
HTTP_REQUEST_HOST string HTTP request host
HTTP_REQUEST_URL string HTTP request url
HTTP_REQUEST_AGENT string HTTP request user agent
HTTP_REQUEST_REFERER string HTTP request referer
HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE string HTTP response content type
HTTP_RESPONSE_SERVER string HTTP response server
HTTP_RESPONSE_SET_COOKIE_NAMES string HTTP response all set-cookie names separated by a delimiter


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by RTSP plugin.

Output field Type Description
RTSP_REQUEST_METHOD string RTSP request method name
RTSP_REQUEST_AGENT string RTSP request user agent
RTSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE uint16 RTSP response status code
RTSP_RESPONSE_SERVER string RTSP response server field
RTSP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE string RTSP response content type


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by TLS plugin.

Output field Type Description
TLS_SNI string TLS server name indication field from client
TLS_ALPN string TLS application protocol layer negotiation field from server
TLS_VERSION uint16 TLS client protocol version
TLS_JA3 string TLS client JA3 fingerprint
TLS_EXT_TYPE uint16* TLS extensions in the TLS Client Hello
TLS_EXT_LEN uint16* Length of each TLS extension


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by DNS plugin.

Output field Type Description
DNS_ID uint16 transaction ID
DNS_ANSWERS uint16 number of DNS answer records
DNS_RCODE uint8 response code field
DNS_NAME string question domain name
DNS_QTYPE uint16 question type field
DNS_CLASS uint16 class field of DNS question
DNS_RR_TTL uint32 resource record TTL field
DNS_RLENGTH uint16 length of DNS_RDATA
DNS_RDATA bytes resource record specific data
DNS_PSIZE uint16 requestor's payload size
DNS_DO uint8 DNSSEC OK bit

DNS_RDATA format

DNS_RDATA formatting is implemented for some base DNS RR Types in human-readable output. Same as here:

Record Format
A <IPv4 in dotted decimal representation>
AAAA <IPv6 represented as groups separated by semicolons>
NS <parsed hostname>
CNAME <parsed hostname>
PTR <parsed hostname>
DNAME <parsed hostname>
SOA <mname> <rname> <serial> <refresh> <retry> <expire> <min ttl>
SRV <service> <protocol> <name> <target> <priority> <weight> <port>
MX <priority> <mx hostname>
TXT <txt string>
MINFO <rmailbx> <emailbx>
HINFO <txt string>
ISDN <txt string>
DS <keytag> <algorithm> <digest> <publickey>*
RRSIG <type_covered> <algorithm> <labels> <original_ttl> <signature_exp> <signature_inc> <keytag> <signer_signature>*
DNSKEY <flags> <protocol> <algorithm> <publickey>*
other <not impl>*

* binary data are skipped and not printed


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by PassiveDNS plugin.

Output field Type Description
DNS_ID uint16 transaction ID
DNS_ATYPE uint8 response record type
DNS_NAME string question domain name
DNS_RR_TTL uint32 resource record TTL field
DNS_IP ipaddr IP address from PTR, A or AAAA record


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by MQTT plugin.

Output field Type Description
MQTT_TYPE_CUMULATIVE uint16 types of packets and session present flag cumulative
MQTT_VERSION uint8 MQTT version
MQTT_CONNECTION_FLAGS uint8 last CONNECT packet flags
MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE uint16 last CONNECT keep alive
MQTT_PUBLISH_FLAGS uint8 cumulative of PUBLISH packet flags
MQTT_TOPICS string topics from PUBLISH packets headers


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by SIP plugin.

Output field Type Description
SIP_MSG_TYPE uint16 SIP message code
SIP_STATUS_CODE uint16 status of the SIP request
SIP_CSEQ string CSeq field of SIP packet
SIP_CALLING_PARTY string calling party (from) URI
SIP_CALLED_PARTY string called party (to) URI
SIP_CALL_ID string call ID
SIP_USER_AGENT string user agent field of SIP packet
SIP_REQUEST_URI string SIP request URI
SIP_VIA string via field of SIP packet


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by NTP plugin.

Output field Type Description
NTP_LEAP uint8 NTP leap field
NTP_VERSION uint8 NTP message version
NTP_MODE uint8 NTP mode field
NTP_STRATUM uint8 NTP stratum field
NTP_POLL uint8 NTP poll interval
NTP_PRECISION uint8 NTP precision field
NTP_DELAY uint32 NTP root delay
NTP_DISPERSION uint32 NTP root dispersion
NTP_REF_ID string NTP reference ID
NTP_REF string NTP reference timestamp
NTP_ORIG string NTP origin timestamp
NTP_RECV string NTP receive timestamp
NTP_SENT string NTP transmit timestamp


List of unirec fields exported on interface by SMTP plugin

Output field Type Description
SMTP_2XX_STAT_CODE_COUNT uint32 number of 2XX status codes
SMTP_3XX_STAT_CODE_COUNT uint32 number of 3XX status codes
SMTP_4XX_STAT_CODE_COUNT uint32 number of 4XX status codes
SMTP_5XX_STAT_CODE_COUNT uint32 number of 5XX status codes
SMTP_COMMAND_FLAGS uint32 bit array of commands present
SMTP_MAIL_CMD_COUNT uint32 number of MAIL commands
SMTP_RCPT_CMD_COUNT uint32 number of RCPT commands
SMTP_STAT_CODE_FLAGS uint32 bit array of status codes present
SMTP_DOMAIN string domain name of the SMTP client
SMTP_FIRST_SENDER string first sender in MAIL command
SMTP_FIRST_RECIPIENT string first recipient in RCPT command


The following table shows bit values of SMTP\_COMMAND\_FLAGS for each SMTP command present in communication.

Command Value
EHLO 0x0001
HELO 0x0002
MAIL 0x0004
RCPT 0x0008
DATA 0x0010
RSET 0x0020
VRFY 0x0040
EXPN 0x0080
HELP 0x0100
NOOP 0x0200
QUIT 0x0400
UNKNOWN 0x8000


The following table shows bit values of SMTP\_STAT_CODE\_FLAGS for each present in communication.

Status code Value
211 0x00000001
214 0x00000002
220 0x00000004
221 0x00000008
250 0x00000010
251 0x00000020
252 0x00000040
354 0x00000080
421 0x00000100
450 0x00000200
451 0x00000400
452 0x00000800
455 0x00001000
500 0x00002000
501 0x00004000
502 0x00008000
503 0x00010000
504 0x00020000
550 0x00040000
551 0x00080000
552 0x00100000
553 0x00200000
554 0x00400000
555 0x00800000
* 0x40000000
UNKNOWN 0x80000000
  • Bit is set if answer contains SPAM keyword.


List of unirec fields exported on interface by PSTATS plugin. The plugin is compiled to gather statistics for the first PSTATS_MAXELEMCOUNT (30 by default) packets in the biflow record. Note: the following fields are UniRec arrays (or basicList in IPFIX).

Output field Type Description
PPI_PKT_LENGTHS uint16* sizes of the first packets
PPI_PKT_TIMES time* timestamps of the first packets
PPI_PKT_DIRECTIONS int8* directions of the first packets
PPI_PKT_FLAGS uint8* TCP flags for each packet

Plugin parameters:

  • includezeros - Include zero-length packets in the lists.
  • skipdup - Skip retransmitted (duplicated) TCP packets.
ipfixprobe 'pcap;file=pcaps/http.pcap' -p "pstats;includezeros" -o 'unirec;i=u:stats:timeout=WAIT;p=stats'"


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by OSQUERY plugin.

Output field Type Description
PROGRAM_NAME string The name of the program that handles the connection
USERNAME string The name of the user who starts the process
OS_NAME string Distribution or product name
OS_MAJOR uint16 Major release version
OS_MINOR uint16 Minor release version
OS_BUILD string Optional build-specific or variant string
OS_PLATFORM string OS Platform or ID
OS_PLATFORM_LIKE string Closely related platforms
OS_ARCH string OS Architecture
KERNEL_VERSION string Kernel version
SYSTEM_HOSTNAME string Network hostname including domain


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by SSDP plugin.

Output field Type Description
SSDP_LOCATION_PORT uint16 service port
SSDP_NT string list of advertised service urns
SSDP_SERVER string server info
SSDP_ST string list of queried service urns
SSDP_USER_AGENT string list of user agents

All lists are semicolon separated.


List of unirec fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by DNS-SD plugin.

Output field Type Description
DNSSD_QUERIES string list of queries for services
DNSSD_RESPONSES string list of advertised services

Format of DNSSD_QUERIES: [service_instance_name;][...]

Format of DNSSD_RESPONSES: [service_instance_name;service_port;service_target;hinfo;txt;][...]

Plugin parameters:

  • txt - Activates processing of txt records.
    • Allows to pass a filepath to .csv file with whitelist filter of txt records.
    • File line format: service.domain,txt_key1,txt_key2,...
    • If no filepath is provided, all txt records will be aggregated.


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by OVPN plugin.

Output field Type Description
OVPN_CONF_LEVEL uint8 level of confidence that the flow record is an OpenVPN tunnel

IDPContent (Initial Data Packets Content)

List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on the interface by IDPContent plugin. The plugin is compiled to export IDPCONTENT_SIZE (100 by default) bytes from the first data packet in SRC -> DST direction, and the first data packet in DST -> SRC direction.

Output field Type Description
IDP_CONTENT bytes Content of first data packet from SRC -> DST
IDP_CONTENT_REV bytes Content of first data packet from DST -> SRC


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by NetBIOS plugin.

Output field Type Description
NB_NAME string NetBIOS Name Service name
NB_SUFFIX uint8 NetBIOS Name Service suffix


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on the interface by PHISTS plugin. The plugin exports the histograms of Payload sizes and Inter-Packet-Times for each direction. The histograms bins are scaled logarithmicaly and are shown in following table:

Bin Number Size Len Inter Packet Time
1 0-15 B 0-15 ms
2 16-31 B 16-31 ms
3 32-63 B 32-63 ms
4 64-127 B 64-127 ms
5 128-255 B 128-255 ms
6 256-511 B 256-511 ms
7 512-1023 B 512-1023 ms
8 > 1024 B > 1024 ms

The exported unirec fields and IPFIX basiclists is shown in following table:

Output field Type Description
D_PHISTS_IPT uint32* DST->SRC: Histogram of interpacket times
D_PHISTS_SIZES uint32* DST->SRC: Histogram of packet sizes
S_PHISTS_IPT uint32* SRC->DST: Histogram of interpacket times
S_PHISTS_SIZES uint32* SRC->DST: Histogram of packet sizes

Plugin parameters:

  • includezeros - Include zero-length packets in the lists.
ipfixprobe 'pcap;file=pcaps/http.pcap' -p "phists;includezeros" -o 'unirec;i=u:hists:timeout=WAIT;p=phists'"


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on the interface by BSTATS plugin. The plugin is compiled to export the first BSTATS_MAXELENCOUNT (15 by default) burst in each direction. The bursts are computed separately for each direction. Burst is defined by MINIMAL_PACKETS_IN_BURST (3 by default) and by MAXIMAL_INTERPKT_TIME (1000 ms by default) between packets to be included in a burst. When the flow contains less then MINIMAL_PACKETS_IN_BURST packets, the fields are not exported to reduce output bandwidth.

Output field Type Description
SBI_BRST_PACKETS uint32* SRC->DST: Number of packets transmitted in ith burst
SBI_BRST_BYTES uint32* SRC->DST: Number of bytes transmitted in ith burst
SBI_BRST_TIME_START time* SRC->DST: Start time of the ith burst
SBI_BRST_TIME_STOP time* SRC->DST: End time of the ith burst
DBI_BRST_PACKETS uint32* DST->SRC: Number of packets transmitted in ith burst
DBI_BRST_BYTES uint32* DST->SRC: Number of bytes transmitted in ith burst
DBI_BRST_TIME_START time* DST->SRC: Start time of the ith burst
DBI_BRST_TIME_STOP time* DST->SRC: End time of the ith burst

WG (WireGuard)

List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by WG plugin.

Output field Type Description
WG_CONF_LEVEL uint8 level of confidence that the flow record is a WireGuard tunnel
WG_SRC_PEER uint32 ephemeral SRC peer identifier
WG_DST_PEER uint32 ephemeral DST peer identifier


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by quic plugin. -with-quic-ch-full-tls-ext enables extraction of all TLS extensions in the Client Hello.

Output field Type Description
QUIC_SNI string Decrypted server name
QUIC_USER_AGENT string Decrypted user agent
QUIC_VERSION uint32 QUIC version from first server long header packets
QUIC_CLIENT_VERSION uint32 QUIC version from first client long header packet
QUIC_TOKEN_LENGTH uint64 Token length from Initial and Retry packets
QUIC_OCCID bytes Source Connection ID from first client packet
QUIC_OSCID bytes Destination Connection ID from first client packet
QUIC_SCID bytes Source Connection ID from first server packet
QUIC_RETRY_SCID bytes Source Connection ID from Retry packet
QUIC_MULTIPLEXED uint8 > 0 if multiplexed (at least two different QUIC_OSCIDs or SNIs)
QUIC_ZERO_RTT uint8 Number of 0-RTT packets in flow.
QUIC_SERVER_PORT uint16 TODO Server Port determined by packet type and TLS message
QUIC_PACKETS uint8* QUIC long header packet type (v1 encoded), version negotiation, QUIC bit
QUIC_CH_PARSED uint8 >0 if TLS Client Hello parsed without errors
QUIC_TLS_EXT_TYPE uint16* TLS extensions in the TLS Client Hello
QUIC_TLS_EXT_LEN uint16* Length of each TLS extension
QUIC_TLS_EXT string Payload of all/application_layer_protocol_negotiation and quic_transport params TLS extension


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by icmp plugin.

Output field Type Description
L4_ICMP_TYPE_CODE uint16 ICMP type (MSB) and code (LSB)


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by ssadetector plugin. The detector search for the SYN SYN-ACK ACK pattern in packet lengths. Multiple occurrences of this pattern suggest a tunneled connection.

Output field Type Description
SSA_CONF_LEVEL uint8 1 if SSA sequence detected, 0 otherwise


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on the interface by VLAN plugin.

Output field Type Description
VLAN_ID uint16 Vlan ID (used in flow key)

Flow Hash

List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by flow_hash plugin.

Output field Type Description
FLOW_ID uint64 Hash of the flow - unique flow id


List of fields exported together with basic flow fields on interface by mpls plugin.

Output field Type Description
MPLS_TOP_LABEL_STACK_SECTION bytes MPLS label section (without TTL), always 3 bytes

Simplified function diagram

Diagram below shows how ipfixprobe works.

  1. Packet is read from pcap file or network interface
  2. Packet is processed by PcapReader and is about to put to flow cache
  3. Flow cache create or update flow and call pre_create, post_create, pre_update, post_update and pre_export functions for each active plugin at appropriate time
  4. Flow is put into exporter when considered as expired, flow cache is full or is forced to by a plugin
  5. Exporter fills unirec record, which is then send it to output libtrap interface
       | pcap file or network interface |
          1. |
             |                                  +-----+
    +--------v---------+                              |
    |                  |             +-----------+    |
    |    PcapReader    |      +------>  Plugin1  |    |
    |                  |      |      +-----------+    |
    +--------+---------+      |                       |
             |                |      +-----------+    |
          2. |                +------>  Plugin2  |    |
             |                |      +-----------+    |
    +--------v---------+      |                       |
    |                  |  3.  |      +-----------+    +----+ active plugins
    |   NHTFlowCache   +------------->  Plugin3  |    |
    |                  |      |      +-----------+    |
    +--------+---------+      |                       |
             |                |            .          |
          4. |                |            .          |
             |                |            .          |
    +--------v---------+      |                       |
    |                  |      |      +-----------+    |
    |  UnirecExporter  |      +------>  PluginN  |    |
    |                  |             +-----------+    |
    +--------+---------+                              |
             |                                  +-----+
          5. |
       |    libtrap output interface    |