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Version 4.4.0

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@zuo zuo released this 23 Nov 20:56
· 7 commits to master since this release

Features and Notable Changes

  • [data sources, config] Added support for the shadowserver.msmq source (just by adding the parser for it, as there already exists one common collector for all shadowserver.* sources).

  • [data sources, config] Removed support for the following sources: and (removed both collectors and parsers!) as well as shadowserver.modbus (removed just this source's parser).

  • [data sources] The parsers for the dataplane.* sources have been changed to support the current data format (there was a need to change the delimiter and the row parsing mechanism...).

  • [data sources] The collector for the abuse-ch.ssl-blacklist source (implemented in n6datasources.collectors.abuse_ch as the class named AbuseChSslBlacklistCollector) used to be able to load the collector state in a legacy format related to the value of the class attribute row_time_legacy_state_key -- that format is no longer supported, as the base class _BaseAbuseChDownloadingTimeOrderedRowsCollect no longer makes use of that attribute. Note: these changes are relevant and breaking only if you need to load your collector state in that old format -- almost certainly you do not.

  • [data sources] A new processing mechanism has been added to numerous existing parsers for shadowserver.* sources (by enhancing the _BaseShadowserverParser class, defined in the n6datasources.parsers.shadowserver module) -- concerning events categorized as "amplifier". The mechanism is activated when a CVE-...-like-regex-based match is found in the tag field of the input data -- then the parser, apart from yielding an event (hereinafter referred to as a basic event) with category set to "amplifier", also yields an extra event -- which is identical to the basic one, except that its category is set to "vulnerable" and its name is set to the regex-matched value (which is, basically, the CVE identifier). Because of that, name and category should no longer be declared as parser's constant_items, so now _BaseShadowserverParser provides support for additional_standard_items (which is a parser class's attribute similar to constant_items). For relevant parser classes, the name and category items have been moved from their constant_items to their additional_standard_items.

  • [data sources] Now the generic *.misp collector supports loading state also in its legacy Python-2-specific format.

  • [data sources, data pipeline, lib] A new restriction (implemented in n6lib.data_spec.fields, concerning the IPv4FieldForN6 and AddressFieldForN6 classes) is that, from now on, the zero IP address ( is neither a valid component IP within a record dict's address (i.e., its items' ip) or enriched (i.e., keys in the mapping being its second item), nor a valid value of a record dict's dip. Note that this restriction regards all parsers and most of the other data pipeline components (via the machinery of n6lib.record_dict.RecordDict et consortes...).

  • [data pipeline] The name of the AMQP input queue declared by n6enrich has been changed (!) from enrichement to enrichment.

  • [data pipeline] The n6enrich pipeline component (implemented in n6datapipeline.enrich): from now on, the zero IP address (, irrespective of its exact formatting (i.e., regardless whether some octets are formatted with redundant leading zeros), is no longer taken into account when IPs are extracted from urls, and when fqdns are resolved to IPs.

  • [data pipeline, event db, config] From now on, when n6recorder, during its activity (i.e., within Recorder.input_callback()...), encounters an exception which represents a database/DB API error (i.e., an instance of a MySQLdb.MySQLError subclass, possibly wrapped in (an) SQLAlchemy-specific exception(s)...) whose error code (i.e., <exception>.args[0] being an int, if any) indicates a fatal condition -- then a SystemExit(<appropriate message>) is raised, so that the AMQP input message is requeued and the n6recorder executable script exits with a non-zero status. The set of error codes which are considered fatal (i.e. which trigger this behavior) is configurable -- by setting the fatal_db_api_error_codes configuration option in the recorder section; by default, that set includes only one value: 1021 (i.e., the ERR_DISK_FULL code -- see:

  • [portal, rest api, stream api, data pipeline, lib] A security-related behavioral fix has been applied to the event access rights and event ownership machinery (implemented in n6lib.auth_api...): from now on, IP-network-based access or ownership criteria (those stored in the criteria_ip_network and inside_filter_ip_network tables of Auth DB) referring to networks that contain the zero IP address ( are translated to IP address ranges whose lower bound is (in other words, is excluded). Thanks to that, events without ip are no longer erroneously considered as matching such IP-network-based criteria. In practice, from the security point of view, the fix is most important when it comes to Portal and REST API (considering that those components query Event DB, in whose records the absence of an IP is, for certain technical reasons, represented by the value 0 rather than NULL). For other involved components, i.e., n6filter and n6anonymizer/Stream API, the security risk was rather small or non-existent. Note: as the fix is also related to n6filter, it affects values of min_ip in the inside_criteria part of the JSON returned by the Portal API's endpoint /info/config; they are displayed by the Portal's GUI in the Account information view, below the IP network filter label -- as IP ranges' lower bounds.

  • [portal, rest api, lib] A behavioral fix related to the one described above (yet, this time, not related to security) has been applied to the procedure of translation of the request parameter to the corresponding fragment of Event DB queries (see: the ip_net_query() method of n6lib.db_events.n6NormalizedData...): from now on, each value that refers to a network which contains the zero IP address ( is translated to an IP address range whose lower bound is (in other words, is excluded); thanks to that, events with no ip are no longer erroneously included in such cases.

  • [portal, rest api, lib] A new restriction (implemented in n6lib.data_spec.fields, concerning the IPv4FieldForN6 and AddressFieldForN6 classes) is that the zero IP address ( is no longer a valid value of the ip and dip request parameters received by REST API's endpoints and analogous Portal API's endpoints. Also, regarding the Portal's GUI, the front-end validation part related to the IP search parameter has been appropriately adjusted.

  • [portal, rest api, lib] The mechanism of result data cleaning (implemented as a part of a certain non-public stuff invoked in n6lib.data_spec.N6DataSpec.clean_result_dict()) has been enhanced in such a way that the address field of cleaned result dicts no longer includes any items with ip equal to the zero IP address (, i.e., they are filtered out even if they appear in some Event DB records (they could when it comes to legacy data). Note that it is complemented by the already existing mechanism of removing from raw result dicts any ip and dip fields whose values are equal to the zero IP address (see: n6lib.db_events.make_raw_result_dict()...).

  • [test rest api, config, lib] n6lib.generate_test_events: several changes and enhancements regarding the RandomEvent class have been made, including backward incompatible additions/removals/modifications of options defined by its config spec, affecting the way the optional test REST API application (provided by n6web.main_test_api et consortes...) is configured using generator_rest_api.* options... Also, most of the RandomEvent's configuration-related stuff has been factored out to a new mixin class, RandomEventGeneratorConfigMixin.


  • [data sources, data pipeline, config, etc/docker] Added, fixed, changed and removed several config prototype (*.conf) files in the directories: N6DataSources/n6datasources/data/conf/, N6DataPipeline/n6datapipeline/data/conf/ and etc/n6/. Note: for some of them, manual adjustments in user's actual configuration files are required (see the relevant comments in those files...).

  • [setup, lib] N6Lib's dependencies: changed the version of dnspython from 1.16 to 2.4. Also, added a new dependency, importlib_resources, with version locked as >=5.12, <5.13.

  • [setup, data pipeline] N6DataPipeline's dependencies: temporarily locked the version of intelmq as <3.2.


  • [data pipeline] n6datapipeline.enrich.Enricher: renamed the url_to_fqdn_or_ip() method to url_to_hostname(), and changed its interface regarding the return value: now it is always either a non-empty str or None.

  • [lib] n6lib.common_helpers and n6sdk.encoding_helpers: renamed the try_to_normalize_surrogate_pairs_to_proper_codepoints() function to replace_surrogate_pairs_with_proper_codepoints().

  • [lib] Removed three functions from n6lib.common_helpers: is_ipv4(), is_pure_ascii() and lower_if_pure_ascii().

  • [lib] n6lib.db_events: removed IPAddress's constant attributes NONE and NONE_STR (instead of them use the n6lib.const's constants LACK_OF_IPv4_PLACEHOLDER_AS_INT and LACK_OF_IPv4_PLACEHOLDER_AS_STR).

  • [lib] n6lib.record_dict: removed RecordDict's constant attribute setitem_key_to_target_key (together with some internal experimental mechanism based on it...).

  • [lib] n6lib.url_helpers: changed normalize_url()'s signature and behavior...

  • [tests] n6datasources.tests.parsers._parser_test_mixin.ParserTestMixin (and all inheriting parser test classes): added checking that if the parser's default_binding_key includes the raw format version tag segment then that segment matches the test class's attribute PARSER_RAW_FORMAT_VERSION_TAG.

Less Notable Changes and Fixes

  • [data sources] Added missing re.ASCII flag to regex definitions in a few parsers: sblam.spam, spamhaus.drop and spamhaus.edrop (the lack of that flag caused that the affected regexes were too broad...).

  • [data sources, config] Restored, in the ShadowserverMailCollector section of the N6DataSources/n6datasources/data/conf/60_shadowserver.conf config prototype file, the (mistakenly deleted) "Poland Netcore/Netis Router Vulnerability Scan":"netis" item of the subject_to_channel mapping.

  • [data pipeline] n6enrich: fixed a few bugs concerning extraction of the hostname being a domain name (to become fqdn) or an IP address (to become ip in address...) from url. Those bugs caused that, for certain (rather uncommon) cases of malformed or untypical URLs, whole events were rejected (because of an exception), or (only for some cases and only if the Python's assertion-removal optimization mode was in effect) the resultant event's enriched field erroneously included the "fqdn" marker whereas fqdn was not successfully extracted from url.

  • [data pipeline] Fixed n6anonymizer: now output bodies produced by the _get_result_dicts_and_output_body() method of n6datapipeline.aux.anonymizer.Anonymizer are of the proper type (bytes)...

  • [admin panel] Fixed a RIPE search-related bug in the Admin Panel (in N6AdminPanel/n6adminpanel/static/lookup_api_handler.js -- in the RipePopupBase._getListsOfSeparatePersonOrOrgData() function where the initial empty list was inadvertently added to the resultList, leading to duplicate data entries in certain cases; this update ensures that a new currentList is only added to resultList upon encountering a valid separator and if it contains any data, preventing the addition of an empty initial list and the duplication of the first data set).

  • [admin panel, lib] Extended the scope of data obtained from RIPE and displayed in the Admin Panel -- thanks to adding an org-key-based search feature to the n6lib.ripe_api_client.RIPEApiClient, which enables it to perform additional searches when encountering the org key; the enhancement allows for the retrieval and integration of organization-specific results into the existing data set (broadening the overall search capabilities).

  • [etc/docker] Replaced expired test/example certificates.

  • [data sources, data pipeline, portal, setup, config, cli, lib, tests, etc/docker, docs] Various additions, fixes, changes, enhancements as well as some cleanups and code modernization/refactoring.


  • [lib] n6lib.common_helpers: from now on, the ip_network_tuple_to_min_max_ip() function (also available via n6sdk.encoding_helpers) accepts an optional flag argument, force_min_ip_greater_than_zero.

  • [lib] n6lib.common_helpers: added the as_str_with_minimum_esc() function (also available via n6sdk.encoding_helpers).

  • [lib] n6lib.const: added the LACK_OF_IPv4_PLACEHOLDER_AS_INT (equal to 0) and LACK_OF_IPv4_PLACEHOLDER_AS_STR (equal to "") constants.

  • [lib, tests] n6lib.unit_test_helpers: added to TestCaseMixin a new helper method, raise_exc().

  • [lib] Various additions, changes and removals regarding experimental code.